Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Durham’s Filing and Media Disregard


Durham’s Filing and Media Disregard

 This is extracted from John Durham’s filing concerning efforts by democrat operatives to frame President Trump into non-existing and now disproven collusion with Russia.  Since these actions to infiltrate the Trump servers occurred not only at Trump Tower during the presidential campaign, but also at the White House (EOP), after Trump took office, this is sedition, and a coup attempt to overthrow a sitting president.  This major effort to overthrow our government is not being covered by the dishonest mainstream media. 


“Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish “an inference” and “narrative” tying then-candidate Trump to Russia.  In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain “VIPs,” referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton Campaign.

 5. The Government’s evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (“EOP”).  (Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP.   Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.)

 6. The Indictment further details that on February 9, 2017, the defendant provided an updated set of allegations – including the Russian Bank-1 data and additional allegations relating

to Trump – to a second agency of the U.S. government (“Agency-2”).  The Government’s evidence at trial will establish that these additional allegations relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic that Tech Executive-1 and others had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment building, the EOP., and the aforementioned healthcare provider. “


 This a quote from the New York Times in response to Durham’s filing:

 “Upon close inspection, these narratives are often based on a misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation. They also tend to involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims. Yet Trump allies portray the news media as engaged in a cover-up if they don’t.”

 Sounds like something the old Soviet Tass would come up with.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 16, 2022

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