Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Buyer’s remorse yet?


Buyer’s remorse yet?

 Do you have buyer’s remorse yet, all you Biden voters who couldn’t stand Trump’s “in your face” personality and tweets?  It didn’t matter that we actually had a real southern border, that we were energy independent, that we were proud to be Americans, black, white, Asian, all, that we had no inflation and low gas prices, that the Trump tax cuts benefited all of us by about $2000 per month per family, that we were strong in our foreign relations, rather than weak and subservient, that we had “warp speed” vaccines, and a vaccination program within 9 months.

 What seemed to matter more to you Bidenites were Trump’s irritating personality and tweets.  So, you got rid of him, by fair means or foul, mostly foul.  By unconstitutional perversion of swing state election laws, by repeated chicanery at the polls reported by whistleblowers, and dismissed, by possible tampering with internet connected voting machines, and on and on, all dismissed, “POOF”, by the corrupt Bidenite cabal, along with Durham’s investigation, Hunter’s laptop, - “POOF”, all gone in Biden’s totalitarian, socialist regime.

 After five months of Biden and his socialist handlers, we have thousands of undocumented and unscreened, coyote orchestrated illegal aliens, including possible terrorists, and illegal drugs, including fentanyl, streaming across our southern border. We have inflation.  We have at least $1.00 per gallon higher gas prices. We have trillions of dollars-worth of programs designed to make our country a totalitarian, one-party socialist/communist system, all masked by newspeak platitudes. And we have a reversion to the choking restrictions and taxes on businesses that hinder the economic growth of the country.

 Wait until inflation erodes your economic power further, and Biden’s reversal of The Trump tax cuts and his own increase in taxes further emasculate your budgets.  Perhaps then, the buyer’s remorse will seem closer to home, and you’ll vote these socialist charlatans out of office.

Ray Gruszecki
June 8, 2021

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