Saturday, June 26, 2021

American Justice ala Black Lives Matter

American Justice ala Black Lives Matter

 Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and three other inter-racial police officers were restraining George Floyd, a petty and sometimes violent criminal and junkie, who was high on fentanyl and others drugs last May, when Floyd died with Chauvin’s knee on his neck.  No one excuses Chauvin’s excessive use of force with Floyd, who was exhibiting the disabling effects of the drugs in his system after his violent, drug fueled, resistance to arrest.

 The whole American world literally went wild as a result of George Floyd’s widely publicized death.  Floyd was immediately elevated to martyrdom, and his violence, his criminal and drug use record erased and forgotten.  He was cast as an innocent black man murdered by a racist white cop.

 Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa”, aided by the left-wing democrats and their biased media accomplices, turned many American cities governed by leftist mayors, into lawless shooting galleries and infernos.  Police were defunded and emasculated, citing anti-black, racist police actions for the anarchic chaos in our cities.  Of course, this resulted in more, black on black violence, with fewer cops to stop it.

 Another phenomenon was the “no bail”, “in and out” rules passed by democrat mayors and governors.  The penalty for rioting and arson in the streets? - maybe overnight in jail, and then free on the streets the next day, with no bail, no matter how many, or how egregious, the offenses.

 And that’s how we Americans spent the summer of 2020.  Confined to our homes and apartments by Covid and Anthony Fauci and the CDC, while Marxist rioters destroyed, not only our cities, but our historical statues and the icons of our past history and traditions.

 The violence in our cities abated after Joe Biden and his handlers took over the government. Anyone ever wonder why the Marxists curtailed their violence with a left-wing, democrat government?

 But BLM and Antifa were poised to wreak further damages in April of 2021 during Derek Chauvin’s trial, if Chauvin was not convicted of “willful murder of an innocent black man”. 

 Chauvin was indeed “thrown under the bus”, and convicted of second degree murder, rather than “accidental death (or manslaughter), in performance of his duty”, which any honest observer would have surmised to be the case.  Perhaps with a condemnation for use of excessive force, but second-degree murder, with a later sentence of over 22 years in prison?  Clearly, this is justice as dictated and blackmailed by the Marxist BLM and Antifa.

 Chauvin’s sentence to 22 years is basically a death sentence. Either he spends all of his term in solitary confinement, or, as a controversial ex-cop, gets a shiv in a lethal place in gen-pop.

 It will be interesting to see how the other officers, Thomas Lane, who is Caucasian, J Alexander Kueng, who is mixed black, and Tou Thao, who is Vietnamese Hmong, all who face similar penalties for aiding and abetting, will be treated at their trials.  I’m sure that BLM and Antifa stand ready to create more mayhem if the results are not to their liking, and if these three ex-cops are not designated “fall guys”, convicted, and given long prison sentences, similar to Derek Chauvin.

Ray Gruszecki
June 25, 2021

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