Sunday, March 20, 2022

Biden – Fake President


Biden – Fake President

 Honest Americans should be angry.  I am.  We are living in Biden’s dystopian society where nothing works right, and which may be on the cusp of a nuclear war with Russia, due to incompetence and weakness in Biden’s and nis handlers’ dealings with the megalomaniac in Moscow.

 It would be bad enough if, as we thought, we had a legally elected president with socialist/communist handlers.  We do not.  We have an imposter, chosen and installed by an elitist media and big tech and administrative cabal, just like in the old banana republics or modern communist countries.

 Oh, I know that the popular view in the country has been hijacked to accept that the 2020 presidential election was legal and valid, and that Joe Biden is really a president.  To question this party line is to be labelled a conspiracy theorist, or insurrectionist, or worse.  The fact that the majority of Americans have subscribed to this lie and follow it as fact illustrates the power and efficacy of the left-wing propaganda, (or the gullibility of the majority of Americans), - not sure which.

 Less than 160,000 votes in five swing states, out of some 155,000,000 total votes cast, or less than one tenth of one percent, swung the election to Biden.  People forget the anecdotal reports of illegal and/or fraudulent activity that were somehow swept under the rug by a media antagonistic to President Trump.

 In fact, the news media and big tech were so inimical to President Trump, that they covered up and perverted major news stories that would help Trump and hurt Biden.  The New York Times just recently admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real and in fact does contain incriminating information against the Biden family, including Joe Biden, as originally exposed by the New York Post during the 2020 election campaign, and covered up by the media, big tech and the administrative cabal.  Just this one piece of news, if presented honestly, would most likely have been enough to change the very small vote margins in the swing states, and result in Trump being re-elected.  Can we imagine the differences in our society and foreign affairs?

 Also not to be forgotten are the unconstitutional revisions of swing state election laws to allow such aberrations as ballot harvesting, mail order voting, voting without identification, etc. during the Covid pandemic.


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars to turn out likely Democratic voters. But this wasn’t traditional political spending. He funded a targeted, private takeover of government election operations by nominally nonpartisan — but demonstrably ideological — nonprofit organizations.  The 2020 election wasn’t stolen — it was likely bought by one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men pouring his money through legal loopholes.  Overall, in 2020, democrat donors donated $1,688,045,733.  The republicans donated $775,165,627, less than half that of the democrats.

But the most egregious abuse by the cabal that brought Biden into office remains the subversion of the media and press that denied that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real, and that it contained incriminating information that would have changed the election outcome.


Ray Gruszecki
March 20, 2022

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