Friday, July 28, 2023

Staying “Woke”

Staying “Woke”

 We throw the word “woke” around with impunity to the point that we question its real meaning.  Here are some definitions and background on the word “woke”.


Woke is derived from African-American Vernacular English, originally meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination".  Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.   Over time, it became increasingly connected to left-wing matters beyond race such as gender and other marginalized identities.

By 2020, many on the political right and some in the center began using the term as a pejorative for various leftist and progressive movements and ideologies they perceived as overzealous, performative, or insincere.

 From Merriam-Webster

Woke is defined as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

 From Vox

“Woke” has evolved into a single-word summation of leftist political ideology, centered on social justice politics and critical race theory. This framing of “woke” is bipartisan: It’s used as a shorthand for political progressiveness by the left, and as a denigration of leftist culture by the right.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 28, 2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Comparison of how three AI’s respond to an essay question

 Comparison of how three AI’s respond to an essay question


OpenAI ChatGPT (3.5)


Write an essay about the Russian invasion of Ukraine

 Title: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Violent Affront to Sovereignty


 The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014, marked a significant escalation of geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe. The invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea, as well as the ongoing conflict in the Donbas region, have led to immense human suffering, territorial disputes, and strained international relations. This essay aims to delve into the causes, consequences, and international responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

 Causes of the Invasion:

 The roots of the conflict lie in Ukraine's complex historical ties with Russia. Ukraine was once a part of the Soviet Union and has long been viewed by Russia as a critical buffer state and an integral part of its sphere of influence. As Ukraine sought closer ties with the European Union, tensions with Russia escalated, culminating in the ousting of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in early 2014.

 In response to Yanukovych's removal, Russia moved swiftly to annex Crimea, a predominantly Russian-speaking region with historical ties to Russia. The annexation was met with international condemnation and prompted further escalation in the Donbas region, where pro-Russian separatists sought autonomy from Ukraine. Russia's backing of these separatists, including the provision of military support, has resulted in an ongoing and bloody conflict in the Donbas.

 Consequences of the Invasion:

 The Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in devastating consequences for both the Ukrainian people and the broader region. In Crimea, the annexation has led to the suppression of dissent, the persecution of minority groups, and an erosion of civil liberties. Many Crimean Tatars, who opposed the annexation, have faced discrimination and human rights abuses.

 The conflict in the Donbas region has been marked by widespread violence, loss of life, and the displacement of thousands of civilians. The fighting has not only caused immense human suffering but also has severely damaged critical infrastructure, hindering economic development and growth in the region.

 Moreover, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has significantly strained international relations. The annexation of Crimea was widely condemned by the international community, leading to a series of sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries. The conflict in the Donbas has further complicated diplomatic efforts to find a resolution, with multiple rounds of negotiations yielding limited results.

 International Response:

 The Russian invasion of Ukraine elicited a robust international response. The United States, the European Union, and other Western nations swiftly imposed sanctions on Russia, targeting its financial, energy, and defense sectors. These measures aimed to pressure Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine and respect its territorial integrity.

 International organizations, including the United Nations, have also been involved in peace negotiations between Ukraine, Russia, and the separatist forces. However, the conflict has proven difficult to resolve due to the complexity of the issues involved and the competing interests of the parties.

 Despite international pressure, Russia has continued to assert its influence in Ukraine and support the separatists, leading to an ongoing stalemate in the conflict.


 The Russian invasion of Ukraine represents a violent affront to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. The annexation of Crimea and the ongoing conflict in the Donbas have caused immense suffering for the Ukrainian people and strained international relations. Despite international efforts to find a resolution, the conflict remains unresolved, leaving a lasting impact on Ukraine and the broader region. Diplomatic solutions and international support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity remain critical in achieving a lasting peace in the region.


