Friday, June 18, 2021

Biden’s Dystopia


Biden’s Dystopia

 The sucker, Joe Biden, is building the rest of the world back better.  Back to American dollars for the dubious, empty climate accords.  Back to the Kerry orchestrated Iran nuclear deal.  Back to buying energy from foreign sources, rather than producing it ourselves.  Back to unfavorable trade deals. Back to being a sucker and patsy in our foreign affairs.  Back to financing NATO and letting other countries slide.

 The Europeans, Russians and Chinese communists love us.  We’re back in their “club” as a benevolent uncle, rather than insisting that they pay their way.  Putin will chip away, invading and stealing what he can, in face of the weak-kneed Biden cabal.  The Chinese communists will get away with releasing the Covid pandemic that is killing nearly 4 million people, and will continue their economic and military expansion in the South China Sea, and by their “Belt and Road Initiative”.

 The democrats will get away with their illegal actions against the former president and their election chicanery.  Where is the Durham report?  Gone, - poof!  Brother James Biden, son Hunter Biden, and the Biden crime syndicate will continue to get richer, and will continue getting away with it.

 Our beautiful country, and its culture, history and heritage will continue to be ruined by Marxist ideologies where class has been replaced by race.  The Marxist groups, Black Lives Matter and Antifa rule our streets, while the January 6th protest and insurrection in Washington, DC is cited as “white supremacism being the greatest threat to our country”, with razor wire barricades installed across our capitol.  Critical race theory, which teaches hegemony or punishment based on race and skin color, is taught in our schools,

 An unfortunate event, like the death of a petty criminal and drug addict becomes the symbol for a year of rioting, causing countless deaths and billions in urban damage.  The criminal and addict is elevated to “martyr”, with sections of cities named after him.  Police involved in the incident are railroaded and “thrown under the bus”, to placate the threatening mob, which stands poised to riot and ruin our cities at any hint of anti-Marxist activity which inevitably elicits the epithet “racist”.

 It seems that everything that was working in our country has been reversed by a plethora of Joe Biden’s executive orders, with what seems to be a personal vindictiveness against President Trump.  We no longer have an expanding economy, with low price stability and virtually no inflation.  We no longer are energy independent with low gasoline prices at the pump.  We no longer have a defined and relatively stable southern border.  We are again cozying up to the nuclear seeking Iranian mullahs, and to the leftist climate science perverters.  How about the Abrahamic accords, which was rapidly leading to peace in the Middle East under Trump?

Instead, we now have Kerry supporting the Shia Iranian mullahs, to the detriment of most of the Sunni and secular Middle East.

 Biden’s Secretary of State has been shamed by the Chinese communists citing our “race” issues, rather than we holding the CCP responsible for the Covid pandemic and over 600,000 American deaths.  Also, where are the cries that Biden is Putin’s lap dog, after U.S. acquiescence to Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline?  Can anyone imagine if Trump did this?  And. All “Grandpa Joe” gets is a fawning pat on the head.

 Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Biden leftists is the blatant censorship being imposed on our country.  Our mainstream media does not report the news.  It dishes out left-wing propaganda.  So, although the country is “going to hell in a hand basket”, what we get from our mainstream media is how great a job Biden and his minions are doing.  This is one form of censorship, - lying and distorting the news.

 Another, and more insidious form of censorship is imposed by big tech on our alternate means of disseminating and receiving information, the Internet and social media.  With no controls whatsoever, the ruling oligarchs of big tech, can arbitrarily censor what anyone says.  They have removed many conservative voices, and even President Trump, from using social media, citing “newspeak” leftist reasons.

 A third form of censorship relates to identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture.  The way this works is that once the (normally conservative) target to “cancel” has been picked, a search is made through the target’s social media posts, going back as far as possible in time, hopefully to pre-teen or teenage years.  If/when something inappropriate is found, it is either publicized, or used to blackmail the target out of a job, political position, or other pursuit.  Those that remember the Joseph McCarthy anti-communist purges of the 1950’s will relate to these anti-conservative actions.

 There is some backlash to all of this neo-communist activity.  Some people who voted against President Trump’s brutal truths and pithy tweets are waking up to what the Biden socialists are trying to do – to make this country a totalitarian, one-party, Marxist dictatorship.  These Marxists can still be voted out of power if we retain our constitutionally based state voting rights, a viable senate with a 60-vote filibuster, an undiluted Supreme Court, and only our current 50 states.  Retaining the senate filibuster is really the key, because if this current Marxist crowd manages to somehow ram through a mechanism making the senate a simple majority body, then they can completely destroy our government, and start replacing it with a Marxist dictatorship.

Ray Gruszecki
June 18, 2021

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