Friday, June 19, 2020

Pew Research Studies on American Views on Race

Pew Research Studies on American Views on Race

I am really concerned about the two recent Pew Research studies referenced below, that show that upwards of 60% of Americans not only believe that systemic racism continues in our country and that President Trump has made the matter worse, but also that 67% of Americans support the left-wing Black Lives Matter movement. These results are from Pew Research, a non-biased source, so the numbers are credible. A look at Pew’s methodology and sampling confirms this.  Pew conducts their surveys using carefully selected samples that represent all Americans. These results are unbiased.

What these studies show is the extent to which the American public has been convinced, by the opinion generators in the political sphere and media, that the above beliefs are true.  When two-thirds of the country tilts in an obvious, leftist direction, as espoused by Antifa, BLM and other radicals, it is obvious that the constant anti-Trump, leftist propaganda mainstream media bombardment has done its job.  The history of the Civil War and multitudinous civil rights laws, actual current crime and shooting statistics, and other appeals to reason and logic, such as Heather MacDonald’s article also referenced below, fall on deaf ears.

This is obviously a warning, and I’m sure that Trump’s minions are aware.  One might opine that they should not give in to the leftist mob.  But if the American public believes the mob, they have to do something, or we’ll have four years of a demented Joe, with Warren or Kamala as the real president, and “crazy Nancy” as speaker.  (I shudder at even writing this).

Some people say, “let Trump completely open the economy, get everyone back to work, and generate the same prosperity that we had in February, before Covid”.  It may not be that simple, since Covid is still with us.  Also, what we have here with BLM and others, is a cultural and social phenomenon and shift to the left, not strictly an economic one.  Acquiescing that there is still some racial injustice in the country and taking positive steps to rectify it is in order.  Difficult, with this fractious congress, but at least the executive should lead the way to get it done without destroying the pillars of our government.

Ray Gruszecki
June 19, 2020

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