Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Quantum Computing and AI

 Quantum Computing and AI

Our world is constantly changing.

Some of us remember a simpler time, without computers and networks, without the Internet, and without hundreds of TV channels.  Not so long ago.  Within my lifetime.

 We live in a connected world, fueled by all of the above, in which we have instant access to anywhere in the world, and to some of the extended universe.  Our access is limited by the physical structure of silicon and other materials.

 I was just brushing up on where the next, post normal computing and Internet will occur.  It will be Quantum Computing utilizing Artificial Intelligence.

 “Quantum computing and artificial intelligence are both transformational technologies and artificial intelligence needs quantum computing to achieve significant progress. Although artificial intelligence produces functional applications with classical computers, it is limited by the computational capabilities of classical computers. Quantum computing can provide a computation boost to artificial intelligence, enabling it to tackle more complex problems in many fields in business and science.”

 Here are several reference articles on Quantum Computing and AI.





 Ray Gruszecki
December 26, 2023

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Systemic Anti-Semitism

 Systemic Anti-Semitism

 Most of us know the sordid past of anti-Semitism.  The biblical Diaspora and millennia of being outcasts in numerous societies.  The ghettoes and pogroms of historical Russia and Central Europe.  The Dreyfus affair, years of prejudice, and ultimately, the Nazi Holocaust that killed six million Jews.

 And with what Palestinians call the Nakba”, or “Catastrophe”, the formation in 1948, of Israel, a constitutional democracy, in the lands that were once Ancient Israel and Judah.  Some 700,000 Palestinian Arabs, who occupied this land were displaced and left the area as refugees.  Upwards of 200,000 Palestinian Arabs remained in the new Israel, and eventually became Israeli citizens.

 So where did what seems to be a re-emergent anti-Semitism on our college campuses come from?  Why do modern left-wing activists consider the Israelis as “occupiers” and “oppressors”, and the Palestinian Hamas butchers as the “oppressed”?  Why are Palestinian flags being brandished by purple-haired co-eds to chants of “from the river to the sea”?  Why are calls for Jewish genocide not condemned recently by Ivy League college presidents and professors?

 One answer, that I’ve touched on before.  These college educators and indoctrinators are the ideological descendants of the Soviet communists and socialists that lost their battle against class in the early 1990’s, and who replaced class with a myriad of Marxist-based, “social justice” issues, including their interpretation of Israeli occupation and “oppression”.  The Gen-z bunch carrying the Palestinian flag and chanting anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas slogans has been steeped in the current Marxist ideology being taught in our schools.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 10, 2023

Tuesday, December 5, 2023



 In the three years that Joe Biden has been in office, he, and his extreme left-wing minions have gone a long way toward ruining this country and its principles, morals and ethics.  Nearly everything that they have touched has turned to crap. They have made a mockery of our government and continue imposing some form of Marxism on the country.

 The reason for normal political parties is to define and implement differences of opinion on government.  Big versus small government, different levels of social programs, different views of environmental matters, and myriad other procedural differences in government philosophy normally define political parties.  In the past, most political parties have been patriotic, loved the country, and promulgated what they thought was best for all of the people of the country.

 It seems that Biden’s administrative state, his advisors, and the people that define Biden’s far left cabal, reflect the same Marxist ideology that festered in our colleges and universities since the demise of the old Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.  This takes several destructive forms.

 One is the Marxist based “oppressor verso oppressed” or the so-called social justice theme that fuels the street mobs like Black Lives Matter and Antifa that caused 20 deaths and billions of dollars in damages in 2021.  The most recent incarnation of these street mobs is the anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian demonstrations now taking place in our cities.  It is inconceivable that millennials and gen-z young people are demonstrating to support the Palestinians and the Hamas butchers, and not the Israelis who were raped and butchered on October 7th.

 Another manifestation of Biden style Marxism and appeasement is what has happened to our country in the last three years.  Whereas, we were historically politically, militarily, and economically strong before Biden, we are now pretty much a weak, vacillating laughingstock.

 There was continuing peace before Biden. Now there are now two wars raging and mainland China is greedily eying Taiwan.  Because of the hesitation and weakness that we have projected internationally, we are closer to World War III than we have ever been.  Our forces in the middle East are attacked by Iranian proxy rockets with impunity.  Aid to Ukraine faces continuing delays and Israel is admonished to enact “cease fires” which help Hamas to regroup.

 Biden and his amateur Marxist advisors have also pretty much done away with our southern border.  Literally millions of undocumented and unvetted aliens and billions of dollars of drugs have flooded into the country.  This includes Fentanyl, which is killing our young people.

 Our economy is in a shambles.  No need to elaborate.  Just buy groceries or gasoline, or any other commodity. What once cost $100, pre-Biden, now costs close to $150.

 Crime is rampant in our streets, particularly in democrat run cities.  Extremist, Soros backed DA’s and prosecutors like George Gascon in Los Angeles, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and Kim Foxx in Chicago don’t prosecute criminals and have established a “revolving door” for most crimes.  The public either arms themselves or shivers in fear.

