Saturday, June 6, 2020

Collection – George Floyd Protests May 30 – June 1, 2020

Collection – George Floyd Protests May 30 – June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020
What started as legal protests under the first amendment, of the killing of a black American in Minneapolis by the police, is no longer that.  It has become a full bore, seditious insurrection by domestic terrorists.

Nearly one hundred percent of our cities that have been attacked for the past seven days are governed by democrats, and have been designated by their leaders as “sanctuary cities”.  So are many of the states democrat run, and are also “sanctuary states”.

The one thing that is increasingly evident from the riots and breaking and entering and looting taking place across these cities, is that these democrat-run state and local governments are incapable or unwilling to control the extremist left-wing anarchists and other agitators inciting and fomenting these riots and destroying our city infrastructure, monuments and even places of worship.  One would think that the fact that the democrats cannot or will not keep our cities safe would be a major point in upcoming elections.

The fact that nearly all of these cities and states literally being destroyed by extremist left-wing mobs, are being administered by democrats is not something you’ll hear on Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow or Chuck Todd.  Neither will you hear this fact on your local ABC, NBC or CBS local news broadcast, or read about it in the New York Times or Washington Post. You may hear about it on Fox and read about it in the National Review or the Wall Street Journal if you trend toward the right of politics.

Every American should remember how horribly inept the democrat administrations have been in keeping our cities safe.  The democrats have replaced common sense administrative and law and order practices with weakened identity-politics based mismanagement.

June 1, 2020
I think we need to remember that there are essentially two types of groups taking part in the protests and riots in our cities.  The first of these group are legal First Amendment protesters demonstrating against the death of a black American while in custody of the Minneapolis police.  The second group or groups are what appear to be extreme external left-wing anarchist, Antifa style agitators, that have come into various cities, from outside, to incite and participate in criminal rioting and violence.  Also, there seems to be some overlap between the two groups, because some of the legal protesters have been incited to riot by the agitators.

There needs to be a federal effort to determine who is financing the outside agitators and bring them to justice.  These outside agitators don’t just simultaneously appear on their own, in 50 plus U.S. cities, with professional protest signs, back packs and other tools to facilitate rioting, without somebody financing them.

June 1, 2020
Voices of reason.  One of the reasons that I am partial to the National Review.

June 1, 2020
We have to be sympathetic to American citizens who have a darker skin color, because bigotry does still exist in parts of our American society, and unfortunately this includes some of our law enforcement.  That’s not to say, as identity politics professes, that racism is “systemic” across our culture.  The vast majority of Americans in the 2020’s are tolerant and fair-minded people that accept the equality and equal rights of all Americans, regardless of skin color, ethnicity and ancestral origin.

But we continue to hear stories of, particularly, black men, being harassed by the police simply because of their skin color.  This is an example of that residual bigotry that needs to be dissipated in our society.  But how?  These racist beliefs are ingrained in a small segment of our society, and that includes some police, and cannot be blasted out with laws, social mores or any other immediate social niceties.  Only long-term education can slowly wear down these unhealthy beliefs.

June 1, 2020
Do the authorities know, specifically, who is responsible for the rioting, violence and criminal behavior over these last five days?  Some of this, no doubt is spillover from legal protests by hotheads, perhaps spurred on by external agitators.  And there have been numerous and increasing reports of extreme left-wing anarchists and Antifa agitators inciting, fomenting and participating in much of this criminal activity.  Right wing groups have apparently also been sighted, but these seemed to be more observational, rather than participating in criminal activities.

There have been multiple arrests around the country for a variety of crimes related to the rioting.  Its time for the forensic accountants in the Justice Department to “follow the money”.  Who funded these criminal agitators?  Of course, the pathways from the deep pocket activists financing groups like Antifa and other anarchist groups have been obscured, but surely these are not beyond the scope of modern forensic techniques to unravel.  Let’s put the FBI, Treasury, NSA, and whoever else, to work, and find out the origin of the money to finance such massive criminal disruptions to our society.  The organization, transportation, professional signs and other trappings necessary to sustain the violence and riots did not just magically appear.  They were financed by someone.  Let’s find out who, and bring them to justice.

May 31, 2020
Infogalactic is an unbiased information web site which is normally more neutral than the corresponding Wikipedia source.  These are the relevant links about the George Floyd riots in the U.S.