GPT-4, Edge, Bing

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 Write an essay  about Russia's invasion of Ukraine

 Searching for: Russia's invasion of Ukraine

 Searching for: Ukraine's response to Russia's invasion

 Searching for: International response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

 Searching for: Impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Searching for: History of Russia-Ukraine relations

 Generating answers for you…

 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War which began in 20141. The invasion has killed tens of thousands on both sides and Russian forces are responsible for mass civilian casualties and for torturing captured Ukrainian soldiers1. By June 2022, about 8 million Ukrainians had been internally displaced and more than 8.2 million had fled the country by May 2023, Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II1.

 Prior to the invasion, Russian troops concentrated near Ukraine’s borders, as Russian officials denied plans to attack. Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” to support the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, whose military forces were fighting Ukraine in the Donbas conflict, claiming the goal was to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine1. Putin espoused irredentist views, challenged Ukraine’s right to exist, and falsely claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo-Nazis persecuting the ethnic Russian minority1.

 The invasion was met with international condemnation. The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the invasion and demanding a full Russian withdrawal2. The EU has adopted a number of sanctions in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions3. The US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain have also imposed sanctions on Russia2.

 The economic impact of the invasion has been significant. The subsequent economic sanctions have targeted large parts of the Russian economy, Russian oligarchs, and members of the Russian government4. The situation has evolved into a humanitarian crisis, has turned food and energy security volatile and raises questions about the architecture of global security5.

 In conclusion, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had far-reaching consequences in a variety of areas. It has caused a humanitarian disaster by killing thousands, displacing millions, wrecking cities, and bringing war to Europe. It has also unleashed many unexpected demons6. The international community has responded with condemnation and sanctions against Russia. The situation remains volatile and its long-term impact is yet to be fully understood.


Google Bard

 Write an essay on Russia's invasion of Ukraine

 Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

 On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The invasion has caused a humanitarian crisis, with millions of Ukrainians displaced from their homes. The war has also had a significant impact on the global economy, causing energy prices to rise and disrupting supply chains.

 There are a number of reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine. One reason is that Russia has long been concerned about NATO expansion. NATO is a military alliance of 30 countries, and Ukraine has expressed a desire to join the alliance. Russia sees NATO expansion as a threat to its security, and it has warned Ukraine against joining the alliance.

 Another reason for the invasion is that Russia is concerned about Ukraine's potential to become a Western-aligned democracy. Russia wants to maintain its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, and it sees Ukraine as a key part of that sphere. If Ukraine were to join NATO or become a Western-aligned democracy, it would be a major blow to Russian interests.

 The invasion of Ukraine has been met with widespread international condemnation. The United States, the European Union, and other countries have imposed sanctions on Russia in response to the invasion. The sanctions have had a significant impact on the Russian economy, and they are likely to continue to do so in the coming months and years.

 The war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and it is unclear when it will end. However, the invasion has already had a profound impact on the region and the world. It has raised tensions between Russia and the West, and it has led to a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The war is also likely to have a significant impact on the global economy, and it could have a lasting impact on the security of Europe.

 Reactions in Russia to the Invasion of Ukraine

 The invasion of Ukraine has been met with mixed reactions in Russia. Some Russians support the invasion, believing that it is necessary to protect Russia's security. Others oppose the invasion, believing that it is a violation of international law and that it will lead to a humanitarian crisis.

 A poll conducted in April 2022 by the Levada Center found that 74% of Russians support Russia's invasion of Ukraine. However, the poll also found that support for the invasion is declining, and that a growing number of Russians are opposed to the war.

 The invasion of Ukraine has also had a significant impact on the Russian economy. The sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have caused the value of the ruble to plummet, and they have led to shortages of goods and services. The war is also likely to have a negative impact on Russia's long-term economic growth.

 The invasion of Ukraine is a major turning point in Russian history. It has led to a new Cold War between Russia and the West, and it has raised questions about Russia's future role in the world. The war is also likely to have a profound impact on the lives of millions of Russians and Ukrainians.