 “Queer is better” seems to be the preferential theme for choosing administration officials and other functionaries.  And, we no longer have just male and female.  We have an increasing panoply of ill-defined genders, each seeking some degree of hegemony over the others.  We increasingly teach gender diversity and fragmentation in our schools.

 The Biden administration has used two unconstitutional tools to retain young voters and women in recent elections.  The first is their rhetoric supporting abortion as if it were a constitutional right rather than a legalistic aberration.  The second is Biden’s unconstitutional promise to young gen-z graduates to eliminate their student loans.  Both of these lies have allowed Biden and his extreme leftist cabal to retain control of the senate, and only yield a few votes majority in the house, in spite of all of the negative issues caused by Biden’s inept administration.

 One can hardly define the ethical and moral degradation that this corrupt and incompetent Biden administration has caused.  Biden has enriched himself and his family through corruption and kickbacks.  Yet, he struts around (when not falling), like the corrupt Tammany-style politician that he really is.

 One can argue that Biden should not be there, and he would not be if not for Covid.  It would indeed have been a different world with no China-developed Covid, and Trump’s world peace and his economic principles still in effect.  (And his tweets, too.)

 Can we stop the rot and weakness and degradation that four years of a destructive Biden regime would have enhanced?  Not easy, because our very moral and ethical fiber has been damaged.  Our young people have absorbed the Marxist ideology of oppressed versus oppressor, and violently demonstrate in the streets in favor of the Hamas butchers and rapists because of some twisted view of the Palestinians as the “oppressed”.  How can we reverse this twisted Marxist ideology being taught in our colleges and universities?

 Look at the election choices we have for 2024.  We have Trump again.  Leading all other republicans by over 40 points and leading Biden by 6 points. But Trump has 4 indictments and 91 charges against him.  Biden is 81 years old.  Stumbling, mumbling, incoherent.  Inconceivable that he would run again.  Kamala, and her confused word salads?  And there’s a pretty boy socialist Gavin, ready to turn the country into a San Francisco or California style dystopia.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 5, 2023

Monday, November 13, 2023

Israeli – Hamas War

 Israeli – Hamas War

 Forgotten, it seems, except by Israel, are the atrocities committed by Hamas during their attack on Southern Israel on Saturday, October 7th, the Jewish sabbath.  Instead now, we have the Hamas cowards using hospitals or civilians as shields, and hiding in tunnels under hospitals in Gaza, or in little girl’s bedrooms.

 Lest the world forget, Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israel, and butchered upwards of 1400 unarmed civilian men, women, children and infants.  The pictures of burned and mutilated Israeli babies in their cribs make one’s stomach turn.

 But, in this upside-down, Marxist inspired world of oppressed and oppressor and residual anti-Semitism, the Israelis in Gaza reacting to the Hamas atrocities are the bad guys (the oppressors), and the Hamas butchers somehow became the good guys (the oppressed).

 Benjamin Netanyahu is no Moses or David, but he is a strong leader.

Educated in both Israel and the U.S. (MBA from MIT), Netanyahu has been a major figure in Israeli politics for nearly half a century.

He has coalesced Israel on a war footing, and is determined to eliminate Hamas as a military and political force in Gaza.

Any rational-thinking honest person will wish him and the Israelis “Godspeed”, and success against the Hamas butchers in Gaza.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 13, 2023

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Protests and Anti-Semitism

 Protests and Anti-Semitism

 I am reasonably intelligent and politically astute and therefore normally aware of what is happening in the world, and why.

 I was a little taken aback to see massive anti-Semitic demonstrations and protests at universities and on city streets which were pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel.  After the October 7 torture and butchery by Hamas of innocent Israeli men, women, children and infants; and the resultant Israeli reprisals against Hamas in Gaza, one would think that the world’s sympathies would be with Israel, rather than with their Hamas attackers.

 So, I set out to research and analyze what was happening.

 One thing that was immediately clear was the left-wing, activist nature of our colleges and universities, and even some of our secondary schools.  Tracking the history, this leftist cult of “oppressed and oppressor” derives from the Soviet communism that effectively died out in its original form, in much of the western world in the early 1990’s.  But Marxism did not disappear.  It morphed, gained philosophical respectability, and found a home in academia throughout many universities in the world.

 Much of the world’s activism emanates from this “oppressed vs oppressor” theme.  Feminism, race, gender, LGBTQ++, and a plethora of social issues relate to this “oppressed” mantra, including Israel as oppressor in Gaza, and Hamas as the oppressed.

 The other piece fueling these anti-Semitic protests, and any populist protest, is social media and the “follow the crowd” mentality of young people.  The “anti-something” or “pro-something” idea appears on Tik-Tok or Instagram or other social media (or is planted by Soros types), and we are “off to the races”.  The word spreads like wild fire, flash mobs are formed, and young people from New York to London to Tokyo are demonstrating at colleges, or in the streets.  

 So, it’s as simple as that.  Pretty much any idea can be transformed into massive populist protests using social media and taking advantage of “follow the herd” mentality.

