Sunday, July 2, 2023



 If we recall, myriad whistleblowers had come forth with evidence of fraud and malfeasance during the 2020 election.  These whistleblowers were all discounted, swept under the rug, and consigned to the scrapbook of history, in the January 6 inquisition by the left.  Cited below is just one such exposure of dirty tricks by the democrats during the 2020 election, having to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

 Do we also remember the anonymous whistleblower who sat in on President Trump’s phone call with President Zelensky of Ukraine in July, 2019, alleging that Trump tied military aid to Ukraine, to Ukraine’s investigating Hunter Biden?  Nancy Pelosi seized on that whistleblower’s allegation, and impeached Trump in December, 2019.  That anonymous whistleblower was not discounted, since Trump was on the receiving end.

 So, what is the life expectancy of the veracity and acceptability of whistleblower IRS Supervisor Agent Gary Shapley and others, concerning Hunter Biden’s non-payment of taxes?  Perhaps the same as the above election whistleblowers in this dystopian left-wing Biden excuse of a government, which uses all the power of the federal government to quash any exposure that it doesn’t like.


Quoting from the link, “Much of the attention paid to allegations of interference in the 2020 election has focused on former President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and malfeasance. However, potential fraud at the polls is far less disturbing than the growing body of evidence that Democrats, the FBI, Big Tech, and legacy media worked together — right out in the open — to put President Joe Biden in the White House.

 At least a dozen FBI whistleblowers have reached out to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, respectively, to inform them that, in the months leading up to the election, bureau insiders tried to scuttle the investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business adventures. Their modus operandi was to label the story as Russian disinformation.”

 Ray Gruszecki
July 2, 2023

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