Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Biden and Covid


Biden and Covid

 Who can remember Joe Biden saying, “I not going to shut down the country, I’m going to shut down Covid”.  Well, that was just another pontificating, empty, bragging, Biden lie, said for the sound bites, and not for the meaning.

 When Biden took office on January 20, 2021, we had 24,810,979 cases of Covid in the U.S., and 411,534 deaths.  This was after the world was first hit with this unknown plague, after the virtual shutdown of much of the world economy. and without any effective vaccines against the pandemic.  These numbers were bad enough, and were seized upon by the leftist democrats as an example of President Trump’s mishandling of the Covid pandemic.

 In the year since Biden’s dubious “win” of the presidency, we have had 50,745,216 more cases of Covid in the U.S., and 520,909 more deaths.  These significantly higher numbers are even though there were three effective vaccines and numerous therapeutics against the disease that were developed on President Trump’s watch, and that were being used during this ”year of Biden”.

 So, what happened?  Biden’s mismanagement of vaccinations, business and school shutdowns, and mask mandates, happened.  Rather than applying our constitutional federalist principles, Biden ran off with his illegal executive orders like a power-hungry Rooseveltian potentate.  Many in the country reacted, and resisted “mandated” vaccinations, pointless masking of school children, and other draconian measures dictated by the “woke”, oppressive Biden administration.

 So, we can add Biden’s botching of Covid to the long list of his other egregious wrongs.  Crime wave, inflation, Southern border, Afghanistan, killing our energy independence, international weakness, and on and on and on.

 Biden is indubitably the worst president since Jimmy Carter.  The difference is that Jimmy was a nice guy.  His heart was in the right place.  He was just inept.  This guy Biden is not a nice guy at all.  Biden is not only inept and incompetent, he is an arrogant, overbearing, political hack, who has been lining his and his crime family’s pockets for years, and continues to try to play our country for suckers.  We feel sorry for him because of his obvious slide into dementia.  Better that we should feel sorry for our poor country, suffering under Biden’s “woke” and incompetent yoke.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 9, 2022

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