Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Bidens Executive Order Dystopia


Bidens Executive Order Dystopia

 Remember Joe Biden’s first day as president?  He had a stack of executive orders, of dubious legality, which he was furiously signing.  He signed thirty (30) during he first three days by CNN’s count.

 Many of these were not legal, and were prepared by Joe’s minions simply to spite President Trump.  Stable border with Mexico?  Open it up to all comers.  Energy self sufficiency and a net energy exporter?  Shut down exploration and shut down the pipelines.  Kill carbon emitting energy sources. An economy recovering from the Covid pandemic?  Spill trillions of socialist spending into it to fuel inflation.  Police pretty much controlling crime?  Defund them and institute “catch and release” without bail.  Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Kin Jong Un pretty much stabilized?  Project weak-kneed foreign policy to encourage their designs.

 Many of these executive orders were illegal and were eventually rescinded, but the damage was done.  Every positive accomplishment of President Trump was obliterated.  “Take that, you tweeting, combed over, loud-mouthed New York republican”.  No matter that we had a relatively stable country under Trump, (save for Covid).  His bellicose personality and tweets had to go, and be replaced by AOC’s and the squad’s sophomoric view of the world.

 That’s how our dystopia started, could it be a little more than one year ago?  And this one-year experience illustrates how rapidly a misguided and incompetent president and government can effectively ruin a country.

 It was bad enough before Putin invaded Ukraine, encouraged by the puerile, weak kneed response to his threats.  Now that he has invaded and is bogged down by the stiff resistance of the brave and courageous Ukrainian Cossacks, he waves his nukes like the bully he is, and our “coward in chief” and his sophomoric minions quaver in their boots.  Some of us learned as seven-year-olds in the playground, that you can’t back down from a bully, or he will “own your ass”.  No one wants nuclear war, but if we don’t help Ukraine with those MIGs from Poland, and in other ways, because Putin rattles his nukes, he will “own our asses”.

 The current dystopia, with its myriad of really harmful ills affecting our country can be directly attributed to weak, incompetent, senile Joe Biden and his misguided socialist advisors.  We had a relatively stable, if not perfect, country before Joe and his handlers took over.  Now, we have a seriously economically hurt country that is on the brink of a nuclear war with the cornered rat, Putin, in Moscow.  Nice going Joe!  We should listen really attentively to what you and your Marxist minions are saying about the 2022 and 2024 elections, to avoid further socialist predations on our poor country.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 9, 2022

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