Monday, March 14, 2022

No More Tweets – World War III?


No More Tweets – World War III?

This I write particularly to all of you who voted for Biden because you just could not stand President Trump’s tweets, bellicose manner and grating, in-your-face New York personality. I write to those of you who became complacent with $1.80 gasoline and $1.50 heating oil; with $100 going a long way toward a week’s groceries; with a relatively stable southern border and a relatively quiet Putin, Xi Jingping. Erdogan and Kim Jung Un; with clean energy self-sufficiency and net exports of energy; when we knew which bathrooms to use; and accepted all Americans rather than dividing us by race; when our leadership, although sometimes controversial, was respected throughout the world.

There was no war for four years. When Syria used chemical weapons in 2017, President Trump hit them and their Russian base in Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles. There was no vacillating or hand wringing about Putin’s nukes.

Remember those days? Could it be just 14 short months ago?

 Well, the present economic, social and political dystopia is what you get when you vote against a candidate’s personality and you choose a president by mail order and loose election rules, and that president is more interested in not offending his socialist/communist left-wing, than in providing leadership for the country. And in addition, that “president” is the burnt-out, senile hulk of one of the most shallow and opportunistic politicians in our history, with nearly 50 years in government with consistently the wrong decisions at the wrong times.

Oh, Biden looks pretty enough, after his valet and barbers and make-up artists send him out. And he almost sounds OK reading from the teleprompters until he gets pulled “off text”, or gets a little tired. Ever wonder why he doesn’t answer questions? Well, because the answers cannot be entered into the teleprompters ahead of time. He pre-plans his favorite media questioners and sometimes the questions, but not the answers to the questions. A far cry from President Trump’s free-flowing news sessions.

The “straw horse”, “whisperer in charge” could almost carry it off if the people that run him were giants of knowledge and political acumen. They are not. They regurgitate the ideas and principles that they must have learned in sophomore days in political science classes at left-wing colleges. So, we have a senile, but arrogant old man being run by socialist/communist sophomoric handlers. That’s our government.

Our back-up is not stable, staid, Christian Mike Pence. Instead, we have the token “woman of color”, Kamala, our cackling vice president, who can’t seem to string a cohesive sentence together on any subject, without going off on a cackling fit.

One just has to ask “how could we have not seen these charlatans coming”? I guess that we were weary of Covid, weary of Trump’s tweets, and Joe Biden was represented as such a stable, experienced, kindly, alternative, that we could excuse his sitting in his basement for most of the campaign as Covid related.

So, we got taken, particularly American democrats, who are still consume the preponderately left-wing biased media, and try to justify Biden and Kamala as mavens of environmental purity, social justice and “strong democratic principles”. Unfortunately, what flies in face of this altruism, are our 8% inflation, our $5-7.00 per gallon gasoline prices, and an incipient World War III with Russia over Ukraine.

Hopefully we may have learned, one more time, to vote results, and not personalities.

Ray Gruszecki
March14, 2022

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