 The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a complex and multifaceted event. There are a number of reasons why Russia invaded, and there are a variety of reactions to the invasion within Russia and around the world. The war is still ongoing, and it is unclear when it will end. However, the invasion has already had a profound impact on the region and the world. It is a major turning point in Russian history, and it is likely to have a lasting impact on the security of Europe and the global economy.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 25, 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023

Are we coming out of it?

 Are we coming out of it?

 Much of what we have been exposed to in recent years bears epithets like “being “woke””, “social justice”, “political correctness”, “equity”, “cancel culture”, “reparations”, “critical race theory”, “the 1619 project”, and on and on and on.  Unfortunately, all of these are aimed at denigrating or destroying the values, principles and heritage that most Americans outside of the Acela, the West Coast and democrat-run cities, hold dear.

 Just because our democrat politicians, biased media and high tech influencers have gone “off the behavioral deep end”, doesn’t mean that the whole country has followed these irrational and destructive trends.

 There has been a groundswell recently toward a return to normalcy, and an angry outcry against some of these aberrant leftist trends.  Normal, rational America is fed up!  We’ve had enough of the b.s.!

 I’ll just cite two recent examples of how normal, anchored, “real America thinks, as opposed to how the left-wing and the so-called influencers (and Biden), cast it.

 The first has to do with the movie about child trafficking, “The Sound of Freedom”, which was released to massive popular accolades, in spite of it being held back for five years by major film studios, and in spite of left-wing detractions trying to associate the film and its principles with QAnon and other right-wing conspiracy groups. 

 The second relates to Jason Aldean’s song “Try That in a Small Town”, which elicited the same sort of negative responses from the media influencers and powers that be, as it rocketed to the number one song on ITunes and YouTube.  The mis-guided left even tried to associate the song to a lynching 100 years ago at the famous Columbia, TN courthouse, which had appeared in several other films and documentaries.

 For years now, and particularly exacerbated by this far left Biden administration, has been the deterioration of our American values, morals and heritage, obfuscated by what the extreme left calls “political correctness”, “equity” (not equality), and “social justice”.  They have tried to feed us Marxist based CRT and the false historical 1619 project.

 What started as a movement for recognition and acceptance of minorities and marginal social groups has evolved into a violent, activist upheaval of the very foundations of our society.

 Many mores and behavior that were once considered aberrant or taboo or beyond the pale, are now not only accepted in our society, but are elevated to prominence and placed before more mundane, normal beliefs and activities, like Christianity, law and order, marriage between a man and a woman, and two sexes, for example. 

 Erudite observers of our social mores posit that this divisive trend in our society was started by Barrack Obama, just prior to his second election campaign.  Obama’s original message in 2008 was unity, and the country responded to this young, charismatic president with enthusiasm.

 This lost traction by 2012, so Obama brought back and stressed that racism and homophobia were the most divisive features of American society.  He won a second term, and, unfortunately, we have anti-American racism and homophobia for the foreseeable future.

 Whereas Barrack Obama institutionalized racial/sexual divides for political reasons, Joe Biden and his handlers, in a little over two years, put hateful divisions between people on steroids.  Leftist prejudice, censorship, imposition of strange genders, “woke” cancel culture, are all manifestations of this divisive, hateful dystopia.

 Oppression and Persecution of minorities and persons of variant sexuality were always wrong, and reflected an inherent bigotry in some parts of our society.  The original beneficent civil rights and equal rights movements of the twentieth century were long ago co-opted and hijacked for political ends by the democrats, even though democrats were the country’s original racists.  After Obama and Biden, racism and homophobia continue to be key features and foundations of the aberrant new politics of the left.

 But, as outlined above, more and more of the general public are fed up with Biden’s societal, economic and political abuses.  Whether the school-based indoctrination of our younger citizens into academic socialism/communism will be overcome sufficiently to vote the Biden cabal out, remains to be seen.  One can only hope that our younger voters can also see what’s happening in the country, have not been completely brain-washed, and feel the debilitating economic impact of Biden’s government on their pocketbooks.   That is if these young voters are not bribed by the left’s continuing lies about abortion and college debt.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 22, 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023

House Committee Hearings

 House Committee Hearings

 I’ve been watching pieces of the House Committee hearings from IRS whistleblowers yesterday, July 19, on the “Teflon Bidens” getting away with all manner of graft, tax evasion and other crimes; and today on government censorship starring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and others.

