Monday, July 24, 2023

Are we coming out of it?

 Are we coming out of it?

 Much of what we have been exposed to in recent years bears epithets like “being “woke””, “social justice”, “political correctness”, “equity”, “cancel culture”, “reparations”, “critical race theory”, “the 1619 project”, and on and on and on.  Unfortunately, all of these are aimed at denigrating or destroying the values, principles and heritage that most Americans outside of the Acela, the West Coast and democrat-run cities, hold dear.

 Just because our democrat politicians, biased media and high tech influencers have gone “off the behavioral deep end”, doesn’t mean that the whole country has followed these irrational and destructive trends.

 There has been a groundswell recently toward a return to normalcy, and an angry outcry against some of these aberrant leftist trends.  Normal, rational America is fed up!  We’ve had enough of the b.s.!

 I’ll just cite two recent examples of how normal, anchored, “real America thinks, as opposed to how the left-wing and the so-called influencers (and Biden), cast it.

 The first has to do with the movie about child trafficking, “The Sound of Freedom”, which was released to massive popular accolades, in spite of it being held back for five years by major film studios, and in spite of left-wing detractions trying to associate the film and its principles with QAnon and other right-wing conspiracy groups. 

 The second relates to Jason Aldean’s song “Try That in a Small Town”, which elicited the same sort of negative responses from the media influencers and powers that be, as it rocketed to the number one song on ITunes and YouTube.  The mis-guided left even tried to associate the song to a lynching 100 years ago at the famous Columbia, TN courthouse, which had appeared in several other films and documentaries.

 For years now, and particularly exacerbated by this far left Biden administration, has been the deterioration of our American values, morals and heritage, obfuscated by what the extreme left calls “political correctness”, “equity” (not equality), and “social justice”.  They have tried to feed us Marxist based CRT and the false historical 1619 project.

 What started as a movement for recognition and acceptance of minorities and marginal social groups has evolved into a violent, activist upheaval of the very foundations of our society.

 Many mores and behavior that were once considered aberrant or taboo or beyond the pale, are now not only accepted in our society, but are elevated to prominence and placed before more mundane, normal beliefs and activities, like Christianity, law and order, marriage between a man and a woman, and two sexes, for example. 

 Erudite observers of our social mores posit that this divisive trend in our society was started by Barrack Obama, just prior to his second election campaign.  Obama’s original message in 2008 was unity, and the country responded to this young, charismatic president with enthusiasm.

 This lost traction by 2012, so Obama brought back and stressed that racism and homophobia were the most divisive features of American society.  He won a second term, and, unfortunately, we have anti-American racism and homophobia for the foreseeable future.

 Whereas Barrack Obama institutionalized racial/sexual divides for political reasons, Joe Biden and his handlers, in a little over two years, put hateful divisions between people on steroids.  Leftist prejudice, censorship, imposition of strange genders, “woke” cancel culture, are all manifestations of this divisive, hateful dystopia.

 Oppression and Persecution of minorities and persons of variant sexuality were always wrong, and reflected an inherent bigotry in some parts of our society.  The original beneficent civil rights and equal rights movements of the twentieth century were long ago co-opted and hijacked for political ends by the democrats, even though democrats were the country’s original racists.  After Obama and Biden, racism and homophobia continue to be key features and foundations of the aberrant new politics of the left.

 But, as outlined above, more and more of the general public are fed up with Biden’s societal, economic and political abuses.  Whether the school-based indoctrination of our younger citizens into academic socialism/communism will be overcome sufficiently to vote the Biden cabal out, remains to be seen.  One can only hope that our younger voters can also see what’s happening in the country, have not been completely brain-washed, and feel the debilitating economic impact of Biden’s government on their pocketbooks.   That is if these young voters are not bribed by the left’s continuing lies about abortion and college debt.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 22, 2023

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