Saturday, June 12, 2021

China and Covid


China and Covid

 More and more evidence is emerging that the Covid pandemic started in a virology lab in Wuhan, China, rather than in bats or pangolins, as falsely reported for over a year.  As in many other cases, when President Trump posited the Wuhan lab origin in early 2020, he was excoriated by our dishonest media, and made to look like a conspiracy theorist.

 It is doubtful, but not impossible, that the communist party of China purposely released the Covid virus on the world.  The CCP were weaponizing corona viruses, so this is not entirely impossible, but it is more likely that the virus was released from the lab accidently.

 Of course, once the CCP knew that the virus had been released and was in the wild, (sometime toward the end of 2019), instead of informing the world, they covered it up and brutally suppressed in within China, but let it escape to the rest of the world.  It should not surprise anyone if they had Machiavellian motives in doing this.  Effectively, someone in power in China must have reasoned, “as long as the virus has escaped from the lab, let’s stamp it out within China and put a lid on it, and if that results in China gaining hegemony over the rest of the world as a result of this, all the better for China.”

 It seems to have worked!  A quick look at China’s 6% + growth in GDP since the Covid outbreak, compared to the puny, 1 - 2% growth in GDP of the U.S. and most other major countries, shows that China’s gambit was successful.  Of course, this is simplistic, and there are many other factors, but directionally…..

 As of June, 2021, China’s reported Covid numbers are 91,400 cases, and 4,600 deaths, for a population of 1.4 billion people.  As a contrast, the U.S. has over 34 million cases, and over 614,000 deaths.  For India, these numbers are 29.4 million cases, and 367,000 deaths.  Even if one applies a factor of 100 to the reported Chinese numbers, they would be orders of magnitude out of line with the rest of the world.

 The CCP lied about the outbreak of the Coved pandemic, and they continue to lie about the numbers within China.  Whistleblowers out of China early in the pandemic reported infected people locked in their apartments and left to die, very high crematoria activity, and millions of people disappearing from telephone listings.  Again, these reports were covered up by the Chinese media, and willingly acquiesced to by our accommodating anti-Trump media.

 Better begin learning Mandarin, (and maybe some Russian and Farsi, too), particularly you Biden voters.  Xi Jinping’s and China’s avowed goal is to become the dominant economic and military power in the world.  President Trump realized that China, not weak, little, badger-like Russia, was our main antagonist in the world, and he held them somewhat in check.

 But this weak, puling socialist government of Joe Biden and his puppeteers, is no match for an ever-expanding China.  Until we install a government that can institute a strong foreign policy, we had better be prepared for further real expansion by China, the nipping away at weak spots in the world by a badger-like Russia, and the development of a nuclear capability and delivery systems by the Iranian mullahs.

 Buyer’s remorse, yet, you Biden voters who resulted in a country governed by a weak, subservient socialist government?  Were Trump’s tweets worse than derision by foreign friends and antagonists, incipient inflation, $4.00 gasoline, uncontrolled aliens and drugs streaming across our southern border, defunded police and high crime rates, imposed racism due to “wokeness” and critical race theory, identity politics and cancel culture?  These are all things you brought us and sanctioned, Biden voters.

Ray Gruszecki
June 12, 2021

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