 In this case, it is good to know about historical anti-Semitism, and about how Sykes-Picot defined the Middle East, and how Theodor Herzl founded and advanced Zionism, but this knowledge does not really explain why millions of young people throughout the world are demonstrating for Hamas, and against Israel.

 If I were a psychologist, I would probably diagnose a general societal malaise and proneness to gullibility.  Many people, including voters that define our country are ill-informed and easily led, even more so now with social media.  And, the “opinionators” know it and take advantage.

 In addition to the Israel-Hamas distortion being perpetrated on society, we have the myths that abortion and free college tuition are rights that somehow derive from the constitution.  Elections have, and will continue to reflect these lies and distortions.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 12, 2023




Saturday, November 4, 2023



 Why are there antisemitic demonstrations, not only at our brainless colleges, but also in streets across the world?  Were there not enough Jews killed by Hitler and the Nazis?  Rather than supporting the 1400 Israeli civilian men, women and children  tortured and butchered by Hamas terrorists on October 7, these deranged idiots are rallying in support of the terrorist butchers.

 I have lived and worked in Southern Lebanon in the mid 1960’s, in what eventually became “Hezbollah country”, after anyone in the Middle East who had a fight came to beautiful Lebanon and destroyed it.

 I worked with Lebanese Christians, Lebanese Moslems and Palestinians who were displaced when Israel was formed in 1948. 

I picked up some conversational Levantine Arabic from my time in Lebanon, which was interrupted by the 1967, Six Day War.

 Coincidently, my brother-in-law’s Ernie’s father, Karem, was born in Lebanon and came to America as a child.  Karem was like an uncle with whom I could practice my few words of Arabic, and Ernie was like a brother.

 So, my background with the Middle East is probably more complete than most Americans.  I have seen the poverty at the camps South of Beirut resulting from the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes.  I have also seen the anger, even back then, at Israelis and the westerners supporting them.

 I have also seen the results of antisemitism in the death camps of Dachau in South Germany, and Auschwitz in Southeastern Poland.  These reminders of how a modern Christian country can turn to unspeakable barbarity should never be forgotten.

 And yet, we have antisemitic demonstrations, renewing this ancient prejudice, across the world, and ostensibly across our institutions of higher learning.  It makes one wonder will humanity ever learn?

 Ray Gruszecki
November 4, 2023

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Anti-Semitism and the Left Wing

 Anti-Semitism and the Left Wing

 Left-wing students and young people have been holding anti-Semitic demonstrations all over the world, and particularly at colleges and on the streets of U.S. cities.  (And in our congressional hearings).  These demonstrations are not only ant-Semitic, they are anti-Israel and pro the Hamas terrorists that butchered 1400+ innocent Israeli civilian men, women and children on October 7.

 In modern times, how did anti-Semitism migrate from tiki and AR carrying right wing extremists, ala Charlottesville, to mousy, purple-haired college student liberal coeds?  I embarked on some research to find out.

 There has been an undercurrent of anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews in the world since the biblical diaspora.  It has been prevalent throughout history.  This timeline refers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_antisemitism

 The referenced excellent article on the topic is from “The Conversation”, which I vetted to be an honest, balanced source.  It confirms that left-wing activists all over the world have become decidedly anti- Israeli and pro Hamas.  The article explains how this happened, but is a little light on elucidating why it happened.

 Quoting a few paragraphs:

 “Traditionally, antisemitism in the United States was promoted by far-right organizations and movements, such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi groups and skinheads. Such groups focused on propagating traditional antisemitic narratives alleging Jews’ racial inferiority, their control of the financial sector and their role in global cabals aiming to undermine America and Western civilization.

 More recently, progressive and left-leaning movements that are critical of Israel’s policies – especially with regard to the Palestinian population in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 – have become linked to antisemitic practices, too.

 In the U.S., our data shows that 95% of antisemitic incidents motivated by Israel’s policies were perpetrated by far-left or unidentified activists. Just 5% were perpetrated by known far-right activists.

 Thus, it is not surprising that following the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack, Jewish organizations on American campuses became the main targets of violent activism by Palestinian rights supporters.

 We find that antisemitic hate crimes are occurring especially in politically progressive areas of the country. The New York metropolitan area and the Northeast in general, and urban centers in Florida, California, the Northwest and the Midwest are experiencing the majority of antisemitic incidents.”


 Ray Gruszecki
October 31, 2023

Monday, October 30, 2023

Rules of War

 Rules of War

 Not even addressing the alarming antisemitic, pro-Hamas,  demonstrations that have popped up all over the world, the Biden government’s sophomoric “useful idiots” keep prattling on about “the rules of war” and “humanitarian aid”, as if the Israelis were cut from the same cloth as the barbarous Hamas butchers that slaughtered 1400 innocent men, women and children three weeks ago.   The Israeli military is moving to eliminate Hamas in Gaza.  It is a military operation, and not a sadistic, hate-filled, tortuous attack on civilians. 

 Being a “civilized” military, the Israelis seek to spare civilians and have warned them “to get out of Dodge”.  Hamas, on the other hand, hides behind innocent civilians such as emotion-provoking little girls, or hides under hospitals or other civilian targets.

