Friday, March 11, 2022

Military Help for Ukraine


Military Help for Ukraine

 It occurs to me that there are more ways to supplement Ukraine’s air power than risking World War III by flying fighters to Ukraine from NATO countries in the face of Putin’s rattling his nukes.  Biden and his sophomoric handlers seem really cowed by the bully’s nuclear threats, so we need to explore alternatives.

 A little history first.  Mainly American volunteer pilots formed the now famous “Lafayette Escadrille” and flew for France against Germany before the U.S. entered World War I.  The Flying Tigers were an FDR sanctioned group of American volunteer pilots that flew for China against Japan in early 1941, before Pearl Harbor and the start of World War II.  (As an aside, I visited the Vinegar Joe Stilwell Flying Tiger Museum in Chongqing, China during my trip to China in 2015.)

 There have been other mercenary air forces flying modern jets, not always by “good guy” Americans.  The Katangese air force of the 1960’s comes to mind, as well as several private mercenary air forces through the years.

 There are, right now, a number of private military companies that have access to air power.  Blackwater, renamed Xe Services, and now known as Academi, is one that is quite well known.  One of the oldest and most intimidating is Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), a subsidiary of Textron conglomerate.  The Russian owned Wagner Group, that has been trying to assassinate President Zelenskyy, is another sinister one.

 The point is, why don’t our CIA “spooks”, in cooperation with the Ukrainian FISU Intelligence Service, get in touch with one (or more) of these “military service companies”, and see what they can do for Ukraine.  Maybe they already Have, I’m just sayin…

 Lest we forget, Putin occupied Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, and then invaded and is waging war against a democratically elected, sovereign country.  This is in violation of the 1994 Budapest memorandum, which guarantees the territorial integrity of Ukraine against attack if they relinquish their substantial inventory of nuclear weapons, (which they did).  Putin could give a “fiddler’s f---” for international agreements.  We have to be a little creative against his bullying tactics, not shake, weak kneed, in our basements.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 11, 2022

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