Saturday, June 6, 2020

Collection – George Floyd Protests Jun 2 – 5, 2020

Collection – George Floyd Protests Jun 2 – 5, 2020

June 5, 2020
I looked forward to the tear 2020 as a milestone, and as a symbolic clear, 2020 view of the rest of my aging life.  For several years prior, I had talked about downsizing and simplifying my life, and finally in 2019, I did all of the extensive work necessary to fix up for sale, the house that I had lived in for the past 37 years, and sell off many possessions, including firearms, pickup truck, computers, books and many other items that I had accumulated.  It was daunting task, but I got it done, with the help of professionals, in mid-2019, put the house up for sale, and moved into an active senior community about five miles away.

First, we had the “big wind”, in June of 2019, which almost delayed my move-in date, since it knocked down a tree right at my rear door.  Next was the tornado that hit Dallas in October, and literally jumped over our complex, and did not damage my house, about five miles away, but knocked out power for nearly a week.

Rather than selling my house immediately, as I intended, and as was indicated by the real estate market when I first started the whole effort in early 2019, it sat there until January of 2020, and I sold it for substantially less than I originally intended.  I sold to a developer, so I did save the 3% buyer’s commission.

I invested the proceeds of the house sale immediately, in my existing investment portfolio, which was balanced between safe investments and equities, but weighted somewhat toward equities.  It did quite nicely for a few weeks, along with the bull stock market.  Then nearly all business shut down as a result of the corona virus pandemic, and at one point, nearly 30% of the proceeds from the house were gone, on paper.  I had saved back enough liquidity to see me through several months without having to retrieve cash from the deflated investment, and I had been through a similar downturn in 2008, so I stuck it out, did not panic, and as of June 5, 2020, with businesses opening back up, and  in spite of the race rioting still happening in the streets, my investment is only down about 2-3% from its high in February.

The reason that I’m writing this, is to record a particularly arduous year.  Downsizing, moving out and selling a house, the “big wind”, a tornado and power outages, the corona virus and associated sheltering in place, mobs in the streets.  All I can say is that Lord willing, hopefully, the rest of 2020 will bring respite from these life’s vicissitudes.

June 5, 2020
How many people are involved in the racial protest/demonstrations/riots?  Who are they?  Who is organizing and funding them, if anyone?  Not the easiest questions to answer, but watching the action on TV, reading about it and some common sense assumptions might help.

USA Today, normally reliable source, estimates that upwards of 700 American towns and cities have had some form of protest since May 25, when George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis.  Most of this 700 were relatively small towns, with relatively small protests.  Let’s say that 500 of these smaller cities had protests of 1000 people each.  This is probably on the high side, but let’s be conservative.  So that’s 500,000 people in 500 towns.  Let’s say the next 100 cities had crowds of 5,000 people.  That’s another 500,000 people.  And finally, let’s say that the largest 100 cities had crowds of 10,000.  That’s another 1,000,000, for a total of 2,000,000 (2 million) people protesting, demonstrating and rioting over the last 11 days.  The real total figure is probably closer to 1 million people, but let’s go with 2 million to be on the conservative side.

To put things in context, in the United States, demonstrations became increasingly common after the women’s suffrage marches in the early part of the 20th century, and escalated in size and frequency in the 1960s. Thousands of demonstrations occur in Washington, D.C. every year although most involve fewer than 25 people. A portion—perhaps 50 a year—draw more than 1,000 participants. Fewer than 30 demonstrations have mobilized more than 100,000 people since the 1963 civil rights march when more than double that number heard Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

The current racial demonstrations are all over the country, so our estimate o 2 million probably covers it pretty well.

June 4, 2020
Some links to more information on Antifa than we probably need to know.  The group was started by communists in Germany in the 1930’s.  Although the name is a shortening of the German “Antifaschistische Aktion”, they are in fact, an extreme left-wing, anti-capitalist, anarchist movement.

Their current incarnation in the U.S. has no central organization, and consists of relatively autonomous cells which make extensive use of the digital media, web sites and webinars on the dark web, police tracking and encrypted communications to incite riots, looting, and other civil violence.  Attempts to associate left-wing, deep pocket, donors such as Soros, Steyer and others to Antifa using commonly available surveillance techniques have been unsuccessful.  Obviously, the U.S. government has more robust methodology than available to a layman, to find a money trail. 

June 4, 2020
Dan Henninger of the Wall Street Journal writes of the waste of literally trillions of dollars over the past half century in our inner cities, not to improve the lives of minorities, but to keep so-called liberal and progressive “knees on their necks”.  (The literary license is mine).

A partial quote – “Since the 1960s, essentially little has changed in the neighborhoods at the center of those long-ago urban riots. By current telling, they are about as poor, as crime-ridden, as under-educated and in poor health as they were when LBJ said he would change them. That means five decades of stasis and stagnation in America’s most marginalized places, virtually all of it under Democratic—now “progressive”—political control.