 The best line that I’ve heard all day is Jason Chaffetz’ comment:           “I never thought that I would see the democrats attack a Kennedy”.  I’m not a democrat, nor have I ever been a big Kennedy fan, and although I disagree with his politics, I cannot help liking RFK Jr.  He is difficult to understand with his rare voice disorder, spasmodic dysphonia, but he seems genuine, and he is not a pre-packaged “woke” hack.  He may have some weird ideas, but he defends them with enthusiasm and intelligence, at least when he is allowed by the dems on this committee to put two words in edgewise.


 In addition to the Kennedy-Jordan-Plaskett show, while it is somewhat entertaining to see our left-wing politicians lie and squirm and try to cover up past graft, election interference and other blatant crimes and misdemeanors in front of Jordan, Comer, et al, one has to wonder what good will all of this spectacle and acrimony accomplish?

 Color me cynical, but many times, although the republicans uncover all sorts of democrat-media-high tech abuses and make a lot of noise, nothing ever seems to come of it.  None of the Bidens are brought to task, and they just get away with it.

 Even if Joe Biden is impeached, the leftist senate will never convict him.  Unfortunately, this corrupt government will continue destroying our country, our values and our heritage until we elect a real president.

 Ray Gruszecki
Jul 20, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023

Bribes to Young Voters

 Bribes to Young Voters

 Like it or not, what amounts to democrat bribes to young voters are having their toll.  That’s why we have a marginally democrat senate and only a marginally republican house after the 2022 mid-terms, in spite of the fact that Joe Biden has less than a 40% overall approval rating, and that over 60% of voters oppose the democrats’ America-killing “woke” policies.

 Hammering away at the young folks that the nasty MAGA SCOTUS took away abortion as an “inalienable right”, rather than a past constitutional aberration, and also ruled that they actually had to pay for their college education, convinced these young minds to vote for their socialist democrat “benefactors”.  So, we have a democrat senate, and a marginally republican house.

 We also still have Biden tied or slightly ahead of Trump or DeSantis in predictive overall 2024 presidential polls.  And, we can bet, with the success of their bribes in 2022, the dems will continue to court the gullible millennials and gen-zers in the 2024 presidential election.

 What other dirty tricks, like dead people voting, hiding controversial news, etc. will the democrats and their biased media friends conceive in 2024?

 Ray Gruszecki
July 17, 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cocaine at the White House

 Cocaine at the White House

 Lies, lies, lies and more lies!  Whose cocaine is it?  Don’t tell us that they don’t know!

 The Biden administration fairy tale is that the full strength and capability of federal government law enforcement in DC cannot determine to whom the bag of cocaine belongs.  Yet, The Suffolk County Crime Laboratory can identify a cold case serial killer in New York from DNA on a discarded pizza box and tie it in to one hair from suspect Rex Heuermann.

 Can we not hold our government responsible and accountable?  Apparently, the answer is that we cannot when it comes to democrats.  Only republicans’ houses can be raided at dawn, their property seized and frivolous charges brought against them.  They can even be impeached (twice!).

 It doesn’t happen to democrats, particularly not to the Bidens.  They can get away with all manner of abuses, while the biased justice system and the biased media looks the other way, or lightly slaps their wrist.

 After months of the circus and frivolity known as the January 6th hearings, the (barely) republican house now blathers and bloviates at Merrick Garland, Chris Wray and others, but they don’t do anything.  All they do is talk.

 While Hunter, an acknowledged criminal and drug addict, attends state dinners, has full access to the white house, and reportedly lives there.  Whose cocaine is it, again?  Ask Occam.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 15, 2023

Baltic States

 Baltic States

 I visited the three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in 2017 before bussing to St Petersburg, Russia from Tallinn, Estonia.

