Sunday, December 27, 2020




 President Donald Trump is an old “meanie”!  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”!

 President Donald Trump’s tweets to the people are too raw and direct.   And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”!

 President Donald Trump is a “racist”!  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”, ignoring his positive works for minorities.

 President Donald Trump is a “misogynist”!  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”, ignoring his positive works for women.

 President Donald Trump is a “homophobic”!  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”, ignoring his positive works for the LGBTQ+ community.

 And the biased media suppressed and covered up the Hunter Biden and Biden Family crime family scandals.  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”!

 And Joe Biden did not stress the published, and readily available, socialist democrat platform, or his own accomplishments.  His message was “Trump killed people with his virus, and I’m not Trump”.  And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”! 

 And the gullible people listened to the biased propaganda on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and bleated – “baaa-aa”, and they elected Biden, after their crooked and unscrupulous minions first illegally “cooked” the rules in the big democrat swing state cities.  Signed and testified, whistleblower, eyewitness attempts to expose the fraud and illegality were met with the same derisive ovine bleats, and an uninterested judiciary.

 So, we will have Joe Biden as a figurehead president, really Obamas 3rd term, as evidenced by Biden’s platitudes, and his cabinet picks, trying to balance the extreme left socialist democrats with the more moderate middle in his own party, with a much weaker Pelosi-run house and an opposition senate (assuming republicans win the Georgia runoff).

 And the people that elected Biden, albeit illegally, will need to learn to bleat their acquiescence in Mandarin, since their buddies, the Biden crime family will ensure Chinese communist party hegemony in world affairs.  Maybe the sheeple will need to learn to bleat in Farsi, also, since the Ayatollahs will no doubt attain nuclear military capability under the “new world order” Biden administration.  Watch out also, for the little thugs, like Putin, Erdogan, Kim Jong-Un and Maduro, all of whom will no doubt ascend in stature under a demonstrably weak Biden foreign policy.

 Things will be just as bad domestically.  Trump removed many unnecessary restrictions, decreased taxes and let the economy grow to record proportions before having to shut it down due to the corona virus.  Trump also appealed to our patriotism and love of country, with all of its warts.  Biden will concentrate on the warts. To hell with the patriotism.  The Biden administration will stress political correctness,  identity politics, the cancel culture, the 1619 project in schools, and, the gullible people will hear the state propaganda media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, and will bleat. – “baaa-aa”!

 Until, hopefully, it all sinks in, - and the gullible sheeple wake up to reality, turn on their media herders, and re-establish some of the Lockeian and Burkeian principles that our founders believed to originally establish our country.

Ray Gruszecki
December 26, 2020

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