The failure of the liberal model is by now so embarrassing that the current owners of that model have created an alternative universe of explanations, such as blaming it on American settlers in the early 17th century or the nonexistence of “justice.”  It must be working because marchers in Paris and Berlin, of all places, are lecturing the U.S. on systemic racism. Thanks for the memories.”

June 4, 2020
Conservative memes

June 4, 2020
In the meantime, the corona virus could care less about the protests, rioting, looting and destruction of our cities.  Since May 25, when George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. there have been 215,358 more Covad-19 cases in the U.S., and 9,823 more deaths.  This is a little better than the comparable prior period, when these numbers were 221,834 cases, and 11,964 deaths.  Apparently, the virus doesn’t like the outdoor sunlight and warm temperatures, even if the demonstrators don’t practice social distancing.

June 3, 2020
We are led down the garden path by our so-called “social justice warriors”, left wing politicians and mainstream media pundits who claim that “systemic racism” pervades our society and our law enforcement.  This is nonsense.  Abuses occur in our 325,000,000 population, such as George Floyd, a black American being killed by white Minneapolis police, and black men sometimes being hassled without cause, simply because of the color of their skin.  As I’ve said, bigotry is alive and well, and has not been entirely eradicated, even in modern America, but systemic racism across the board in 2020? Hardly likely.

These are two links, one by Heather MacDonald, and one by Andrew McCarthy, that discuss the matter and provide numbers, not just the expedient rhetoric that we are exposed to in the biased media.

June 3, 2020
Antifa?  The anarchists?  Trump or Barr?  The Congress? 

Are these lives worth any less because they were killed by a rabid mob, rather than a racist cop?  The cops responsible for George Floyd’s death have been charged and are being brought to justice.  They are not being lynched.  They are being brought to justice.

It’s time to get real and stop the violence and looting and killing.  It’s time to stop calling it “seeking justice against racism”, and call it what it is – a seditious insurrection against society itself.

It can only be stopped by arresting the violent offenders and processing them through the courts.  Not “catch and release”, - full prosecution under the laws, if that’s possible at all in our patchwork of sanctuary jurisdictions.

June 3, 2020
On the evening of Monday, June 1, President Trump and some members of his cabinet, left the White House grounds, walked across Lafayette Park, past graffitied walls and the protest-littered park, and posed in front of St John’s Church, which had been set on fire the night before.  Many Americans were inspired by the president’s actions, as was the intent – to show that we still had a president and a government, and that anarchy did not control the country.

But rather than accept this as the positive symbol that it was intended to be, the cynical, anti-Trump, pro-demonstrator/rioter reaction was swift and rife with condemnation.  A false narrative was immediately disseminated by several groups, that the military had used tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets to disperse peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park to allow President Trump to hold a photo op in front of St. John’s Church.  This story was distributed and embellished not only by the displaced rioters who had fired the church, but also by most of the left-wing mainstream media.  Even respected clergy, albeit obviously anti-Trump, subscribed to these outright lies as to what actually happened.

This really happened, although some of the Trump-hating mainstream media continue their anecdotal diatribes to the contrary --

The U.S. Park Police, who increased the perimeter around the White House, Lafayette Park and St. John’s Church Monday have officially reported that no flash grenades, tear gas or rubber bullets were used to clear the park as some have alleged.  There were also efforts by some protesters, and media reporters from CNN, NBC and other mainstream media to categorize the protest as “peaceful”.  This belies the official statement by the Park Police as to what actually happened, quoted below. 

I can’t express how angry we should all be at yet another blatant attempt by Trump haters and the militant left, to pervert the president’s efforts to unite law abiding citizens in face of the anarchy and violence in our streets, and particularly in such close proximity to the White House.

“Here is U.S. Park Police Acting Chief Gregory Monahan’s full statement:

The United States Park Police (USPP) is committed to the peaceful expression of First Amendment rights. However, this past weekend’s demonstrations at Lafayette Park and across the National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted.

Multiple agencies assisted the USPP in responding to and quelling the acts of destruction and violence over the course of the weekend in order to protect citizens and property.

On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park. At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.

To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

Throughout the demonstrations, the USPP has not made any arrests. The USPP will always support peaceful assembly but cannot tolerate violence to citizens or officers or damage to our nation’s resources that we are entrusted to protect.”

The administration has called on media outlets to retract their reporting on the incident, as spokesman Tim Murtaugh said in a statement that “we now know through U.S. Park Police that neither they, nor any of their law enforcement partners, used tear gas to quell rising violence. We also know that police discovered stashes of weapons like glass bottles, baseball bats, and metal poles hidden nearby, which are indeed strange items to have on hand for a ‘peaceful’ protest. Every news organization which reported the tear gas lie should immediately correct or retract its erroneous reporting.”


