Sunday, March 13, 2022

Lyin’ Biden


Lyin’ Biden

 How can Joe Biden and Jen Psaki stand there in front of us and straight out-and-out lie to our faces?  The “whisperer in chief” would have us believe that his adding trillions of dollars in social program spending to the economy did not contribute to our inflation.  He must have been listening to those mavens of Keynesian economics Robert Reich and Paul Krugman for such an utterly erroneous statement.

 Another big whopper, - that Putin is responsible for our runaway gasoline prices.  Putin’s attack om Ukraine gave gas prices a “bump”, but Biden’s stifling energy policies already had gas prices approaching all-time highs before Putin’s war came along.

 This lying Biden administration will go down in history as the most destructive and debilitating, ever, on the public, and the American economy.  Obviously, Biden’s sophomoric advisors and handlers are socialists, and take their cues from “the squad”, which if not officially named as Marxist, certainly hews Trotsky’s and Alinsky’s Marxist party line.

 The Biden cabal’s weak-kneed, follow from behind foreign policy, is already responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle.  Their vacillation on the Polish MIGs for Ukraine and on other decisions about Putin’s war in Ukraine shows a similar incompetence.

 These people, with Joe Biden as their stalking horse, are ruining are country, and then lying to our faces about it.  We need to vote these destructive, corrosive elements out of our government before they complete their socialist, yea, communist, takeover of our country.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 13, 2022

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