 In these times of misinformation, AI generated propaganda and

Just plain lies, it’s hard to distinguish what’s really happening.

 Generally speaking, I would doubt almost anything coming from

Hamas.   The New York Times and other prestigious news sources

believed Hamas that Israeli bombed that hospital in Gaza and killed

500 innocent people, whereas, actually, a Hamas rocket backfired into the hospital parking lot.

 Netanyahu’s office has released some eye-witness accounts of the medieval horrors perpetrated by Hamas, including burnt and slaughtered infants in their cribs, brutal assassinations and torture of civilians and more.  Our Trey Yingst, a seasoned war reporter gave an emotion-filled walk-through report of the carnage in Southern Israel.  He said that he had never seen evidence of such brutality.

 And, other stories of the brutality and butchery of Hamas on October 7th keep emerging, such as the kidnapping, torture and beheading of Shani Louk, a young German-Israeli concert-goer.

 Reports are that these barbarians laughed and had a great time slaughtering women and children.  They even phoned and texted back to Gaza, proud of their accomplishments.


 Ray Gruszecki
October 30, 2023

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Can We Save Our Country?

 Can We Save Our Country?

 There are hopes that this completely inept, “woke”, politically correct administration of a weak, senile old buffoon of a party hack will soon be voted out of office and relegated to the dustbin of history.

 Then, one looks at the 2022 mid-terms, where something like “Cultural Marxism” based educational propaganda, rectification of the unconstitutional abortion law and equally unconstitutional bribes regarding student loans resulted in a democrat senate, and a barely republican house that can’t seem to choose and keep an effective speaker.

 And, even more disturbing are the recent demonstrations in our colleges and cities that are not in support of the innocent Israeli men, women and children butchered by Hamas terrorists 3 weeks ago.  The demonstrations are in support of the Hamas butchers as part of some twisted Marxist Critical Theory of oppressed and oppressor.

 Is there any hope for our country in the near term?  These people elect our president and congress, and they have not done very well recently.  Have they become so indoctrinated to Marxist socialism that they will completely destroy our country?

 We need a strong and charismatic president and equally charismatic legislators to change the direction of the country.  The one politician in the lead for the 2024 election is Donald Trump.  Will he lead from a jail cell?  Because that’s where his democrat enemies have contrived to put him, lead or no political lead.

 There is no sense in saying, “well, if Trump were president, Putin would have never invaded Ukraine, or the ayatollahs would never have given the OK for Hamas to invade and butcher civilians in Southern Israel.”  The first is probably true.  Not so sure about the more rabid Hamas.

 A any rate, we are headed for World War III because we elected an incompetent, arrogant, senile old political hack, and his sophomoric “woke” extremist handlers and minions, espousing and bumbling through their 1960’s and 1970’s socialist justice philosophies, rather than being animated by pragmatic domestic and foreign policies. 

 That’s right, World War III.  An increasingly modern and militaristic China is poised to take Taiwan by force.  Will a weak, mewling politically correct Biden administration and military do anything about it?  And if not, what is next? Philippines? And on and on in the Pacific, while Putin reconstitutes the old Soviet Union, and the ayatollah try to impose Shia Islam on the Middle East.. 

 Who’s to stop them?  Biden will barely mumble through tough-sounding speeches, with no teeth, written by his sophomoric social justice warriors, which will bounce off of the real adults in the world.

 Trump, with congressional majorities, could fix the country and stand up to its foreign adversaries, particularly if he could keep his mouth shut and his thumbs off the tweeter and Truth Social.  He had a great economy going during his first term, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit and the economy went in the toilet.  He got vaccines developed in nine months, for which few of his enemies gave him credit.  Also, the world was relatively peaceful during his four years in office, we had a real southern border, and crime in the cities was under control.

 Then, his collective enemies, political, media, legal, socio-economic ganged up and fixed the election against him by hiding and manipulating the real news that would have moved the election in his favor.  His reaction, protesting the results of the election were twisted into charges of insurrection, he was once again impeached by Nancy Pelosi and her minions. He has been mercilessly persecuted by his collective enemies ever since.  Although Trump is leading in the race for president in 2024, there are efforts by his collective enemies to prevent him from running.

 Lacking Trump, we need another Reagan, Lincoln, or one of the Roosevelts as executive, and real majorities in the house and senate.

 But dream on.  Even with a real leader as president, our country and its congress is so hate-filled and divided that it is doubtful that they will ever get anything positive done.

 Something has to be done to get our country out of this morass.  God-fearing people say that “God will provide”, and “in God’s time”.  Let’s pray that’s the case.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 29, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hamas Hiding Behind a Little Girl

 Hamas Hiding Behind a Little Girl

 Pretty, emotion-provoking Palestinian little girl from Gaza.

 Who would not immediately and viscerally respond to this little girl’s picture positively, and with sympathy for her and opprobrium for the nasty Israelis that are persecuting her family in Gaza?

 Forgotten are the burnt and mutilated bodies of infants butchered possibly by the cousins and uncles of this little girl two weeks ago.  All that the antisemitic, pro-Hamas world remembers are the results of bombings as the Israelis rightfully seek to eliminate the virulent Hamas terrorists from their enclaves in Gaza.