June 3, 2020
The U.S. Park Police, who increased the perimeter around the White House, Lafayette Park and St. John’s Church Monday have officially reported that no flash grenades, tear gas or rubber bullets were used to clear the park as some have alleged.  There were also efforts by some protesters, and media reporters from CNN, NBC and other mainstream media to categorize the protest as “peaceful”.  This belies the official statement by the Park Police as to what really happened, quoted below. 

I can’t express how angry we should all be at yet another blatant attempt by Trump haters and the militant left, to pervert the president’s efforts to unite law abiding citizens in face of the anarchy and violence in our streets, and particularly in such close proximity to the White House.

“Here is U.S. Park Police Acting Chief Gregory Monahan’s full statement:

The United States Park Police (USPP) is committed to the peaceful expression of First Amendment rights. However, this past weekend’s demonstrations at Lafayette Park and across the National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted.

Multiple agencies assisted the USPP in responding to and quelling the acts of destruction and violence over the course of the weekend in order to protect citizens and property.

On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park. At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.

To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

Throughout the demonstrations, the USPP has not made any arrests. The USPP will always support peaceful assembly but cannot tolerate violence to citizens or officers or damage to our nation’s resources that we are entrusted to protect.”

The administration has called on media outlets to retract their reporting on the incident, as spokesman Tim Murtaugh said in a statement that “we now know through U.S. Park Police that neither they, nor any of their law enforcement partners, used tear gas to quell rising violence. We also know that police discovered stashes of weapons like glass bottles, baseball bats, and metal poles hidden nearby, which are indeed strange items to have on hand for a ‘peaceful’ protest. Every news organization which reported the tear gas lie should immediately correct or retract its erroneous reporting.”


June 2, 2020
Enough already!

It should not take eight days of protests, demonstrations, rioting and civil mayhem to highlight that some police departments, and some residual pockets in this country are bigoted, and have a racist bias.  Because that’s what the issue is.  That’s what people are rioting about.  But most of our country is not RACIST!, as some weavers and purveyors of identity politics would have us believe.  We are tolerant people, and all of us have pretty much accepted that skin color and differences in appearance do not diminish our rights as American citizens.

But there are groups like the four Minneapolis police officers, who treat black men as if they were criminals, simply because of their skin color. They are an example of that residual bigotry that needs to be eradicated from our society.  But how?  These racist beliefs are deeply ingrained in a small segment of our society, and that includes some police.  This bigotry cannot be removed with protests and demonstrations, or with laws, social mores or any other immediate social niceties.  We can ensure that laws are in place to prevent racial discrimination, but only long-term education can really wear down and remove these unhealthy beliefs and practices.

Anecdotally, and based on a smartphone video taken by a teenager, one of these police officers choked George Floyd, a black American, to death, while the other three apparently stood by and did nothing.  The video went viral on social media and set off protests and demonstrations, first in Minneapolis, then in cities throughout the country, as if these protests were going to accomplish anything concerning the particular racism that was a factor in Mr. Floyd’s death.

Soon the legal first amendment protestors were infected by outside groups of extreme left-wing anarchic, Antifa-style agitators, that not only escalated tensions, but also introduced a criminal element that led to breaking and entering retail establishments, looting and other forms of violence.

I’ve been watching the protest for several days now in various American cities.  During the afternoon and early evening, most of the protesters are what appear to be non-violent young men and women that seem to be motivated by outrage at the killing of George Floyd on May 25.  Now this was eight days ago, so one would have thought that the rage would have subsided somewhat.  But this hasn’t happened.  Perhaps because of many young people being unemployed due to the virus pandemic, coupled with the continued incitement by outside agitators that becomes more evident as each day goes on.

In any case, the nature of the crowd changes, with the advent of nightfall, away from a peaceful, legal, first amendment crowd to what becomes a pillaging, looting, violent mob.  Obviously subversive external elements have infiltrated the once peaceful group, and changed it into an anarchic, destructive, tool.  This happens across various cities, with social media directing sometimes plate-less cars to mob flash points.  In a short time, cars are burning, storefronts are smashed and police are overwhelmed by pillagers and looters.

Some of the looters may be the young men and women from the earlier peaceful demonstrations, but most of the looting and arson and destruction seems to be by males with backpacks and tools who seem to be well organized.  It is also understood that these bad actors monitor police radio and use encrypted communications to carry out their criminal activities.   These criminal looters and arsonists run entirely free if they are not met with sufficient force to stop and detain them.

The riots across the country are being coordinated by someone.  They may be loose cells of anarchist, Antifa or other revolutionary groups, but they are financed by someone, and there has to be a money trail.  If the weak and unwilling liberal democrat city and state governments will not deploy sufficient police and national guard to stop the riots, the federal government needs to step in and invoke Article IV of the Constitution, and the Insurrection Act.

