Monday, March 7, 2022

Help Ukraine


Help Ukraine

 Where is the UN?  Where is NATO?  (They were there for Kosovo in 1999).  How about the Budapest Agreement and the Helsinki Accords guaranteeing that Ukraine will never be attacked if they give up their nuclear weapons, (which they did)?  There are all manner of treaties and agreements guaranteeing the integrity of sovereign nations, all flushed down the toilet by Putin when he invaded Ukraine.

 We keep hearing from Blinken and others in Biden’s administration, that we mustn’t consider imposing a no-fly zone in Ukraine, for fear that U.S. and Russian planes will start shooting at each other, and start World War III with a nuclear armed and threatening Putin’s Russia.  We’d also better watch our sanctions for the same fear of Putin’s nukes.

 Have Biden and his handlers forgotten that Putin’s nuclear armed and threatening Russia has already effectively started World War III by an unprovoked attack on the sovereign, democratic country of Ukraine?  Putin’s nuclear posturing adds an additional threat.

 No one wants an all-out nuclear war with Russia, but the West (read Biden and Blinken), cannot allow themselves to be blackmailed into not helping Ukraine.  As a minimum, stop U.S. imports of Russian oil, forthwith, and prevail on reluctant Germany and the EU countries to limit Russian energy imports to the barest minimum.  Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine is right now being financed by Russian energy exports to the U.S. and the EU.  This must stop!  Olaf Scholz and Germany are leading in Europe, although reluctant to decrease energy imports from Russia.  We need leadership in the U.S., not Joe hiding in his Delaware basement, or sending unbelievably incompetent Kamala to represent us.

 Prevail on ex Warsaw pact countries, particularly Poland, Hungary, Romania to send Ukraine some of their older MIG aircraft, which Ukrainian pilots are trained to fly, and replace these with modern American F-16’s.  There is fear in these countries of provoking Putin, but again, Putin is threatening the use of nukes without any further provocation.

 Make the sanctions stick, and show Putin that the world will not tolerate the unprovoked takeover of a sovereign country.  The Ukrainians are bravely resisting.  They need all the help we can give them.

 Many ex-military veterans from around the world are willing to fight for Ukraine.  These “foreign legions” should be encouraged and facilitated.  I wish that I were younger myself.

Ray Gruszecki
March 7, 2022

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