Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Grandfatherly Joe

 Grandfatherly Joe

 Observing stumbling, fumbling, bumbling, aged Joe Biden elicits several responses in most people.  One is sympathy for the failing octogenarian.  The other is embarrassment that the country has such a weak, senile and inept individual as president.

 But wait.  The symptoms of Biden’s age that elicit sympathy are tempered with the unbending selfishness and arrogance that he has acquired and honed over fifty years of duplicity and ineptitude in Washington.  Joe is not just a kindly old grandfatherly figure doing the best he can.  He is the consummate political hack.

 In truth, he is a shifty, scheming, conniving, angry, foul mouthed politician who is being further directed by ultra-left, woke, sophomoric puppeteers.  He is also a personally nasty, vindictive, bad-tempered individual, and not at all the calm, balanced persona that he would like to project.  He angrily snaps at inquisitive reporters and those around him with cursing and profanity.

 I have lived a long time, and can date back to Franklin Roosevelt’s administrations during the Second World War.  Then came a long line of presidents - Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, and finally Joe Biden.

 I have never seen as inept and incompetent and destructive to our society, an administration as this current one of Joe Biden.  Also, in reading back through the history of all of our presidents, we’ve had some bad actors, but it’s still hard to find one as bad as Biden.  James Buchanan, who exacerbated the situation leading up to the Civil War, probably just beats out Joe Biden as the worst president that we have ever had.

 And the really continuing and unfortunate thing about Biden is his unbending arrogance and patting himself on the back that he is doing a great job.  And Biden’s minions, and the gullible “forever democrat” sheep, bleat “baa__aa”, drink the Kool-aid and vote for him.

 Exaggeration is part of the deal, but to claim economic success when the most of the country is struggling to make ends meet and much of our society is “in the toilet” is way beyond the pale.  Coupled with his nasty disposition, Biden is truly as bad as it gets.

 If there was an effective alternative to Biden, he should be eased out, and perhaps the left is more and more engaged in this process.  But look at his backup.  The giggling, even more nasty and incompetent Kamala Harris.

 Notwithstanding the continuing persecutions by the left, the phony impeachments by Nancy Pelosi, the equally phony indictments about documents, former President Donald Trump is far and away in the lead for a second term.  If anything, his populist clout has been embellished and increased by the persecutions of the leftists.

 President Trump has been as controversial a president as any in recent history, (by his personality, and not by his accomplishments).

 One can wax enthusiastic about Trump’s strong pre-Covid economy, $1.80/gal gasoline, the real southern border, low crime rates, two natural sexes, three SCOTUS appointments, pride in our country and its heritage, and all the trappings of “pre-woke” societal normalcy.

 The left brought Trump down in 2016 with some dirty tricks and election chicanery, (and some say Trump’s own fault).  Whether they bring him down again in 2024 remains to be seen.  Whatever happens, even the most inveterate democrat millennial or gen-z voter has to acknowledge that stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, tripping, cursing, nasty, Joe Biden cannot hope to lead the country until he is 86.  Neither can giggling Kamala.  Who else from the democrat side?  Gavin from lawless, socialist/communist San Francisco and California?  Pete from the transportation disasters?  RFK Jr. and his conspiracy theories?  Liz Warren or Gretchen Whitmer from the dregs of liberal activism?

 In addition to Trump, the republican bench seems a lot deeper.  DeSantis and his excellent Florida record, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy (who really sounds good) and several others.

 We shall see what we shall see.  The current projection is Biden versus Trump, with all the left thinking that Trump has been damaged enough for Biden to win easily.  With Trump’s populism, I don’t necessarily subscribe to that view.  Even with the biased media and big tech against him, Trump is a fighter, and he could prevail again.  Also, Elon Musk now runs a fair Twitter, which is no longer a biased left-wing influencer.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 12, 2023

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