Thursday, February 24, 2022

Elections have consequences


Elections have consequences

 Elections have consequences.

 Now we have a ground war in Europe that we most certainly would not have had if President Trump and Mike Pompeo had been in charge of our foreign policy rather than poor old Joe Biden and his socialist “JV team”.  Thugs like Putin recognize strength and avoid confrontation if faced by a strong opponent.  They also recognize weakness, and take advantage of a weak opponent, as Putin is doing right now with hopeless, hapless, Joe Biden, and with Putin’s attack on Ukraine, a sovereign, democratic European country.

 Putin’s weeks of preparation, (including rattling his nukes last Saturday), and final attack yesterday?  Why, they were met with an “angry response” and threats of additional sanctions, read by Joe Biden from statements prepared for him by his minions.  To which Putin gave a gave a big middle finger, as he directed the bombing of Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, and other Ukrainian cities.  Can anyone just imagine Putin doing something like this during a Trump administration?

 Elections have consequences.

 We are reminded every time we fill up our vehicles with $100 worth of gasoline, or after a $200 trip to the supermarket, or after another dictatorial edict about ourselves or our children needing to get vaccinated or wear mind and health stifling masks.  We are also reminded when we hear about, or are exposed to criminals being immediately released back into society by incognizant, “woke” prosecutors and judges after committing heinous crimes.

 There is a litany of abuses that poor old, doddering, arrogant Joe Biden and his left-wing handlers have foisted on our country.  For example, we spend our energy on really important pursuits like renaming schools named “Washington” or “Lincoln”, and deciding which bathroom or pronoun to use.  “Doxxng” and cancel culture also takes up valuable time.

 We live with these abuses every day, and these aberrations have been represented as “normal“  by the left-wing media and big tech, to the point that they become “business as usual” to most of the ovine masses.

 Elections have consequences.

 The mainstream media and big tech have pretty much brainwashed the American public that the 2020 election was completely valid and legal.  Questions about it have been relegated to the realm of conspiracy theories. But there are still many Americans who question the legality and constitutionality of changes to election laws in the swing states.  They also question the reluctance of SCOTUS to fully rule on election rules and procedures.

 We can’t undo the election of 2020 by hypothesizing a better U.S. society and economy, and a free, democratic Ukraine.  What we can do is learn how media and big tech vilification of a president’s personal foibles can lead to a terrible election choice for president of our country,

 No more mal mots and pithy tweets from President Trump, thanks to the media’s and big tech’s slanderous attacks, censorship and billions of dollars thrown against him.  Instead, we have Biden’s socialist dystopia.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 28, 2022

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