Saturday, June 5, 2021




 What happened to the Durham investigation?  What happened to Hunter Biden and the incriminating laptop?  What happened to our energy independence and low gas prices?  What happened to our strong southern border?  What happened to no inflation? What happened to American pride and integrity?

 All gone, POOF! Under the totalitarian, socialist regime being instituted by Biden’s handlers, using good old lying, plagiarizing, grandfatherly Joe as the stalking horse for the Marxists.

 Is the American public ever going to escape the hypnotic grasp of the lying, biased media, and realize what is happening to our country?  The country is being subverted by Marxist activists supported by a corrupt media.  Our freedoms are being eroded away under our noses while Marxist/socialist operatives croon newspeak platitudes.  Even the most uninformed must realize to some extent, what is happening.

 If we do not resist this current, headlong, rush toward a Marxist system, we will have no country left.  Individual states are seeing the writing on the wall, and are resisting. The whole country needs to see the danger, and vote out these Marxists in the ensuing elections.  If we don’t, we risk of following other wealthy countries, like Venezuela, down the road to socialist ruin.

Ray Gruszecki
June 5, 2021

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