Monday, February 14, 2022

Durham, Trump, Biden


Durham, Trump, Biden

 Does anyone remember, particularly you voters that did not like President Trump’s pithy tweets and abrasive personality, and elevated this arrogant, senile empty vessel, Joe Biden to the presidency, how absolutely unfairly Trump was treated before the 2016 and 2020 elections, and during his four years in office?

 No one claims that President Trump was some paragon of virtue. His combative comments and tweets in response to his tormentors grated on American ears and were seized upon by a dishonest media to discredit him even further.

 The Robert Mueller investigation into President Trump’s accused “collusion" with Russia cost the taxpayers $32 million and came up empty.

 Trump cried “witch hunt” all through this ordeal, and it turned out that he was right. Even more so now that John Durham released in a filing this Saturday that the Hillary Clinton campaign hired techs to "infiltrate" Trump Tower and White House servers to establish a "narrative" to link Trump to Russia.

 Any honest observer, not turned off by President Trump’s combative defense against the leftist, mainstream media and big tech powers arrayed against him, will acknowledge that Trump was pretty much truthful and honest about most of what was happening. He may have embellished and sometimes appeared narcissistic, but basically, he was telling the truth about what was going on in the country.

 The leftists, the dishonest media, and big tech tried to tank Trump’s 2016 campaign, and man, were they chagrined when he won the presidency in spite of their slanderous attacks. They hounded him mercilessly during his four years in office. They finally succeeded in 2020 in bringing him down, by blaming Covid deaths on him, withholding news about Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop, and the Biden crime family, and contributing close to a billion dollars into left-wing candidates and causes.

 And then there were the Covid-related election aberrations and outright fraud, unconstitutional changes of state election laws, and anecdotal physical mishandling of ballots, all of which have now been relegated to “conspiracy theories” by the democrats and the anti-Trump media. Their narrative would have us believe that the protests about election aberrations on January 6, 2021, were some sort of fascist insurrection, and that all of the other cries about a stolen election were just so much right-wing propaganda.

 Getting wrapped up in Trump’s defensive comments and tweets, many voters ostensibly forgot the relatively stable country we had during President Trump’s four years in office. Contrast that with the Biden inspired dystopia that we now have after just one year of Biden and the socialist democrats. No need to enumerate the social ills. Just checkout at the grocery store and pay to fill up with gas, if you can avoid being hi-jacked by an illegal alien criminal junkie in the streets.

Ray Gruszecki,
 February 14, 2022

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