 A subject of considerable concern in these three small Baltic countries bordering Russia, was that, whether or not they were in NATO, Putin would find some way to re-absorb them into Russia.  This became exacerbated when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 and tried to make that country part of Russia once again.

 Now that their two big brothers in the North, Finland and Sweden, both substantial military powers, have joined NATO, Baltic leaders in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn are breathing a little easier.

 The recent meeting of NATO in Vilnius, attended by 31 counties, and also by Zelenskyy of Ukraine, sent an unmistakable message to Putin about these Baltic states and about any further attempts at Western expansion by Russia.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 15, 2023

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Grandfatherly Joe

 Grandfatherly Joe

 Observing stumbling, fumbling, bumbling, aged Joe Biden elicits several responses in most people.  One is sympathy for the failing octogenarian.  The other is embarrassment that the country has such a weak, senile and inept individual as president.

 But wait.  The symptoms of Biden’s age that elicit sympathy are tempered with the unbending selfishness and arrogance that he has acquired and honed over fifty years of duplicity and ineptitude in Washington.  Joe is not just a kindly old grandfatherly figure doing the best he can.  He is the consummate political hack.

 In truth, he is a shifty, scheming, conniving, angry, foul mouthed politician who is being further directed by ultra-left, woke, sophomoric puppeteers.  He is also a personally nasty, vindictive, bad-tempered individual, and not at all the calm, balanced persona that he would like to project.  He angrily snaps at inquisitive reporters and those around him with cursing and profanity.

 I have lived a long time, and can date back to Franklin Roosevelt’s administrations during the Second World War.  Then came a long line of presidents - Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, and finally Joe Biden.

 I have never seen as inept and incompetent and destructive to our society, an administration as this current one of Joe Biden.  Also, in reading back through the history of all of our presidents, we’ve had some bad actors, but it’s still hard to find one as bad as Biden.  James Buchanan, who exacerbated the situation leading up to the Civil War, probably just beats out Joe Biden as the worst president that we have ever had.

 And the really continuing and unfortunate thing about Biden is his unbending arrogance and patting himself on the back that he is doing a great job.  And Biden’s minions, and the gullible “forever democrat” sheep, bleat “baa__aa”, drink the Kool-aid and vote for him.

 Exaggeration is part of the deal, but to claim economic success when the most of the country is struggling to make ends meet and much of our society is “in the toilet” is way beyond the pale.  Coupled with his nasty disposition, Biden is truly as bad as it gets.

 If there was an effective alternative to Biden, he should be eased out, and perhaps the left is more and more engaged in this process.  But look at his backup.  The giggling, even more nasty and incompetent Kamala Harris.

 Notwithstanding the continuing persecutions by the left, the phony impeachments by Nancy Pelosi, the equally phony indictments about documents, former President Donald Trump is far and away in the lead for a second term.  If anything, his populist clout has been embellished and increased by the persecutions of the leftists.

 President Trump has been as controversial a president as any in recent history, (by his personality, and not by his accomplishments).

 One can wax enthusiastic about Trump’s strong pre-Covid economy, $1.80/gal gasoline, the real southern border, low crime rates, two natural sexes, three SCOTUS appointments, pride in our country and its heritage, and all the trappings of “pre-woke” societal normalcy.

 The left brought Trump down in 2016 with some dirty tricks and election chicanery, (and some say Trump’s own fault).  Whether they bring him down again in 2024 remains to be seen.  Whatever happens, even the most inveterate democrat millennial or gen-z voter has to acknowledge that stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, tripping, cursing, nasty, Joe Biden cannot hope to lead the country until he is 86.  Neither can giggling Kamala.  Who else from the democrat side?  Gavin from lawless, socialist/communist San Francisco and California?  Pete from the transportation disasters?  RFK Jr. and his conspiracy theories?  Liz Warren or Gretchen Whitmer from the dregs of liberal activism?

