Saturday, June 20, 2020

More on the Background of “Black Lives Matter”

More on the Background of “Black Lives Matter”

When I see a respected Pew Research study that shows that two-thirds of Americans “express support for the Black Lives Matter movement”, I realize that the leftist cultural revolution that we have been fearing for years, has arrived in our country full force.  After seeing BLM signs, banners and tee-shirts prominently displayed for years, while this group (along with Antifa and anarchist groups), rioted in the streets, burned buildings and cars, destroyed small businesses and beat up and killed anyone that dared oppose them, I now learn that two-thirds of Americans “express support for the Black Lives Matter movement”.

I cannot unsee the continuing recurring acts of violence in our streets under the BLM banner, mostly having nothing to do with black lives, (other than using anecdotal events as a cover), and mostly concerned with anarchic, Marxist, anti-American activity.

How did this obviously violent, neo-Marxist, Soros-funded terrorist group gain the acceptance and backing of two thirds of Americans?  The short answer is the biased media, who have sanitized this corrosive activist movement, and made it appear to be an acceptable American protest group.  A fuller answer perhaps lies in the long continuing exposure of our students to Marxist ideation, which stress the altruistic features of socialism/communism, and not the true civilization-strangling nature of Marxism/Leninism.  The group “Socialist Alternative” is a Marxist/Trotskyite group that aims at American academia.

In researching “Black Lives Matter”, I found it difficult to find any unbiased and truthful information about it.  Even normally accessed reference sources like Google and Wikipedia, had obviously been sanitized to make BLM look like the inheritors of Dr. Martin Luther King’s and Mahatma Gandhi’s peaceful, beneficent, passive resistance social movements.  But the images of burning buildings and cars, and pillaged stores, under the BLM banner, stuck in my mind.

The other end of the scale were the alt-right biased critics, who painted obviously false, reverse-bias images of the BLM group, fueled by white supremacy or worse.  Of course, these needed to be rejected for the same reasons as the sanitized, biased, leftist sources.

I finally found several sources that had done their homework, and had detailed, referenced, evaluations of “Black Lives Matter”.  Several of these were from the right side of the political spectrum, but it was clear that they were not just detractors of the group, - they had done actual research, had gone back to the sources, and had referenced their material.

What these sources found, which supports the BLM signs and the rioting in the streets, is that BLM is no peaceful civil rights group protesting peacefully under the First Amendment for equal justice for black Americans.  “Black Lives Matter” is a neo-Marxist, George Soros funded, domestic terrorist organization.   BLM happily self-identifies as a neo-Marxist movement with various far-left objectives, including defunding the police, dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system, disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, seeking reparations from slavery to redistribute wealth and via various offshoot appeals.

Whatever BLM’s propaganda says, and which, incidentally, is eagerly lapped up by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and now apparently accepted by 67% of Americans, BLM is not a peaceful civil rights group.  It is a Marxist, anti-American, violent hate group that will destroy our American way of life, if allowed.

The research that I found on BLM is voluminous, so I won’t reproduce it.  But I will give references, so if anyone wants to follow up for themselves, the links are here.  The Marxist/Trotskyite “Socialist Alternative” link and sub-links make really interesting reading, as do the two “Lady Liberty” articles by A.P. Dillon about the BLM group itself, and it’s three very well educated, black founders. (Two are lesbian activists, one is the straight daughter of illegal Nigerian immigrants).

Other links are provided for reference.

Socialist Alternative - Black Lives Matter and Marxism

The Pew Research article

A.P. Dillon - Lady Liberty

Heather MacDonald article on police shootings

Independent Sentinel

I’ve been writing about the Marxist revolution taking place in our streets under the auspices of what is represented as an innocuous and valid, civil rights movement, Black Lives Matter.  My conclusions about BLM and Antifa, their sister organization being Marxist is based on writings and oratory by their modern founders and leaders, and some of their history.

This article by Andy McCarthy goes further.  It traces the roots of the current Marxist movements back to the original violent “Black Liberation” and “Weather Underground” of the 1960’s, and their leaders like Bill Ayers, Susan Rosenberg, Joanne Chesimard, (also known as Assata Shakur), Kathy Boudin, and David Gilbert.  McCarthy also tracks how money gets funneled into BLM and Antifa through left wing democrat non-profits.

There is no doubt that these anti-American, Marxist organizations have used the George Floyd murder, the corona virus lockdowns and the associated economic distress of our population, to launch a Marxist/socialist/communist style revolution that they have been fomenting for years.  They have managed to hijack the democrats to accept many of their extreme leftist tenets, like defunding and emasculating the police, destroying American history, culture and heritage, and “doxxing” or cancelling anyone who opposes them.

And all of this is in an environment where senile straw man Joe Biden enjoys a double-digit lead in the polls by smiling like a “nice guy”, and acquiescing to anything the rabid mob comes up with.  Is there any doubt that our country is in serious trouble?

Black Lives Matter links and references

Use of Military

Marx, Mises, Hayek, Friedman and all the boys

Great link to incisive articles on BLM, Antifa

1619 Project

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an organized movement dedicated to non-violent civil disobedience in protest to alleged incidents of police brutality on Afro-American people.[2] An organization known simply as "Black Lives Matter"[a] exists as a decentralized network with over 30 chapters worldwide, while a larger Black Lives Matter movement exists consisting of various separate like-minded organizations such as Dream Defenders and Assata's Daughters. The broader movement and its related organizations typically advocate against police violence towards black people, as well as for various other policy changes considered to be related to black liberation.[3]

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized left-wing[1] American activist movement that campaigns against violence toward black people and seeks to increase blacks' social and political power. It was founded in 2013 by three black lesbians: the daughter of illegal immigrants and legalization proponent Opal Tometi,[2] Patrisse Cullors, and Alicia Garza.[3] Under the BLM banner, protests and propaganda are organized against police killings of black people, and against racial profilingpolice brutality, and racial inequality in the justice system.
The movement is a decentralized network with no formal hierarchy, but influential opinion leaders.[5] BLM considers itself an inclusive movement within the black community, welcoming "Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum."[6]
Black Lives Matter has allegedly been funded by George Soros,[7] and has been accused of being a domestic terror organization,[8] but has generally been sympathetically depicted by the mass media and the government under the Obama administration.[9][10][11]

A.P. Dillon - Lady Liberty

Black Lives Matter and Marxism “In their own words”

Independent Sentinel

BLACK Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome warned that if America does not cooperate with the movement's demands they will "burn down this system and replace it."

Ray Gruszecki
June 20, 2020

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