(The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335) that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion).

June 2, 2020
I feel in strong spiritual company with all of you pastors and men of God.  I am not a pastor.  I am simply a God-fearing republican congregant who has lived a long time and seen a lot of things, both in this country, and in various foreign lands.  I feel that it is empty rhetoric to try to imbue any national or international leader with superhuman or God-like attributes.  Some may sound great in oratory, but lack in action, or have feet of clay in other areas. 

I also feel that it is an empty exercise to try to impart any projections of propriety or greatness to our current incumbent.  Lord knows that the political establishment and biased media have made it a cause to strip of any scintilla of reputability from Donald Trump.  Also, it is useless to continue to try to paint him as the everlasting villain or demon.  We’ve all been there and done that. 

Trump is not an orator.  He is not professorial or diplomatic.  He is a pragmatic businessman and promoter with a penchant for sometimes unwanted verbosity via word or tweet.  He sounds horrible when parsed and taken out of context, which he often is.  His actions governing often belie his pronouncements.  Silence would suit him, (and his polls), better, but as we’ve learned, it ain’t going to happen.

We can try to psychoanalyze Trump and rail against what some consider his cavalier disregard for conventional niceties, his bloviating, and particularly his undoing of the progressive socialist paradise by winning the election in 2016.  He’s not a “nice guy”, nor does he try to be.  And he particularly is not motivated by the political correctness that some of us would like him to adopt.

Because he’s not a nice guy, he’s had everything thrown at him that the establishment can muster, The Steele dossier, the Mueller investigation, impeachment, and on and on.  Nothing sticks, because he is a legally elected president, and for all of his untoward rhetoric and posturing, he has a fundamental love for the country and is doing what he feels is right for it. 

Could he be more Christian and gentle?  Of course.  But isn’t it better to be blunt and honest than some others who profess strong faith verbally, and act opposite and hypocritically in practice?

The country is just emerging (hopefully) from a nearly complete shutdown due to the corona virus pandemic, and anarchist elements are looting and destroying our cities.  I would not want to sit where Trump sits, would you?  We can pray, but we also need action.  I think that we should cut the guy some slack.

June 2, 2020
Unfortunately, anarchist agitators seem to have co-opted much of what began as a peaceful first amendment protest against the police killing of George Floyd.  You say what next from Trump?  We have seen what some of the anarchist, rioting mobs have done next, to the Lincoln Memorial, St Patrick’s in New York and the St John’s Church in question.  Mobs across the country have committed unspeakable acts of violence and terrorism against our country.  Not against President Donald Trump; against our country.  And yes, we can pray for these terrorists, and pray for our country, and offer succor and spiritual guidance to the innocents afflicted, as your ministry apparently has been doing in D.C.

Although I do not necessarily share your extant political views, I know of your ministry in Dallas and am an admirer of your work with the Union Coffee Shop.  You are a man of God.  I am truly saddened that you and your ministry were subjected to the force that you describe when Lafayette Park and the St. John’s area was cleared so that the president and some of his staff could make an appearance on a site that was subject to arson the night before.  President Trump’s opponents continue to call it a “photo op”.  I think that he meant it as a moment of strength and leadership in face of terrorist destruction.

I am not a big backer of Donald Trump, but I find myself defending his actions more than I would like, simply because of the rank bias and unfairness of his detractors, and 90% of the mainstream media.  His presidency is controversial, but it is an open book, not like the covert, sometimes illegal, administrative state that preceded him.  But, according to Trump’s opponents, he can never, ever, do anything right.  He is always, always wrong, and that’s ridiculous.

In this case maybe the intelligence was faulty as to the composition of protesters at Lafayette Park, but the president required access to a publicly available, Washington icon, St John’s Church.  It had been set on fire the night before, and the Lincoln Memorial, a stone’s throw away was defaced with mob-inspired graffiti.  Also, numerous Secret Service agents had been injured protecting the White House over the past several days.  In that kind of a charged environment, the Secret Service were most likely expecting Molotov cocktails and other forms of resistance in Lafayette Park.  We may be lucky that more serious injuries didn’t happen in clearing the park.

I have to say, let us all join you in praying for our country – for an end to the corona virus pandemic, - for an end to these protests that have deteriorated into riots, - for justice, under the law, and not by smartphone images, for George Floyd’s killers.

June 2, 2020
It is truly sad that apparently peaceful demonstrators were removed from the area by force as described by those who were there.  I don’t think that Trump’s intent was just a “photo op”, as his detractors have surmised.  He is the president of the country, and I believe that his purpose was to project strength to the country in face of anarchists setting fire to St John’s church the previous day.  Also, the church should have been accessible to anyone, including the president.  Would safe access have been provided to him and his party by the protesters if requested?  I doubt it.

Ray Gruszecki
June 6, 2020

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