Monday, February 28, 2022

Ukraine, Russia and the World


Ukraine, Russia and the World

 If it were not for the doddering old fool in the White House and his clueless, ”woke” advisors, Ukraine would be in the EU and in NATO, and we would not be seeing the first major land war in Europe since World War II.

 We would also be seeing an economically stable law-abiding U.S. with a viable southern border, but that’s another story.  Suffice it to say, this is what we get when we are convinced by a corrupt and dishonest news media and their big tech accomplices, to vote against someone’s personality, rather than acknowledging the stability of the country.  Some wise observer said, “this is what you get when you elect a president by mail order”.

 Contrast the idiot in the White House with a real leader, President Zelensky of Ukraine.  When the U.S. offered to evacuate him, he replied, “I don’t need a ride.  I need more ammo”.  You have to love the guy.

 We need to pray for the innocent and hapless civilians of warring countries, whose politicians led them there.  Upwards of one million people are fleeing Ukraine, mostly into southeastern Poland, from where my mother and paternal grandfather emigrated in the early 20th century.  I should have numerous relatives there, but I don’t know any of them.  I trust that these relatives are among those offering help and succor to the Ukrainian refugees.  Polish TV shows people wearing the blue and yellow flag of Ukraine and a lot of support of Ukraine and condemnation of Putin.

 When I was in Russia in September of 2017, Putin had an approval rating of 80%.  This coincides with Russian polling that shows that he has averaged 79% approval for the past 20 years.  Russian polls also show that Putin’s approval increased from 61% to 69% when he invaded Ukraine.  The 61% was because of Russia’s poor economy, the effects of Covid and other economic factors.  Experts feel that Putin’s approval will decrease as Russia gets dragged into a Ukrainian guerilla war, which seems increasingly likely

 It seems that the Ukrainians take their heritage seriously.  Many Ukrainians are descended from Scythians, and then Cossacks, both fierce fighters tracking back to Genghis Khan and the Mongols.  They are led by Zelensky, who is Jewish, and apparently cut from the same cloth as Moshe Dayan and other members of the fighting Israeli Haganah.

 The heritage and resolve of the Ukrainians were apparently overlooked by Putin, that maven of KGB intelligence.  He also seems to have forgotten the million or so Ukrainians who occupied Maidan Square in Kyiv in 2013-14, and effected the overthrow of the pro-Russian Ukrainian president Yanukovych and his exile to Russia.

 One would have also thought that Putin would have taken a lesson from the Soviets’ ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan in 1979-89, where the Russians also fought an opponent fighting on their home turf.

 Putin apparently looked at Ukraine president Zelensky, whose background was an actor and comedian, at weak-kneed, senile old buffoon, Joe Biden, and at new German SDU Chancellor Scholz, and expected easy pickings.  A four-pronged attack seemed a bit of overkill and signaled a logistical challenge, but I guess that Putin wanted to show off his newly reorganized, modern, military.

 Realistically, if Russia chose to consolidate their hold on Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas region, and perhaps a stronger hold on Crimea, they would have already achieved these goals.  Attacking and taking on the whole of the second largest country in Europe in area (after themselves), with a population of some 45 million people, seems to be a bit excessive, and that is proving to be the case.

 More to the point is the strategic importance of Ukraine as the southern buffer for Russia against the west.  Finland serves this purpose in the North and Belorussia in the center.  A pro-Russian, non-NATO Ukraine is needed by Putin in the southern part of Russia.  To be noted is that Estonia and Latvia have direct borders with Russia proper, and Lithuania borders Kaliningrad, the little piece of Russia on the Baltic Sea.  When I was in the Baltics in 2017, all three countries expressed fear even back then, and even though they are members of the EU and NATO, that Putin would make a move to reabsorb them back into Russia.

 Historical reasons for Putin’s designs on Ukraine are that Ukraine is really Russian.  Kievan Rus, in ancient Ukraine was the seminal foundation of the Russian nation. (Also Belarus and Ukraine).  The Ukrainian SSR was a founding republic of the Soviet Union.  Perhaps more than other ex-Soviet republics, Ukraine was “Sovietized” by Stalin by expatriating large numbers of ethnic Russians to Ukraine.

 To Putin’s consternation, as expressed by his recent nuclear posturing and threats, Putin finds himself increasingly bogged down in Ukraine, and an international pariah in the world.  Sanctions against Putin and Russia have proven to be much more than the usual empty verbosity.  Cancelation of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline by Germany, exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT clearance system and other real financial punishments by the EU (read Germany), the U.S., and others, are having a real, not only a verbal impact on Russia.

 Western Ukraine, and in fact, most of the country except the far eastern part, has expressed time and again that it is European, and wishes to be part of Europe.  Zelensky, right now, during cease-fire talks, is entreating for Ukraine to join the European Union.

 It really is time for the world to “put their money where their mouths are” NATO or no NATO, to supply Zelensky with all “ammo” he needs to repulse the Russian aggression.  Wearing symbolic blue and yellow Ukrainian flag paraphernalia is fine.  Stinger and Javelin missiles and other military equipment is better.  Let’s help free Ukraine and make them part of Europe and the west, where they want to be, and should be.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 28, 2022

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