Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Marxism is Destroying America


Marxism is Destroying America

 What is wrong with the current crop of democrats who “elected” Joe Biden president in the 2020 election?  Are they not American citizens, who are proud of that fact?

 Apparently not, because it seems that the modern democrat party does not follow our American constitution, our heritage and our laws.  Instead, it seems to follow the precepts of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other Marxist philosophies and movements. 

 Obviously not all democrats are Marxists.  Most are just uninformed, and follow the siren song of the far-left Marxists, and their biased, collaborative news media, which have perverted American values beyond all recognition.

 Even a cursory review of the tenets of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky will show that the goals of Marxism are to tear down the foundations of a government, and build it back from scratch as a Marxist communist/socialist “peoples’” utopia.  (As an aside, history has proven that this utopian dream never works, and results in totalitarian dictatorships that kill millions of their own people to maintain hegemony.)

 Consider what our current American Marxists are doing.  They are attempting to erase real American history and values, and replace them with slave-holding, rather than liberty, as our guiding principle.  With the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory, our modern Marxists are in processing of infesting our elementary schools, through graduate level universities, with these false, corrosive philosophies.

 Then there is law enforcement, which has been emasculated by left-leaning local governments, that have defunded the police, such that crime rates have increased to alarming levels across our major cities.  This is another Marxist tactic to produce crime and chaos, so that they can establish their own leftist regulatory forces. (Already tried in Seattle’s “autonomous zone” last summer, and in force, right now, in “Floydville”, Minneapolis.)

 Our founders allowed for an armed populace that could protect themselves against external dangers, and that also could protect themselves from an over-zealous government.  Of course, the Marxists can’t have this.  What really sticks in their craw is the fact that there are over 300 million guns in the country, one for nearly every man, woman and child.  To their chagrin, confiscation is hardly feasible, with such massive numbers.  So, they chip away.  With euphemisms and “newspeak” misrepresenting actual capabilities of certain classes of firearms.  They invent terms like “assault rifles”, that have no resemblance to reality, to generate fear in the uninformed, mainly democrat, masses.

 Another Marxist tactic is political correctness, “wokeism” and cancel culture.  All these really are, are euphemisms for censorship.  “Wokeism is a Marxist inspired movement that started off with well-intentioned people that wanted to stop racism and social injustice. It has now morphed into a cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree. At first, using social humiliation, but now graduating to violence through Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots.” 

 It seems that much of what this current crop of democrats, spurred on by alt-left Marxists, are doing, is to vindictively undo anything that President Trump instituted, whether or not it harms the country.  A case in point is the southern border.  Under Trump, illegal border incursions were a trickle.  Biden reversed Trump’s policies, opening up the border to all comers – real Latin American migrants, possible terrorists, drugs, including fentanyl, all orchestrated by coyotes and criminals.  Why?  Obviously to get more potential leftists into the country, to aid in solidifying a one party, Marxist, system.

 There is a litany of abuses to our American Republic by Joe Biden and his leftist handlers.  Things that were working under President Trump that Biden and his puppeteers have wrecked are;- our energy independence under Trump, (low emission LNG for domestic use and export delivered by pipeline), no inflation and stable consumer prices under Trump, low gas prices under Trump, a strong foreign posture, particularly with China, Russia and Iran, under Trump.

Our strength and efficacy as a nation continues to erode almost daily, as socialist programs continue to spew from the Bidenites.  Trillions in socialist pork spending are proposed, as are undoing Trump’s middle class tax cuts, and new taxes from the Biden crowd.

 It seems that everything that the Marxist crowd controlling Biden touches turns to crap.  About the only thing they have done right is continue to vaccinate the country against Covid.  This is because of Trump’s “warp speed” program to produce effective vaccines within nine months, and to start putting them into people’s arms.  Of course, Biden, the plagiarist, tries to take credit for these accomplishments. 

 If we don’t wake up as a country, vote these Marxists out, establish viable borders, reinstitute our state voting laws, including identification, ensure that our schools teach honest American history, and strengthen our law enforcement, we run the risk of becoming just another experiment in free society that failed.

Ray Gruszecki
June 9, 2021

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