Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Origins and Genesis of the Coup to Overthrow America

The Origins and Genesis of the Coup to Overthrow America

Credit needs to be given to the neo-Marxist, “Black Lives Matter”, “Antifa” and flat-out anarchists, for a strategy, that if not arrested soon, will result in a socialist/communist totalitarian takeover of our country and society, as happened in Venezuela in the late 1990’s.

These groups have been active for a while, and their revolutionary socialist/communist aims can be exposed by research if someone digs deeply enough, which I have done.  These are destructive, revolutionary leftist movements, but they have been represented by their founders and backers as positive and peaceful.  And the names, of course, are innocuous.  Who can say that “black lives don’t matter”, or that they are “for fascism”?

These groups have taken advantage of what has become a perfect storm in America, with several contributing elements, as enumerated below.

First, the groups themselves.  Black Lives Matter operates under the façade of social justice for what they say are oppressed Black Americans being shot in large numbers by brutal, killer police.  (The FBI and other crime statistics completely refute this contention).  Antifa claims to fight white supremacist groups, of which, we’ve hardly seen any at all, lately.  Anarchists have always been around, with the avowed purpose of tearing down society, and they don’t even seem to have a plan to rebuild it like the Marxists do, (in their own image).

Second, the increasing left-wing nature of our secondary and university educational system, that instills socialist principles in our students, highlighting the altruistic portion of socialism and communism, and neglecting to teach about its corrosive nature, that resulted in the deaths of upwards of 120 million people in the twentieth century.  These students are now the millennials and gen-z’s marching in our streets, and supporting BLM and Antifa.

Third, a pathological and almost religious hatred of President Donald J. Trump, and everything he does and stands for, by these groups and their followers in the streets.  They would do anything to get rid of Trump, as they demonstrated while he was still being inaugurated in January, 2017.  This rank and undiluted hatred apparently afflicts over 30% of our population, and is fueled by the 90%+ left-wing media, who fan this hatred of Trump by biased, inaccurate and false reporting.

Fourth, the societal, economic and psychological disruptions caused by the corona virus.  The country was effectively shut down for over three months, with people “sheltering in place”, or effectively “locked down”.  This meant virtually no personal contacts, social distancing imposed, upwards of 30 million people out of work, food lines and dystopia enforced by a killer disease.  For the Marxist revolutionaries, much of the job of weakening the existing civilization was being done for them by Covid-19.

Fifth, a release from what amounted to captivity for millions of people at almost exactly the same time that a Black American was brutally killed in Minneapolis by a white cop.

This one anecdotal occurrence inflamed the tinder-box that our country had become because of the above factors.  The bystander smartphone video of the cop, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Black American’s George Floyd’s neck, was enough to accuse, fire, indict, convict and execute the cop, or so some said.  And the mob was off!

Much of the country, including the writer, thought that the original protests and demonstrations were completely legal and covered by the First Amendment Right of Free Speech.  The protesters were demonstrating against George Floyd’s brutal death, and the perception that it represented something more endemic and fundamental against Black Americans.

It soon became apparent that violent elements had infiltrated these originally “peaceful” groups, and violence and looting erupted on the streets of our cities.  Unfortunately, even this violence and looting and arson were represented by the leftist politicians and media as appropriate responses to what was termed “systemic racism”.

Let’s analyze, in retrospect, what actually happened here.

With all of the impetus that had built up, (see the above five points), the neo-Marxist “Black Lives Matter”, the originally communist inspired “Antifa”, and several loosely organized anarchist groups saw that the time was right, and they took their advantage.  Their cover was George Floyd’s death and the anger it inspired in our population, just released from their sheep-pens, and our own First Amendment.

They started their goal of “imposing socialism” on our country, and by that, I mean the standard Marxist goal of tearing a society down, and then building it back up in the Marxist image.  I’m sure that they tried to proselytize some of the “peaceful” protesters, and probably had some success.  After all, many of these “peaceful protesters” had received heavy doses of Marxism from leftist educators in their scholastic courses. 

George Floyd was killed on May 25, nearly  a month ago, and it has to be evident to anyone with a discerning and fair mind, that what is now happening in this country has nothing to do with George Floyd’s death, police brutality, systemic racism, or any kind of social justice, unless it’s the kind that overthrows our society and culture, and brings the Neo-Marxists to power.

The neo-Marxist mob, somehow still cloaked in the mantle of an acceptable protest group by local left-wing city democrats and the fawning media, has now attacked nearly all of the manifestations and symbols of our culture and heritage.

It began by defacing or destroying statues of confederate and southern historical figures.  This soon spread to all iconic symbols of our history and culture.  Statues and monuments related to Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, and others have been attacked by the Jacobin mobs.  They even defaced a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn in Austin Texas.  Its lucky that they don’t have guillotines, buts let’s not give them any ideas.

