Friday, June 18, 2021

Propaganda as News


Propaganda as News

 Josef Goebbels would be proud of our lying, biased, mainstream media!

 Herr Doktor Josef Goebbels was chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.  Goebbels used propaganda to convert a somewhat latent European dislike of Jews into a national German anti-Semitism and hatred that resulted in the extermination of over 6,000,000 European Jews.  He also used similar propaganda techniques to elevate Adolph Hitler and other members of the Nazi party to the level of demi-gods.  Goebbels was adept at seizing on certain characteristics of a group, and using lies, bias and “newspeak” to vilify (or glorify) the group in the public’s eyes.

 Josef Goebbels would be proud of our American propaganda machine in the form of our mainstream media.  Because, although entities like most of our major newspapers, commercial TV broadcast channels, and most cable news channels call themselves news outlets, they are, in fact propaganda tools for left-wing politics.

 People have died because of the lies and innuendoes perpetrated by our propagandizing news media, and they will never be brought to task for it.  One example is Hydroxychloroquine, which has been proven to relieve early Covid symptoms, and which still cannot be discussed in our censored social media.  There are many other examples where President Trump was excoriated for views and opinions which later proved true and correct.  Retractions, if any, appeared at the bottom of page 34 of the New York Times or Washington Post, or took up a 5 second spot on CNN or MSNBC at 2 am.

 The propagandizing media actually withheld or perverted news, such as the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, vaccine availability, and anything of benefit to President Trump, to prevent his election.  They also elevated and glorified the stumbling, bumbling Joe Biden, sitting in his basement, to enhance his chances of election. 

 After convincing the gullible public that the election was fair, and that inert and confused Joe Biden won the presidency by 15 million more votes than the saintly Barrack Obama, the propagandists embarked on their main effort, tearing down our American history, culture, traditions and values, and replacing them with Marxist ideology and politics.

 We see this in the current corrosive societal trends, such as, identity politics, “wokeism”, cancel culture, and critical race theory.  The idea of “class” in Marxism has been replaced with “race”, for purposes of instituting Marxist ideology in our schools, society and government.  The goals are the same as Marx and the communists proposed over 100 years ago.  Tear down the legal, constitutionally based government, and replace it with a Marxist one, while left-wing propaganda uses “newspeak” techniques to call these changes “social justice” or “equity”, to sell it to the uninformed masses.

 President Trump called the mainstream media in this country “the enemy of the people”, rather than what they like to call themselves, “the free press”.  Trump was vilified for his comment, but he was right.  We do not get a free flow of news and neutral information from the bulk of our media.  Real news is hidden or erased, and we are fed leftist propaganda and “newspeak”.  After all, it was Josef Goebbels who said “repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it.”  And, unfortunately, much of our uninformed population does not normally think clearly enough to reject the lies.

 Only after the general population feels the effects of inflation on their lifestyles, sees $5.00 per gallon gasoline at the pump, sees their children being taught to hate each other based on skin color by critical race theory, only then, will it sink in exactly how the Biden socialists are destroying the country.  And only then, (if our election procedures have not become too corrupted), will our electorate hopefully get rid of this cancer on our society.

Ray Gruszecki
June 17, 2021

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