Thursday, July 20, 2023

House Committee Hearings

 House Committee Hearings

 I’ve been watching pieces of the House Committee hearings from IRS whistleblowers yesterday, July 19, on the “Teflon Bidens” getting away with all manner of graft, tax evasion and other crimes; and today on government censorship starring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and others.

 The best line that I’ve heard all day is Jason Chaffetz’ comment:           “I never thought that I would see the democrats attack a Kennedy”.  I’m not a democrat, nor have I ever been a big Kennedy fan, and although I disagree with his politics, I cannot help liking RFK Jr.  He is difficult to understand with his rare voice disorder, spasmodic dysphonia, but he seems genuine, and he is not a pre-packaged “woke” hack.  He may have some weird ideas, but he defends them with enthusiasm and intelligence, at least when he is allowed by the dems on this committee to put two words in edgewise.


 In addition to the Kennedy-Jordan-Plaskett show, while it is somewhat entertaining to see our left-wing politicians lie and squirm and try to cover up past graft, election interference and other blatant crimes and misdemeanors in front of Jordan, Comer, et al, one has to wonder what good will all of this spectacle and acrimony accomplish?

 Color me cynical, but many times, although the republicans uncover all sorts of democrat-media-high tech abuses and make a lot of noise, nothing ever seems to come of it.  None of the Bidens are brought to task, and they just get away with it.

 Even if Joe Biden is impeached, the leftist senate will never convict him.  Unfortunately, this corrupt government will continue destroying our country, our values and our heritage until we elect a real president.

 Ray Gruszecki
Jul 20, 2023

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