This revision of our history and culture did not stop with statues and monuments.  Long-standing TV series, and even children’s animated programs were sacrificed to the left-wing revisionist mob, as were iconic trademarks for products hundreds of years old.  Cancelled were The “Cops” TV series after 31 years, “Paw Patrol” kids’ program after 7 years, the “Aunt Jemima” and “Uncle Ben” trademarks, and Netflix pulled the highest grossing film ever, “Gone With the Wind”, all to appease the Marxist mob which was bent on destroying our very culture.

And it did not stop there.  People were “doxed” and fired.  Once reputable newspapers like the New York Times rescinded publication of a factual op-ed piece by a notable political figure.  A call arose from the mob, backed by the democrat politicians and their media accomplices to defund, or even disband the police.  Anarchists razed a police station and occupied a large section of the capitol area of Seattle, to the mewling of the democrat mayor that “maybe we’ll have a summer of love”.  (The “love” didn’t last very long though, because people were soon gunned down in the streets, and there were no police to stop it.)

The rioting, looting, arson and destruction continues, many times being reported by the biased media, to a gullible public, that these are “peaceful” protests by demonstrators exercising their First Amendment Rights.  Even our most gullible types must realize that something is wrong after nearly a month of street and societal violence.

St John’s Episcopal Church, known as “The Church of Presidents”, is on H Street NW in DC, on the periphery of Lafayette Square, a stone’s throw away from the White House.  The church was defaced and burned by the mob at the end of May.  Lafayette Square was cleared of protesters on June 1st, by the National Park Service because of its proximity and potential danger to
the White House, to the shrieks of the mob that it was a “peaceful” First Amendment” protest.  This after burning part of the church the night before.

The so called “peaceful” nature of this incident continues to be represented that way by Wikipedia, which has been edited to reflect the BLM and anarchist view of what happened.  The Wikipedia reference is opposite to what the National Park Service, who cleared Lafayette Square, reports officially.  A look at the bios of some of the Wikipedia editors of this article confirms their leftist bias.

President Trump and a group of his advisors walked to the church from the White House, and Trump made a point of standing in front of the partly burned church with a bible in his hand.  This simple gesture brought out a wave of anti-Trump hatred, vituperative rhetoric and defamation.

On the night of June 22nd, the violent mob again attacked St John’s Church, defaced and tried to pull down a statue of Andrew Jackson, and attempted to set up a Seattle-style “autonomous zone” in Lafayette Park, right next to the White House, with the church as the focus.  “B.H.A.Z” was painted by the mob on the Grecian pillars of the church, standing for “black house autonomous zone”.  A large contingent of D.C. police repelled this latest attempt at insurrection and sedition coached as “peaceful” protest.

And the beat goes on, with nearly all of our major cities and some states, having incumbent democrats in office, that refuse to take action to stop the destructive mobs, and the media continuing to represent the Marxist movement as “peaceful” under the First Amendment.  President Trump on June 23, was in process of making it a federal crime, with stiff penalties, to deface or destroy a federal monument, which at least is a step in the right direction.

Under our Federal system, the mayors and the governors normally need to request the federal government to federalize the National Guard to stop the violence.  The president can override the local authorities and send in federal troops by invoking the Insurrection Act, but this would be a matter of last resort, and literally political suicide for someone as controversial as Trump is, in an election year.  The result could be a demented President Joe Biden, an opportunistic Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams really running the executive, and “Crazy Nancy” still as speaker.

Federal troops, both in the form of a federalized National Guard, and actual U.S. military troops have been used several times in the past to ameliorate civil situations.  In 1957, at the behest of the mayor of Little Rock, President Eisenhower issued an Executive Order, which put the Arkansas National Guard under federal authority, and sent 1,000 U.S. Army troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, to maintain order as Central High School desegregated.
In 1965, Lyndon Johnson federalized the Alabama National Guard over the objections of Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus, to protect Martin Luther King’s third civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery.

One positive result of the original, truly peaceful, First Amendment demonstrations was to point to the continuing disparity of opportunity regarding Black Americans, and the residual bigotry that still exists in some pockets of American society.  It has also highlighted lack of proper police recruiting and training, and police unions that continue to shield and reassign deviant cops.  Hopefully our executive branch and legislature can diminish their hatred and political bickering long enough to pass meaningful rules and laws to mitigate some of these still extant racial issues.

Concerning the Marxist movement and the violence in the streets, and the ridiculous “cancel culture” that they have spawned, the only way that these will be rectified is by application of appropriate police and law enforcement, action.  We certainly should have learned from long historical experience, that appeasing a violent and ruthless mob only serves to further its exploitation.  Unfortunately, the resolve for appropriate action does not seem to exist, either at the local, state, or federal levels.  The current trend is opposite, to emasculate law enforcement.

Victor Davis Hanson has proposed that these movements dissipate when they turn on each other.  Unfortunately, the avowed goal of the neo-Marxists and anarchists is to tear down our civilization, as they did in Venezuela, (and they did it really fast there).  We can only hope that some resolve will develop in our government ranks, to stop this destructive, corrosive malady before it destroys us.  We can hope, and we can vote, and thankfully, our citizens are armed, unlike Venezuela and other countries taken over by left wing, Marxist, totalitarian movements.

Ray Gruszecki
June 23, 2020

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