Thursday, March 24, 2022

Hunter Biden’s Incriminating Laptop


Hunter Biden’s Incriminating Laptop

 PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION BEING RIGGED AND THE PRESIDENCY STOLEN FROM HIM.  If the truth about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop had not been suppressed prior to the election, voters in at least four of the swing states would have voted their electoral college votes, and the presidency, to Trump.

 Why was Hunter Biden’s laptop so important in the election process?  One just has to look at the numbers.

 Biden won the electoral college in 2020 by 306 to 232, with 270 electoral votes necessary to win.  This included Arizona with 11 electoral votes with 10,457 winning popular votes; Georgia 10 electoral, 12,670 popular; Pennsylvania 20 electoral, 81,660 popular; Wisconsin 10 electoral, 20,682 popular.  These four states add up to 51 electoral votes, and would have given Trump a winning total of 283.  The total popular vote in the four states necessary to attain these 51 electoral votes would have been 125,469 out of the 18,360,000 total votes cast, or less than 7 tenths of one percent of the total votes cast in these states.

 It is pretty obvious that these small popular voter margins would have easily been overcome, and Trump would have been re-elected president, if the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop had not been suppressed by our dishonest mainstream media and big tech.

 The oligarchs who control the news and social media in this country had prohibited, and penalized any exposures concerning Hunter’s laptop, and had almost succeeded in completely suppressing any discussion about the importance of its contents, and the fact that it showed the involvement by Joe Biden in “pay for play” schemes for many years.  Just recently, the New York Times, somewhere on paragraph 18, or so, of a story about Hunter Biden’s business woes, finally admitted that Hunter’s laptop and its contents are real.

 After being disparaged as “Russian disinformation”, the recent acknowledgement that “the laptop from hell”, which was left at a Delaware repair shop, and which was eventually handed over to the FBI by the shop owner, was indeed Hunter Biden’s, and that the contents of the laptop prove the continuing criminality of the Biden crime family, including “the big guy”, Joe Biden.  This has re-opened the issue in a big way, with or without the acquiescence of original censors.

 The citizens of this country should be angry, and in fact, livid, that the 2020 presidential election was literally stolen from President Trump and handed to Joe Biden, largely because of the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop story, by liars in government, by the mainstream “media of record”, and by the despots of social media.  Jack Dorsey of Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook still ban President Trump’s access to tell the truth about this and other collusions against him while president.

 I won’t reiterate the many harms to this country that have resulted from covering up the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop and “fixing” the election for slow, incompetent Joe Biden and his socialist/communist cabal.  We are reminded every time we go to the grocery store or fill up our cars with gas, or turn on our TV sets and watch about how close we are to a nuclear war with Russia, or hear about our next atrocious inner-city crime and “catch and release”.

 Once again, as in many times during his presidency, President Trump has proven to be right about an important issue in the long term, after at first being reviled and denounced by his political, media and big tech detractors.  Pity he was so much “in your face”, that he turned away so many voters in the 2020 election.

 Also, the protesters at the capitol on January 6, 2021 knew that the election was rigged and made their voices heard, but some got carried away and unfortunately resorted to violence.  Of course, this was seized upon by the same destructive elements in our administrative system that rigged the election, as an example of insurrection.  And the media turned the gullible sheep away from news suppression and election fraud to pictures and prosecution of the horned “Viking man” in the capitol building.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 24, 2022

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