Monday, March 21, 2022

More Hunter’s Laptop


More Hunter’s Laptop

 Just prior to the election, our lying dishonest media and big tech covered up any news about Hunter Biden’s laptop that would incriminate the Biden crime family, including Joe, “the big guy”.  Over 50 Trump detractors jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon, claiming that Hunter’s laptop, its contents and the whole story around it were “Russian disinformation”.

 The New York Times has just recently admitted that the whole Hunter laptop story is true.

 Many think that if the truth were known at election time about the contents of Hunter’s laptop, it would have more than overcome the approximately 160,000 votes over five swing states that it took to “elect” Joe Biden.  Trump would have been re-elected president, just as he claims, and for which he has been has been disgracefully denounced.

 Most of the left-wing media and the 50 or so “intelligence community” liars responsible for perpetrating this egregious deception on the American people, either still deny any culpability for their actions, or demur, mumbling into their beers.  And the Justice Department, with Merrick Garland firmly in the Biden administration’s pocket, looks the other way.  They got away with it.  Biden is president, and that’s that.

 One has to ask what kind of dishonest and Machiavellian political party are the democrats, when they would willfully manipulate our media to withhold news that may have reflected negatively on their candidate?  Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Biden were not the worst president ever, including Andrew Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and is not weakly leading (from behind), the country into stagflation, into a godless upside-down society, and into possible nuclear conflicts with Russia and China.

 Unfortunately, the only news outlets carrying the Hunter laptop story again, are the right-leaning honest news outlets.  Already, the propaganda machines of the massive leftist cabal are working to discredit the truth about Hunter’s laptop, and relegate it to “conspiracy theory”.  Does anyone think that all of the media and other liars will just admit that they covered up and lied about the story in November, 2020?

 And the bulk of Americans are honest and gullible, and, to them, ABC, CBS, NBC. CNN NYT, WaPo, don’t lie, do they?  And Fox News, National Review, they’re just right-wing partisans, aren’t they?  And so, on and on it goes, the liars prevail, impose Marxist principles on the country, and elect really harmful people like Joe Biden.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 21, 2022

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