Friday, June 19, 2020

Corona Virus Numbers

Corona Virus Numbers

What’s happening with the corona virus numbers as of June 19 2020? 

The Covid-19 corona virus is still with us, notwithstanding the warm temperatures, the large crowd protests/riots, the opposing media narratives, the Trump rallies, and on and on.  The virus seems to be sporadically mitigated in some places, but it flares up in other places.  It’s an equal opportunity virus.  It does not attack just people of one political stripe.

If I were 30 years old, I would wear a mask when close to other people and socially distance, so that I wouldn’t spread the thing to grandma and grandpa.  But I am grandpa, and as such, I have a target on my back.  If I get the virus, there is a 30% chance that I would die from it.  That doesn’t mean that I’m going to hide in a closet.  It just means that I know the odds, and I need to be more cautious than I’d like.

So far, so good.  I’ve been attending most of the meetings that I normally attend, but with “Zoom” or other teleconferencing software, rather than in person.  It has worked out just fine.  I miss the human interaction, but so does most of the rest of the world.  I’m not going to drink over it, but from what I gather about liquor sales, many other are drinking over it.  AA should burgeon once this is over.  Enough rambling.

I track the numbers daily from the World-o-meter data reported by the New York Times.  I plug this data into my own spreadsheets, and calculate the seven-day rolling averages for the U.S.,
the world, Texas, Dallas and several other areas where I have loved ones.  The World-o-meter data source, and the seven-day rolling average seem to be Dr. Brix’ and Dr. Fauci’s preferred methods of looking at the corona virus data.

All of the following is on a seven-day rolling average basis, as of June 19, 2020.

U.S. cases stayed at about 30,000 from April 7 to May 7, decreased to about 22,000 from May 13-31, and now show a slight uptick to about 24,000.

U.S. deaths peaked at 2,700 on April 17 -23, and have been falling slowly since then, to about 700 now.

World Cases stayed at about 80,000 from April 3 May 3, then rose slowly to about 130,000 in the present.

Worlds deaths peaked at about 7,300 on April 17-23, decreased slowly to about 4,000 on May 25-31, then increased sporadically to about 4,500, to the present time.

Texas cases stayed at about 1,000 from April 10 – May 31.  They have risen sharply since then, to 2,500, and are still increasing.

Texas deaths first peaked at 30 on April 20, then again at 35, on May 1-31, decreased slightly, and has trended upward in June, to about 27.

Dallas County cases stayed at about 100 for all of April.  They increased to the 200-250 range during May.  They have been increasing during June to close to 350 as of today. I’ve not tracked deaths for Dallas County, but they are low. 1 in 8,425 population.

New York State cases went from around 9,000 on April 1-15, and decreased steadily to around 1,000 since then, with “a blip” upward to about 3,000 on June 6-12.

New York State deaths hit a peak of 1,300 on April 15-22, decreased to 200 by May 23, and decreased further to about 50 at present.

Massachusetts cases peaked at about 2,500 on April 23-30, decreased to about 600 on May 31, peaked again to over 1,000 on June 1-10, and have decreased to about 300 since then.

Massachusetts deaths rose to a peak of about 170 on Apr 23-30, decreased to about 70 on May 23-30, jumped to about 90 on June 1-6, and have decreased to about 40 since then.

Ray Gruszecki
June 19, 2020

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