Monday, June 14, 2021

An Embarrassment


An Embarrassment

 Joe Biden and his handlers, and their empty rhetoric, filled with “wokeness”, identity politics and critical race theory, are an embarrassment to our country, both domestically, and on the foreign front.  Their vengeful unravelling, without any logical cause, save pure spite, of President Trump’s programs that were successful, and that were working, is obvious to any honest observer. 

 Their attempts, if successful, to emasculate the Senate and the Supreme Court, and to make our country a totalitarian, one-party, socialist system will destroy the country and head it down the path of the world’s communist dictatorships.

 Domestically, even the most hard-nosed anti-leftist will cut Biden some slack because of his obvious senility and age-related mental deficiency.  (Not for the socialist programs being pushed by his handlers, but for Biden’s mentally crippled personal demeanor.)

 Foreign leaders are not that kind.  The G7 leaders laughed at him, ostensibly the leader of the free world, for his mental gap about remembering the President of South Africa, whom he had just met.  Boris Johnson just waved Biden away several times. And concerning NATO and trade, the European leaders just said “the sucker’s back, the sheriff is gone.”

 In another embarrassing interlude, Biden stammered and mumbled in a public address at G7, where he obviously confused Libya and Syria several times.  We have seen this sort of thing happen domestically many times, although the fawning, biased media tries to cover it up.  Now its happening on the international stage, where the foreign media is not as quick to sweep it under the rug.

 Multi-talented and multi-lingual Putin and Xi, will also, most likely, not be very tolerant of Biden.  They will literally “eat his lunch”.  Biden’s handlers are out of their element when it comes to coming to grips with the Russian badger, (not the Soviet bear anymore, more analogous to a badger or wolverine), and the Chinese dragon.

 The lying, biased media will no doubt prop up Biden and the socialists domestically for a while.  One can only hope that the American public perceives what is happening, and votes these neo-Marxists out before they have a chance to completely destroy the country.  One can also hope that there are enough honest democrats in congress to block some of the more egregious measures now being proposed.

Ray Gruszecki
June 14, 2021

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