Friday, February 11, 2022

The Truckers’ Protest


The Truckers’ Protest

 A small group of western Canadian truckers, family members and friends, primarily using social media, decided in mid-January to launch a protest against the oppressive “woke” Trudeau government.  Truckers and supporters converged on the capital of Ottawa in a peaceful protest to get the Canadian Government to rescind the vaccine and mask mandates that they had imposed..

 This originally small protest movement has grown in size to a national movement in Canada, and has shut down a good deal of the trade between the U.S. and Canada, by choking off the bridges over which most this trade flows.  The movement has spread to other countries, such as Australia and New Zealand. A sympathetic U.S. protest is planned for early March by independent truckers in California.

 Of course, the truckers’ protests have taken on a political mien.  Strangely, the left opposes this blue-collar protest labor movement, and the right supports it.  Trudeau’s, the main stream media’s and big tech’s efforts to disparage the protests and cast them as “right wing insurrections” are falling on deaf ears by people and countries sick and tired of restrictive mandates imposed by “woke” overlords.

 With the amount of social inconvenience and disruption that the truckers are causing, it seems that Trudeau needs to lift his oppressive mandates.  He seems to have backed himself into a corner by relying on an ever less popular leftist media and big tech, and not on the people’s ever-louder voice.  Hopefully, the example is not lost on Biden’s “woke” regime.


These are three differing commentaries on the trucker protests in Canada.

 The National Review piece backs the blue-collar truckers as a valid response to an overbearing, liberal, “woke”, Trudeau government.

 The Wall Street Journal article is more erudite, cerebral and balanced, and while basically supporting the truckers’ protest, is more analytical about it.

 The New York Times article seems to go out of its way to reference individual and anecdotal occurrences to characterize the truckers’ movement as some illegal, right wing “insurrection”.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 11, 2022

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