May 31, 2020
C’mon Trump and Barr, get off your rear ends and invoke Article IV of the Constitution. Dozens of U.S. cities are being desecrated, primarily by anarchist, Antifa style mobs that have nothing to do with the legal protests of George Floyd’s death.  Our national monuments in D.C. have been “graffitied”.  This is no longer a Federalist issue.  It is a country-wide, seditious insurrection.  Time to act federally, and not to leave the issue to the weak, democrat, sanctuary cities and states.  The federal government has the legal right to stop this.  Time to stop the tweeting and the rhetoric, and time to act, to stop the rioting, thievery and destruction.

“Under Article IV of the Constitution, the United States guarantees every state a republican form of government, protection against invasion, and — “to suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.” Obviously, suppressing such attacks requires deploying the United States armed forces as needed. Article IV endows the president with unilateral authority to put down insurrection and invasion. “Insurrection,” of course, is a violent uprising against the authority of the state. Therefore, it encompasses the concept of broad-scale domestic violence. The Insurrection Act codifies this reality by expressly empowering the president to suppress domestic violence and conspiracies to carry it out.”

May 31, 2020
There is rioting in cities all over the country this weekend, fueled by a smartphone recording that purportedly shows a Minneapolis cop killing a helpless black American, George Floyd, by kneeling on his neck, while Mr. Floyd pleads for living breath.  The recording by itself, is damning to the Minneapolis cops in its racist brutality.  The situation has apparently been made more incendiary by the presence of external, extreme left-wing Antifa type agitators, inciting an already angry public, to violence, rioting and physical destruction in motr than 50 U.S. cities.

Derek Chauvin, the cop kneeling on Mr. Floyd’s neck in the recording has been arrested for third degree murder, and is in jail awaiting arraignment and trial.

But apparently, all is not as it first appears in the smartphone recording that has been spread all over the mainstream media.  This analysis by Andy McCarthy, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the New York Southern District, is a rational and legal analysis of the charges against Mr. Chauvin, the cop in question.  While not trying to detract from George Floyd’s death while in the custody of the Minneapolis police, the charges against Mr. Chauvin raise numerous issues that cannot be derived from the incendiary smartphone recording.  We should have learned by now that a rush to judgement should never be the answer to charged emotional issues, but apparently our mainstream media never proceeds with caution, and always exacerbates the situation.

May 31, 2020
There are two corrosive elements at play in the riots taking place across our cities in the aftermath of the apparent murder of George Floyd, a black American citizen in Minneapolis by several racist policemen.

The first of these is the bigotry that is endemic to a relatively small, but not insignificant portion of our population.  This ingrained bigotry still spans our country, North and South, East and West, rich and poor, and across ethnic and racial lines.  This bigotry has been historically ingrained, and adherents are slow in joining the rest of the country in accepting the fact that we are (legal} Americans, with equal rights under the law, no matter our ethnic origins, our skin color, and what we look like. 

This bigotry cannot be ameliorated by rhetoric from our politicians, by equal rights laws, or any other external attempts to change it.  This bigotry is the product of generations of ingrained beliefs that will not change because someone external to the group doesn’t like these beliefs.  Only long-term education in our schools, churches and society in general will ultimately break through these corrosive and self-serving belief systems.

Some of the valid first amendment protesters are demonstrating against this bigotry as “racism”.  But, for the most part, they have targeted all Caucasians of being racist, without acknowledging that targeting a whole ethnic group exemplifies the same type of unfair bigotry.

The other elements at play in the riots in our cities (riots, in this case - not first amendment protests), are external groups, (anarchists, Antifa, communists), that are just using the legal demonstrations as cover to further their own political ends.  They could care less about George Floyd, other than as a cover for their own activities.  These are the extreme left-wing political agitators that we see burning police cruisers, breaking and entering and looting stores, and otherwise destroying infrastructure and inciting riotous behavior.  Arrests have shown that most of these agitators are not from the cities where they are operating, but have travelled there from out of town or out of state.

We’ve seen these agitators before.  In Ferguson, Charlotte, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and in the anti-Trump riots in 2016-17.  Left-wing politicians and their mainstream media accomplices play down the presence of these leftist political agitators and lump them together with legal first amendment protesters.  When identified for what they are, (left-wing political operatives), the preponderant leftist machine cries “right-wing conspiracy theory”, or worse.  But who pays for these agitators and political operatives to travel into our troubled cities?  Who pays for the professional-looking signs?  Who organizes these people?  It is beyond credibility that the same types of political agitators show up simultaneously at 50-odd U.S/ cities on any given time and day.  Someone has to be financing them.

