Monday, July 17, 2023

Bribes to Young Voters

 Bribes to Young Voters

 Like it or not, what amounts to democrat bribes to young voters are having their toll.  That’s why we have a marginally democrat senate and only a marginally republican house after the 2022 mid-terms, in spite of the fact that Joe Biden has less than a 40% overall approval rating, and that over 60% of voters oppose the democrats’ America-killing “woke” policies.

 Hammering away at the young folks that the nasty MAGA SCOTUS took away abortion as an “inalienable right”, rather than a past constitutional aberration, and also ruled that they actually had to pay for their college education, convinced these young minds to vote for their socialist democrat “benefactors”.  So, we have a democrat senate, and a marginally republican house.

 We also still have Biden tied or slightly ahead of Trump or DeSantis in predictive overall 2024 presidential polls.  And, we can bet, with the success of their bribes in 2022, the dems will continue to court the gullible millennials and gen-zers in the 2024 presidential election.

 What other dirty tricks, like dead people voting, hiding controversial news, etc. will the democrats and their biased media friends conceive in 2024?

 Ray Gruszecki
July 17, 2023

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