Saturday, July 15, 2023

Baltic States

 Baltic States

 I visited the three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in 2017 before bussing to St Petersburg, Russia from Tallinn, Estonia.

 A subject of considerable concern in these three small Baltic countries bordering Russia, was that, whether or not they were in NATO, Putin would find some way to re-absorb them into Russia.  This became exacerbated when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 and tried to make that country part of Russia once again.

 Now that their two big brothers in the North, Finland and Sweden, both substantial military powers, have joined NATO, Baltic leaders in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn are breathing a little easier.

 The recent meeting of NATO in Vilnius, attended by 31 counties, and also by Zelenskyy of Ukraine, sent an unmistakable message to Putin about these Baltic states and about any further attempts at Western expansion by Russia.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 15, 2023

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