 And, of course, any discerning soul could see that this propaganda to elicit the world’s sympathy is exactly what Hamas intended.  After butchering 1300 innocent Israeli civilians, Hamas now hides in their tunnels in Gaza, or behind little girls like the one in the picture, to escape the justifiable wrath of the Israelis.

 The continually biased media has been, and continues to be complicit in the Hamas propaganda.  Reuters is normally balanced in their news coverage, but sadly, they seem to have joined the anti-Israeli propaganda parade.


 Ray Gruszecki
October 25, 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Cultural Marxism and Gen-Z

 Cultural Marxism and Gen-Z

 After observing riots and demonstrations by young people all over the world, but particularly in the U.S. and Europe, the question arises “what is the ideology or ideologies fueling and firing these demonstrations”?  How can young people possibly be demonstrating against Israel, and for the Hamas butchers that slaughtered more than 1300 innocent Israeli civilians?  And, the people demonstrating are the same ones who caused 25 deaths and billions in damages during the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots.

 An obvious answer is cultural Marxism opposing what they see as oppression of the Palestinians by Israel.

  “As Karl Marx’s ideological heirs in Communist nations struggled to transform his political legacy, his intellectual heirs on American campuses have virtually completed their own transformation from brash, beleaguered outsiders to assimilated academic insiders. It could be considered a success story for the students of class struggle, who were once regarded as subversives.”

 The Heritage Foundation summarizes:

 “The United States has successfully confronted Marxist attempts to derail it from its historic path of liberty and order. The multifaceted effort to defeat the enemy, generally referred to as the Cold War, concentrated many of the best minds in the country. In 1991, when the Soviet Union dissolved, many Americans and others around the globe justifiably believed that communism had been defeated.

 However, American Marxists, making use of the complacency that victory often produces, have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, they now seek to dismantle the foundations of the American republic by rewriting history; reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and houses of worship.  Unbalanced activist environmentalism and feminism, abortion on demand, LGBTQ++++ hegemony, and gender changes and mutilations are offshoots of cultural Marxism.  Societal oppression, real and manufactured, is thrown into the cultural Marxist mix.

 So, the ideology fueling youthful demonstrations and violence is sourced in the cultural Marxism being taught in our schools and colleges.  It hides behind euphemisms such as “Critical Race Theory”, “1619 Project”, or other less controversial course names, but peel back the cover-ups, and what do we find, “cultural Marxism”

 Unless Marxist thought is defeated again, today’s cultural Marxists will achieve what the Soviet Union never could: the subjugation of the United States to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology.


“With the end of the Cold War, many Americans justifiably believed communism had been defeated. But American Marxists have gained more influence than ever before.

 Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, these cultural Marxists want to distort America’s history and dismantle its very foundations.

 Unless Marxist ideas are defeated, their proponents will push the United States to follow a totalitarian ideology that obliterates freedom and opportunity.”

 Left-wing ideologues would like to cast cultural Marxism as some sort of far left-wing conspiracy theory.  In fact, it has its origins exactly 100 years ago in the controversial Frankfurt School of Philosophy and its views on Critical Theory.

 Socialist oriented retreads from previous generations, are now not only the movers and shakers of leftist political administrations, they are also the college professors who are teaching the principles of so-called “social justice”, which is really cultural Marxism hidden behind the course names.

 As the Heritage article points outs, if we don’t come to grips with this ever-encroaching cultural Marxism and take steps to root it out or curtail it, we will not have a viable country left.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 22, 2023

Polish Kielbasa Update

 Polish Kielbasa Update

 A Kielbasa as part of the Å›wiÄ™cony Easter basket was always a part of local Catholic Polish-American tradition when I was growing up in the Berkshires.  The kielbasy were homemade on local farms or special-ordered for Easter from small local meat markets. These kielbasy were garlicy, spiced and smoked a certain way.  

 As my world expanded through education, career and travel, I retained my taste for genuine Polish kielbasa, of the type that were sourced in Southeastern Poland, where my ancestors, and many of the Polish-Americans from the Berkshires originated, and where I visited in 2013.

 Long story short, after sampling Kielbasa from various locales, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Polish Chicago, and Southeastern Poland itself, for my taste, the best kielbasy I found were from Labuda’s Market in Wilbraham, Massachusetts.  Many kielbasa aficionados agreed.

 Earlier this year, Labuda’s suddenly closed, creating a drought among kielbasa lovers in New England and New York State, and as far away as Dallas in my case. I have subsequently learned that two other well-known meat markets and kielbasa makers in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, have also recently closed.  One was Sikorski’s (originally Winski’s), where I traded when I lived in New Jersey, and the other was Kiszka’s, also known as the West Nassau Meat Market. 

  I have gone online and have also asked friends and family about where to get good kielbasy now that Labuda’s is closed. 

 Bernat’s in Chicopee, Mass has a good reputation, but when I tried to order online, shipping was nearly $180 on a $60 order.  I plan on phoning them about this, and will consider this a “drive to” market when I’m in the area.