 In addition to Trump, the republican bench seems a lot deeper.  DeSantis and his excellent Florida record, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy (who really sounds good) and several others.

 We shall see what we shall see.  The current projection is Biden versus Trump, with all the left thinking that Trump has been damaged enough for Biden to win easily.  With Trump’s populism, I don’t necessarily subscribe to that view.  Even with the biased media and big tech against him, Trump is a fighter, and he could prevail again.  Also, Elon Musk now runs a fair Twitter, which is no longer a biased left-wing influencer.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 12, 2023

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Ernesto “Che” Guevara

 Ernesto “Che” Guevara

 Ernesto “Che” Guevara is a twentieth century icon.  Glorified by many as the epitome of resistance and freedom fighters, and reviled by as many others as an unclean communist butcher, “Che” remains larger than life.  His iconic bereted picture remains a symbol of resistance everywhere.  He is almost better known than Simon Bolivar, who effectively freed much of South America from Spanish rule in the nineteenth century.

 As an average anti-communist American, one side of my impression of Che Guevara has always been somewhat negative and linked with other revolutionaries such as Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Zedong, and other left-wing communist figures.

 But Che Guevara tickled my libertarian side.  I have always been against oppressiveness and unfairness, and Che’s resistance to these appealed to me.  Also, who cannot get caught up in something as intriguing as “The Motorcycle Diaries”, that Che wrote about his travels in South and Central America?  Sounds like something out of Kerouac.

 I set out to confirm Che’s positive reputation, that notwithstanding the fact that he was a communist and atheist, he was indeed a positive force in elevating the poor, oppressed, masses.

 In further researching Guevara, it is difficult to get a clear picture of the man.  Some references almost deify him as a prime force against capitalist abuses in South and Latin America, referring to him as an enlightened,  positive intellectual, physician and humanitarian.  Other references cast him as a narcissistic, brutal communist who never earned his medical degree, and who had terrible hygiene.

 Che Guevara was an accomplice and friend of Fidel and Raul Castro in Mexico prior to the Cuban revolution, and a major government figure in Castro’s Cuba.  He may have been somewhat less successful and famous in his further revolutionary endeavors in South America after he left Cuba, but he remained as an active militant to his end.  He was shot by the Bolivian army in 1967 at age 39.

 Whatever he was, the mystique that has grown up around him has made Che a legend and a symbol of revolution and resistance to oppression everywhere.  Crowds in Greece and Africa and across Europe chant his name and sing Che’s version of “Bella Ciao”.

 Che Guevara - Bio’s and links


 Che Guevara: Doctor, Revolutionary, Murderer

 Bella Ciao  (Italiana)

 Bella Ciao  (Che Guevara)

 Ray Gruszecki
July 9, 2023

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Where to get true and accurate news?

 Where to get true and accurate news?

 Normally not from the biased conventional news sources.  Upwards of 80-90% of mainstream news is slanted left, and could almost serve as the propaganda arm of the democrat party.  This includes the broadcast channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, cable channels CNN, MSNBC, many iconic newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post, many others, and includes the Associated Press. 

 Seeking out FOX or Newsmax or OAN or National Review or the Wall Street Journal may seem to bring a more honest message, but in truth, one cannot deny that these news outlets are slanted to the right of the political spectrum.  Reuters, however, is a balanced news source.

 How do we know?

 I’ve found the most honest and reliable fact checking service to be “Media Bias Fact Check”, followed by “”.  “Snopes” and “Politifact” purport to be fact checkers, but they are both slanted to the left.

 Several honest and reliable news sources are worth mentioning.

 Pew Research is an honest, balanced source that regularly canvasses, summarizes and provides statistics about the most important news and trends.  Statista is another balanced source, originally from Hamburg, Germany, now world-wide.

 Russia and Ukraine both exaggerate how the war is progressing.  A reliable source for news about the war in Ukraine is “The Institute for the Study of War”, General Jack Keane’s group, which gives almost daily real updates.

