Friday, June 12, 2020

Three Weeks of Protests and Violence

Three Weeks of Protests and Violence

What is happening in our country is absolute madness and insanity.

As a result of the appalling, and high profile killing of a black American citizen by a white policeman, and aided by three other multi-ethnic officers in Minneapolis, the left wing of this country and their media allies, have gone bonkers.  Democrat “administrators”, who have let their urban areas deteriorate into cesspools of disease-ridden “sanctuary cities”, (and states), have let rioters and looters spread sedition and insurrection in these areas, virtually unchecked.

A six-block area on Capitol Hill in Seattle has been seized by revolutionaries, and declared and “autonomous zone”, in effect, a separate country.  This is the definition of sedition and insurrection.  The mayor of Seattle, and the governor of Washington State, who are democrats, refuse to take any action and tacitly condone this occupation of part of Seattle.  The mayor of Seattle characterized the occupation as “a block party” or “love in”.

The Seattle situation is probably the most obvious example of the political revolution taking place.  The anarchist, Antifa and ‘black lives matter” movement is like a totalitarian communistic cancer eating away at our politics, culture and society. Anyone who is familiar with totalitarian, dictatorial regimes can recognize the symptoms.

Denial of freedom of speech and the press is obvious.  Only opinions (and facts) that agree with the leftist revolutionaries are allowed.  Even once respected publications like the New York Times are subject to their immature editors, who are obviously backers of the revolutionary cause.

Obliteration and distortion of history is another symptom.  This takes the form of defacing our national monuments, mutilating and tearing down historical statues, and re-writing those parts of history that don’t conform to the leftist narrative.  Particular targets are statues of confederate figures – those Americans like Robert E. Lee, who could have led the Union forces, and eventually could have been our president, but who chose to fight for his native Virginia.  He obviously chose the wrong cause.  IMHO, that does not make him any less an American hero.  We should leave his and other confederate statues alone, and acknowledge that these men are part of American history!

Another phenomenon that is wrecking our culture is banning items from our popular culture by the “censure Nazi’s”.  Examples are a children’s TV series called “Paws”, about a police dog, the A & E series “Cops”, a real-life live show featuring the police, and even the American icon “Gone with the Wind”.  One has to ask, is nothing safe from this madness?

How do we stop the insanity?  It has been proven over and over, that acquiescing to mob violence only breeds more violence.  This is a lesson that is completely lost on the bulk of the young people on the streets, who think that they are still in a junior college “social justice” seminar rather than in real life.

There are several points that have become apparent after nearly three weeks of protests and rioting.  Many sincere people, both black and white, feel that police in general, treat, particularly black suspects, differently, (and worse), than white suspects.  Forgetting arguments to the contrary, and statistics, demographics and crime rates, this is the perception highlighted by the horrible killing of George Floyd.  The peaceful first amendment protests magnified this issue and the need for police reform to mitigate it. Obviously, this is only positive if the politicians react in kind.

The biggest negatives of the last three weeks are the destructive elements that have perverted the peaceful goal of the protesters and turned the street scenes into violent riots and destruction.  The inability and/or unwillingness of democrat city and state governments to curtail this violence just exacerbated the situation, and led to more violence such as occupying part of the City of Seattle.

There are precedents for stopping violence, sedition and insurrection.  President Trump has verbalized, but not yet acted, other than minor National Guard action to protect government buildings in D.C.  Trump could make more extensive use of the National Guard, and even military troops, as Lyndon Johnson did in Detroit in 1967.  This was in concert with the governor.  It is unclear what happens if a democrat governor refuses to quell the violence and refuses federal efforts to stop it.

In 1967 – “Governor George W. Romney ordered the Michigan Army National Guard into Detroit to help end the disturbance. President Lyndon B. Johnson sent in the United States Army's 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. The result was 43 dead, 1,189 injured, over 7,200 arrests, and more than 2,000 buildings destroyed.”

Here are some more references on the 1967 race riots in the U.S.

Ray Gruszecki
June 12, 2020

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