There is cooked kielbasa from Bernat’s sitting on my sister Joan’s kitchen cabinet in Savoy.  I believe that this is Bernat's Signature Kielbasa – Kielbasa Tarnowska.  Joan advises that this kielbasa is close to Labuda’s in taste and quality.

  The link is: https://www.bernatspolishdeli.com/

 I have tried Alex’s kiebasa. Pretty good, but not as good as Labuda’s.


 I have also tried Konopelski’s from Pennsylvania.  Very good, with taste and quality pretty close to Labuda’s.  A little salty and fatty, but that adds to the excellent taste overall.  The taste grew on me in succeeding days.  Alex’s was leaner and less salty, and that made it a little more bland.


 Another online Polish market with pretty good looking kielbasy I Polona Meat Market in Chicago.  They proffer a dry ice shipping container, and their shipping costs seem reasonable.  They have good descriptions of what the various kielbasy are about.  Look under “deli” and “smoked sausages”.  I’ll give them a try at some point in the future.


 Same for Piast Polish Market in Northern New Jersey.  Seems to have a good reputation, and has a good selection which they seem to carefully ship.  https://www.piast.com/pages/buy-kielbasa-online

 Polish Deli Online also looks good  https://www.polishdelionline.com/store/c3/Kielbasa.html#/

 So does this one in Pittsburg  https://www.polishfoodandgifts.com/polish-regular-kielbasa-wiejska-smoked-sausage-two-sticks/

 General comments on brands of kielbasa:


 Make your own kielbasy?  Looks like a decent recipe, with and without casings.

Find it online: https://thecookful.com/homemade-kielbasa/

 Ray Gruszecki
October 22, 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023

Cultural Marxism

 Cultural Marxism

 It is pretty evident, after observing the leftist political orientation of many of our young people, or gen-z generation, that they have been indoctrinated into cultural Marxism in our schools and colleges.  Exactly how did this happen?  Communism and virulent socialism died for most of the Western world as part of the European political upheavals of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, didn’t it?

 The point is that economic Marxism may have failed, but it was replaced by the cultural Marxism which invokes race, “social justice’, feminism, gender diversity and a plethora of other sociological issues as part of its continuing social mantra.

 What got me researching is to answer why so many of our young people support and demonstrate for anti-social, Marxist principles.

 This is a long read, but it is a pretty complete account of how our colleges and young people have been corrupted by cultural Marxism, and part of the reason that they demonstrate in support of the Hamas terrorist butchers, and not the innocent Israeli civilians.

 I also have a large print copy of this article.


 Ray Gruszecki
October 20, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Emerging from Dysfunction?

 Emerging from Dysfunction?

 What is wrong with this picture?

 Hamas terrorist butchers from Gaza attacked Israel and brutally murdered nearly 2000 civilians, - peaceful men, women and children, who were relaxing on a weekend.  Unspeakable atrocities against women and children were recorded by early observers.  Babies were not beheaded as originally posited and that went viral on the internet, but pictorial evidence of burnt and slain bodies of infants at Kfar Aza kibbutz were given to Secretary of State Blinken by Netanyahu’s office.

 With Israeli forces poised to react militarily against the Hamas terrorists, young gen-z activists around the world, have taken to the streets and are demonstrating.  For Israel and her slaughtered people?  No, against Israel and for the Hamas terrorist butchers.

 What is wrong with this young generation, who cannot distinguish true evil from political action?  Have they been that brainwashed in left-wing schools and colleges teaching Marxist ideologies?  Can they not see that the real agents backing the recent attacks on Israel are the Shia Iranian mullahs, whose aim is to destabilize the area and undo positive actions toward peace within the Abrahamic Peace Accords?

 I lived and worked in Southern Lebanon in the 1960’s with Palestinians displaced by the formation of Israel in 1948.  I have seen the camps and the breeding grounds for the hatred of Israel even back then.  Where I lived and worked, South of Sidon, has been Hezbollah country for the past 50 years.  Wars have been fought over this area since the Six Day War.

 So, I am probably more familiar with the Palestinian cause than most Americans, who blindly support Israel.  Millions of Palestinians were displaced by the formation of Israel in the aftermath of the holocaust and extermination of Jews by the Nazis during the second world war.  That does not excuse the current terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah from perpetrating their hatred and atrocities on modern Israel, the only really democratic country in the Middle East.

 After nearly two weeks, the attack and atrocities by Hamas on Israeli civilians is nearly lost in the din of anti-semitic propaganda developed by leftist activists and their fawning media lackeys.  Weak-kneed, mewling Joe Biden and his handlers and minions talk at the situation, and cite “humanitarian” concerns for the poor, oppressed Palestinians in Gaza, those same people that chose the Hamas terrorists to lead them.

 The situation was exacerbated by casualties at a Gaza hospital, proven after investigation to be caused by a Hamas home-made rocket falling back on itself.  But Hamas, of course, immediately blamed Israel, without any proof, and most of the world, led by a dishonest media added to the opprobrium against Israel.