 Ray Gruszecki July 5, 2023

Sunday, July 2, 2023



 If we recall, myriad whistleblowers had come forth with evidence of fraud and malfeasance during the 2020 election.  These whistleblowers were all discounted, swept under the rug, and consigned to the scrapbook of history, in the January 6 inquisition by the left.  Cited below is just one such exposure of dirty tricks by the democrats during the 2020 election, having to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

 Do we also remember the anonymous whistleblower who sat in on President Trump’s phone call with President Zelensky of Ukraine in July, 2019, alleging that Trump tied military aid to Ukraine, to Ukraine’s investigating Hunter Biden?  Nancy Pelosi seized on that whistleblower’s allegation, and impeached Trump in December, 2019.  That anonymous whistleblower was not discounted, since Trump was on the receiving end.

 So, what is the life expectancy of the veracity and acceptability of whistleblower IRS Supervisor Agent Gary Shapley and others, concerning Hunter Biden’s non-payment of taxes?  Perhaps the same as the above election whistleblowers in this dystopian left-wing Biden excuse of a government, which uses all the power of the federal government to quash any exposure that it doesn’t like.


Quoting from the link, “Much of the attention paid to allegations of interference in the 2020 election has focused on former President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and malfeasance. However, potential fraud at the polls is far less disturbing than the growing body of evidence that Democrats, the FBI, Big Tech, and legacy media worked together — right out in the open — to put President Joe Biden in the White House.

 At least a dozen FBI whistleblowers have reached out to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, respectively, to inform them that, in the months leading up to the election, bureau insiders tried to scuttle the investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business adventures. Their modus operandi was to label the story as Russian disinformation.”

 Ray Gruszecki
July 2, 2023

Saturday, July 1, 2023

On SCOTUS and the U.S. Constitution

 On SCOTUS and the U.S. Constitution

 Up until the 1960's there had basically been only one widely accepted view regarding the meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

 Before then there had been only several instances where the U.S. Supreme Court had made decisions that were out of the normal mold, i.e., decisions based upon a strict literal reading of the pertinent part(s) of the Constitution involved in the case at hand.

 But this has changed drastically in the last decades due to the fact that there has been a tremendously increased use of judicial activism, which means that judges go beyond their legitimate role of interpreting the Constitution and settling disputes. They now often determine policy through "case law".

 The first view of the U.S. Constitution is that it means what it says in the text, and should be applied to a court decision accordingly. This approach allows for no unstated powers or rights at the national level. If it is determined that some up-dating of the Constitution is necessary, then the Amendment clause should be followed as written in Article V. This view is referred to as "strict construction-ism" or "original intent".

 The second view is that the U.S. Constitution is a "living document" and should be interpreted according to current conditions. This is the theoretical basis for judicial activism, and implicitly justifies making changes in the meaning of the U.S. Constitution without following the required amendment process found in the U.S. Constitution.

 This approach to interpreting the Constitution turns it into a malleable item which can mean whatever the Justices say that it means without regard to the actual text of the document. They ascribe to the document "implied clauses" or "penumbras" that do not actually exist in the document itself.

 Ultimately, the choice is between:

1     1.)  Return to the original meaning of the U.S. Constitution, by which the Founding Fathers so wisely established limited government and individual rights. Rights are preserved in this option.

 2.)   Continue down the path of judicial activism and watch our form of government and our individual rights erode right before our eyes. Rights are lost under this option, and the power of the government continually increases.

 Clearly, the current makeup of the Supreme Court. (thanks to three justices installed under President Trump’s administration), supports the former, or originalist view – change the meaning of the Constitution only by the Amendment clause as written in Article V, and not at the behest of judicial activists.

 Recent cases that SCOTUS remediated are Roe v. Wade and successor cases, which are never referenced in the constitution, affirmative action, which purports to fight racism with another form of racism, abuses of the first amendment by distorting LGBTQ++++ rights, and executive overstepping by the president concerning student loans. 

 Ray Gruszecki
July 1, 2023