Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Systemic RACISM! – Nonsense – The Inconvenient Truth

Systemic RACISM! – Nonsense – The Inconvenient Truth

The immature and uninformed demonstrators that have elevated the unfortunate death of a black ex-con and drug user to martyrdom, and have taken up the leftist inspired “black lives matter” mantle, need to come back down to some semblance of reality.  I know that expressing the truth and telling it like it is, in face of the glorification of both George Floyd, and the recent two weeks of protests and riots as symbols of black oppression by whites in this country, may be met with some opprobrium.

Our TV screens and our streets have been filled with both legal, first amendment demonstrators, and illegal criminals destroying our cities.  And all that we’ve been hearing for over two weeks is how systemic racism in our society is keeping people of color under some sort of yoke.

Nonsense!  This in 2020, not 1870.  Those four Minneapolis cops killing George Floyd was an outrage, whatever the circumstances.  So were defacing the Lincoln Memorial, burning St James Church in DC, and looting stores on Fifth Avenue in New York, outrages.  These atrocities had nothing to do with George Floyd or accusations of racial inequality.

And talking about “black lives matter”, black lives mattered to nearly 400,000 American Union soldiers who gave up their lives during the Civil War, to ensure freedom for black Americans.  Or have the immature and uninformed protesters and rioters in our streets forgotten about those sacrifices by white Americans to free people of color?

We are all Americans, with equal rights under the law, regardless of skin color, ethnicity and national origin, and with that comes equal responsibilities as citizens of our country.  But unfortunately, left wing identity politics has increasingly succeeded in separating us into identity groups clamoring for some sort of special privilege, because of color or some other distinguishing characteristic.  This is the root cause of our divisiveness, and the current furor in our streets, and in our society.

Not to say that there is not some residual bigotry in our society.  Of course, there is.  And peaceful demonstrations to bring this bigotry to society’s attention are positive.  But not to the claims of the identity politics radicals that we are a systemically RACIST! country.  Not by looting our cities, defacing our national monuments and destroying our infrastructure.  And not for weeks on end by edifying a marginal petty criminal and drug user to martyrdom.  And most certainly not by the undisguised posturing and pandering by congressional democrats donning African raiment and kneeling to the radical mob! For shame, Nancy Pelosi!

Ray Gruszecki
June 10, 2020

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