George Soros has been mentioned as being responsible for funding subversive groups, always to vehement denials by Soros and his minions, loudly proclaiming,  “right-wing conspiracy theory”.  Soros does donate to left-wing causes, but so do many others.  This is a short list of major donors to left-wing causes:

To Dems & Liberals
Steyer, Thomas & F. & Kathryn Ann
Fahr LLC/Tom Steyer
San Francisco, CA
Sussman, S. Donald
Paloma Partners
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Bloomberg, Michael R.
City of New York, NY
New York, NY
Jurvetson, Karla
Karla Jurvetson MD
Atlanta, GA
Eychaner, Fred
Newsweb Corp
Chicago, IL
Simon, Deborah J.
Simon Youth Foundation
Carmel, IN
Simons, James H. & Marilyn H.
Renaissance Technologies/Simons Fdtn
New York, NY
Marcus, George M. & Judith
Marcus & Millichap
Palo Alto, CA
Laufer, Henry B. & Marsha Z.
Renaissance Technologies
Lantana, FL
Soros, George
Soros Fund Management
New York, NY
Bekenstein, Joshua & Anita
Bain Capital
Wayland, MA
Klarman, Seth A. & Beth S.
Baupost Group
Chestnut Hill, MA
Broad, Eli & Edythe
Broad Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Hoffman, Reid Garrett
Mountain View, CA
Skjodt, Paul
Samerian Foundation
Carmel, IN
Spielberg, Steven & Capshaw, Kate
DreamWorks SKG
Los Angeles, CA
Goldman-Fowler, Amy P. & Cary Fowler
Sol Goldman Investments
New York, NY
Schwartz, Bernard L. & Irene
Loral Space & Communications
New York, NY
Mandel, Stephen Frank Jr. & Susan Z.
Lone Pine Capital
Greenwich, CT
Abraham, S. Daniel & Ewa
Slim Fast
West Palm Beach, FL
Jordan, Wayne D. & DeLaney, M. Quinn
Jordan Real Estate Invest/Akonadi Fdtn
Oakland, CA
Jacobs, Irwin M. & Joan K.
Qualcomm Inc
La Jolla, CA
Minsky-Primus, Lisa S.
Jane Street Capital
New York, NY
Saban, Haim & Cheryl
Saban Capital Group
Los Angeles, CA

This spate of rioting in our cities will pass until the next democrat inner city incident is blown up to national proportions.  Unfortunately, the people that will be hurt most by these riots are the minority small business owners and residents in the inner city areas destroyed by the rioting. More unfortunately, no matter what the Trump administration does to improve the economic well-being of minorities in the inner cities, Trump will never be given credit for this, and will always be called a “RACIST”, for parsed statements taken out of context by the biased “hate-Trump” media.  

May 30, 2020
I’ve been watching more demonstrations and riots across many cities in the country.  So far, there seem to be two distinct groups – the first being a valid, constitutional, protest group, demonstrating relatively peacefully against the killing of a defenseless George Floyd in Minneapolis.  The other group, or groups, seem more concerned with rioting, destroying property, breaking and entering and looting, and causing bodily harm.  These are the violent, extreme left-wing anarchist or Antifa types that are there, more to sow political discord, then out of any concern for George Floyd.

The authorities in various cities seem to have identified these groups and are acting accordingly.  But there is another real danger in this volatile situation which has not happened yet, and that we can only hope will not happen.

That is the extreme right wing, which has been dormant so far, but elements of which I’m sure are itching to get out into the streets with their AR’s and AK’s, “an teach them pinko sumbitches a lesson”.  The right-wing redneck types are normally pretty dormant, although they are blamed for a lot more than they actually do, by the leftists and the media.  But they can be fierce if they get fired up and bring out their torches, stars and bars, swastika-like symbols and guns.  Neo-fascism, although nearly extinct, is still a living example of the extreme end of the bigotry that still haunts our country.

May 30, 2020
The salient feature of Antifa groups is that they are known for their militant protest tactics, which includes property damage and physical violence.  They tend to be anti-government and anti-capitalist, and they are predominantly far left and militant left, which includes anarchists, communists and socialists.  George Soros is known to back and fund the U.S. Antifa movement.

Ray Gruszecki, June 6, 2020

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