Friday, June 19, 2020

Black Lives Matter – A Deep Dive

Black Lives Matter – A Deep Dive

A recent respected Pew Research study showed that “two-thirds of U.S. adults say they support the Black Lives Matter movement, with 38% saying they strongly support it.” 

I wonder if that support comes from a belief that “Black Lives Matter”, as the name implies, is a responsible civil rights movement, fighting for the rights of (what are claimed as) oppressed black Americans?  I decided to take a “deep dive” to find out exactly what BLM was.

It is not an innocuous, beneficent civil rights movement.  It is a decentralized, neo-Marxist based, George Soros funded, domestic terrorist organization.   BLM happily self-identifies as a neo-Marxist movement with various far-left objectives, including defunding the police, dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system, disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, seeking reparations from slavery to redistribute wealth and via various offshoot appeals, to raise money to bail black prisoners awaiting trial. The notion of seizing control of the apportionment of capital, dismantling the frameworks of society, and neutralizing and undermining law enforcement is not just Marxist, but anarchic….”

You won’t read this in the New York Times or the Washington Post, or see it on CNN or the network news channels, all of whom fawn over BLM, Antifa, the anarchists, and any group that hates President Trump as much as they do, and who classify the violent destruction of our cities and our history as “peaceful”.

But it is what it is.  Thankfully there still are enough media outlets who carry the real news – the burning businesses, the defaced and destroyed monuments, the toppled statues – and even worse, the beatings and killings by the mob that are just “swept under the rug” by the BLM cultural revolution.

I’m forever optimistic that the two thirds of Americans supporting the Neo-Marxist terrorist organization Black Lives Matter”, will wake up and see reality.  But I fear that many of our young people have been imbued with socialist ideation to the point that they have forgotten, or perhaps never were taught, that various forms of socialism and communism resulted in the deaths of upwards of 120 million people in the twentieth century.

In the words of Lenin, “the goal of socialism is communism”.  And as we’ve learned countless times before, these corrosive political movements require totalitarianism to sustains them.  Like the totalitarianism being imposed on us right now by movements like BLM, Antifa and the anarchists.

I am so very, very sad for the America that I love.

Ray Gruszecki
Jun 20, 2020

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