Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cocaine at the White House

 Cocaine at the White House

 Lies, lies, lies and more lies!  Whose cocaine is it?  Don’t tell us that they don’t know!

 The Biden administration fairy tale is that the full strength and capability of federal government law enforcement in DC cannot determine to whom the bag of cocaine belongs.  Yet, The Suffolk County Crime Laboratory can identify a cold case serial killer in New York from DNA on a discarded pizza box and tie it in to one hair from suspect Rex Heuermann.

 Can we not hold our government responsible and accountable?  Apparently, the answer is that we cannot when it comes to democrats.  Only republicans’ houses can be raided at dawn, their property seized and frivolous charges brought against them.  They can even be impeached (twice!).

 It doesn’t happen to democrats, particularly not to the Bidens.  They can get away with all manner of abuses, while the biased justice system and the biased media looks the other way, or lightly slaps their wrist.

 After months of the circus and frivolity known as the January 6th hearings, the (barely) republican house now blathers and bloviates at Merrick Garland, Chris Wray and others, but they don’t do anything.  All they do is talk.

 While Hunter, an acknowledged criminal and drug addict, attends state dinners, has full access to the white house, and reportedly lives there.  Whose cocaine is it, again?  Ask Occam.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 15, 2023

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