Thursday, June 3, 2021

Covid Lab Reversal


Covid Lab Reversal

 Liar!, Fakir!, Conspiracy theorist!  All epithets thrown at President Trump with impunity by the dishonest, biased media, in their successful efforts to remove Trump from office.  And all being slowly retracted (on page 8 of NYT or WaPo, or in 5 second “news” bursts on our lying TV channels).  But slanting the news and coloring it “anti-Trump”, and hiding pro-Trump news, like vaccine availability and Hunter’s laptop, obviously contributed to ending Trump’s term.  Is it any wonder that he strenuously protested the election results?

 It’s not “cool”, and certainly not “woke”, to talk about the 2020 presidential election being stolen.  Forgetting the myriad whistleblowers and repeated reports of election fraud that have been conveniently dismissed by our biased media, one just needs to consider old Joe Biden, the political hack who was in Washington for 50 years, sitting in his basement, and garnering 15 million more votes than the saintly Obama.  Does anyone think that the combined efforts of our lying media, big tech, big Hollywood had any impact on Joe Biden being “elected”?

 This article is a remarkably fair look at the current Covid origin reversal and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in it.  President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo were excoriated for suggesting that Covid was a lab-engineered virus out of the Wuhan labs, rather than originating in bats or pangolins, and jumping to humans.  A furor of denials, with Dr. Anthony Fauci prominent in the mix ensued.  Now, as is often the case in these reversals, Dr. Fauci is being made the fall guy, even leading to Trump’s election demise.

 The article reviews several of Dr. Fauci’s email exchanges at the time, and does not immediately condemn him.  Instead, it discusses these emails in the context of the times, and cuts Dr. Fauci a bit more slack than his immediate detractors seem to be doing.

Ray Gruszecki
June 3, 2021

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