 Now, as propaganda and misinformation continue to inflame the situation, Israel stands poised to send ground troops into Gaza (why haven’t they already?), and Hezbollah is stepping up attacks from Southern Lebanon, and threatening to escalate further.

 We have the weakest and most ineffective government that we have ever had in recent memory, being run roughshod by the likes of Putin in Europe, Xi Jinping in China, the Iranian mullahs and the Sunni militants in the Middle East, and various and sundry petty despots and dictators.  We have a weak, vacillating senile old puppet hack, being manipulated by sophomoric left-wing socialist retreads from the 1960’s and 1970’s.  And, not to spare the other useful idiots, we have a majority party in the House that cannot choose a Speaker.

 Where is the charismatic leaders and the legislators and judges that have the political acumen to lead us out of the divisive hatred that has overtaken the country?  Will it be Trump, leading in the polls, but from a possible jail cell imposed by his persecutors?  Or young Vivek Ramaswamy, full of vitality and rhetoric?  Or Nikki Haley, drawing on her experience as Governor and UN Ambassador?  Or Bobby Kennedy Jr., drawing on the famous name and his own almost libertarian politics?

 Someone has to save our country before we succumb to hatred, incompetence and stupidity.  Those who are religiously inclined believe that our country is God given, and that God will save us.  We are almost at the point where only God and a strong faith can prevail over the many destructive ills.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 19, 2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hamas Attack on Israel

Hamas Attack on Israel

 Virtually nobody seems to give a “fiddler’s f---" about the atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist organization Hamas, on innocent Israeli civilians last Saturday.  Rumors magnifying the atrocities abound.

 Oh, there have been windy analyses of why Israeli and U.S. intelligence could not have seen how Hamas was able to develop the command and control mechanisms to mount such a devastating attack.  Some blame Israeli complacency and political infighting, and even their laxness during a religious holiday.

 And it seems that the Murdoch right-oriented media covered the attacks truthfully and honestly, while those to the left of the spectrum seemed to make excuses for the Hamas terrorists.  Several left-wing mobs on several college campuses such as Harvard, supported the Hamas terrorists, and not the Israeli victims.

 One egregious account of the atrocities committed by Hamas relates to the killing and beheading of babies at Kfar Aza kibbutz.  Sources were IDF Major Nir Dinar who was early on the scene, I24 reporter Nicole Zedek, and later, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Some news outlets covered this story.  Others refrained. 

 The IDF will not confirm that Babies were beheaded, or that Israeli women were raped.  This story could have been an embellishment after the IDF soldiers saw the horror of murdered Israeli women and children at Kfar Aza kibbutz.  However, Nicole Zedek, a reliable I24 reporter, continues to insist that she saw beheaded babies “with her own eyes”.

 On Friday, October 13, Netanyahu’s office released three photos of dead babies on “X”, which they showed to Blinken.  Two are burned and charred beyond recognition.  The third is of a baby’s body, with the head area bloody but fogged out.  These pictures look genuine and are pretty horrible.  Some have said that in these times of AI, they could be AI generated misinformation.  I find this to be inconceivable.

  The emergence of anti-Semitism on American and world university campuses and city streets is truly alarming after Hamas butchered over 1300 Israeli civilians.  It points to the unmitigated rot that our “higher education” , (and some of our society), has become.  It is little wonder that we continue to slide into dangerous and corrosive political ideologies that we thought were long ago relegated to the dust bin of history. 

 Ray Gruszecki
October 13, 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Summary - Arab Israeli Conflict

 This is a summary of what the Israel-Palestinian conflict is about.

 Oct 10 (Reuters) - The fighting between Israel and Hamas, which launched a surprise attack on Saturday, is the latest in seven decades of war and conflict between Israelis and Palestinians that has drawn in outside powers and destabilised the wider Middle East.


The conflict pits Israeli demands for security in what it has long regarded as a hostile region against Palestinian aspirations for a state of their own.

 Israel's founding father David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the modern State of Israel on May 14, 1948, establishing a safe-haven for Jews fleeing persecution and seeking a national home on land to which they cite deep ties over generations.

 Palestinians lament Israel's creation as the Nakba, or catastrophe, that resulted in their dispossession and blocked their dreams of statehood.

 In the war that followed, some 700,000 Palestinians, half the Arab population of what was British-ruled Palestine, fled or were driven from their homes, ending up in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria as well as in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

 Israel, a close U.S. ally, contests the assertion it drove Palestinians from their homes and points out it was attacked by five Arab states the day after its creation. Armistice pacts halted the fighting in 1949 but there was no formal peace.

 Palestinians who stayed put in the war today form the Arab Israeli community, making up about 20% of Israel's population.


In 1967, Israel made a pre-emptive strike against Egypt and Syria, launching the Six-Day War. Israel has occupied the West Bank, Arab East Jerusalem, which it captured from Jordan, and Syria's Golan Heights ever since.

 In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israeli positions along the Suez Canal and Golan Heights, beginning the Yom Kippur War. Israel pushed both armies back within three weeks.

 Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 and thousands of Palestinian fighters under Yasser Arafat were evacuated by sea after a 10-week siege. In 2006, war erupted in Lebanon again when Hezbollah militants captured two Israeli soldiers and Israel retaliated.

 In 2005 Israel quit Gaza, which it had captured from Egypt in 1967. But Gaza saw major flare-ups in 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2021 that involved Israeli air raids and Palestinian rocket fire, and sometimes also cross border incursions by either side.

 As well as wars, there have been two Palestinian intifadas or uprisings between 1987-1993 and again in 2000-05. The second saw waves of Hamas suicide bombings against Israelis.


In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty, ending 30 years of hostility. In 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat shook hands on the Oslo Accords on limited Palestinian autonomy. In 1994, Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan.

 The Camp David summit of 2000 saw President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Arafat fail to reach a final peace deal.

 In 2002, an Arab plan offered Israel normal ties with all Arab countries in return for a full withdrawal from the lands it took in the 1967 Middle East war, creation of a Palestinian state and a "just solution" for Palestinian refugees.

 Peace efforts have been stalled since 2014, when talks failed between Israelis and Palestinians in Washington.

 Palestinians later boycotted dealings with the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump since it reversed decades of U.S. policy by refusing to endorse the two-state solution - the peace formula that envisages a Palestinian state established in territory that Israel captured in 1967.


The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has focused on trying to secure a "grand bargain" in the Middle East that includes normalisation of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, custodian of Islam's two holiest shrines.

 The latest war is diplomatically awkward for Riyadh as well as for other Arab states, including some Gulf Arab states next to Saudi Arabia, that have signed peace deals with Israel.


A two-state solution, Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem, and refugees are at the core of the dispute.

 Two-state solution - an agreement that would create a state for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip alongside Israel. Hamas rejects the two-state solution and is sworn to Israel's destruction. Israel has said a Palestinian state must be demilitarised so as not to threaten Israel.

 Settlements - Most countries deem Jewish settlements built on land Israel occupied in 1967 as illegal. Israel disputes this and cites historical and Biblical ties to the land. Their continued expansion is among the most contentious issues between Israel, the Palestinians and the international community.

 Jerusalem - Palestinians want East Jerusalem, which includes sites sacred to Muslims, Jews and Christians, to be the capital of their state. Israel says Jerusalem should remain its "indivisible and eternal" capital. Israel's claim to the eastern part of Jerusalem is not recognised internationally. Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital – without specifying the extent of its jurisdiction in the disputed city - and moved the U.S. embassy there in 2018.

 Refugees - Today about 5.6 million Palestinian refugees - mainly descendants of those who fled in 1948 - live in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza. About half of registered refugees remain stateless, according to the Palestinian foreign ministry, many living in crowded camps.

 Palestinians have long demanded that refugees should be allowed to return, along with millions of their descendants. Israel says any resettlement of Palestinian refugees must occur outside of its borders.

 Compiled by Reuters journalists; Editing by Edmund Blair

Ray Gruszecki
October 10, 2023

Monday, September 25, 2023

I love this country

 I love this country.

 I loved it as a small-town kid in the 1940’s during the Second World War.

 I loved it in the 1950’s during the Korean War, while I was in the local high school and in college in Boston.

 I loved it as a young engineer working and living in New York City, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and verbally defending this country to foreigners.

 I continued to love this country through the years, as my political acumen matured.

 And, I love this country now, in spite of a specific, concerted effort to bring it to ruin by the current administration.

 What Joe Biden, and his handlers and his minions have done to destroy this country in three years of their inept and incompetent government is almost beyond belief.  (I cite handlers and minions because Biden himself is demonstrably incapable of effecting any sort of coherent governance himself, because of age and senility.)

 I have always considered myself a fair person, and as such, I try to understand both sides of the political spectrum.  To be honest, I find less bullshit on the libertarian and the conservative right side of politics than I find to the democrat left, which these days borders on socialism/communism.

 My origins are blue-collar, and my mother was a staunch Franklin Roosevelt democrat.  Also, as a young man, I worked on the farms and in the textile mills of New England as an integral part of the working class.  So, by background, I could be a credentialled left-wing democrat, if I chose to be.

But wait!  Education and experience did not support my left-wing origins.  It became evident to me, early on, that in the political sphere, the promises and platforms of the democrat left were much more amorphous and fleeting than those of the republican right.  Both lied and twisted things, but it seemed to me that the democrat lies and corruption were much more egregious than those of the republicans.  

 So, I voted mostly republican in the past, but sometimes “split ticket”, and I voted for a democrat for president several times. These days, I consider myself to be to the republican or conservative or libertarian right of politics.

 I have had my differences and disagreements with the various administrations through the years, probably more so with the administrations of Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, than those of Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes or Trump.  As expected, theses differences were of a more rational political nature than the divisive, destructive type that we now have.

 We have become a divided and an uncivilized country!  Whereas once, we could debate issues (other than race), in a mostly rational, civilized manner, we now shout “aux barricades”, and take to violent actions, it seems, over the most trivial of disagreements.  It is truly sad to see hatred and divisiveness supplant the lofty ideals of our founders that sustained this country for over 200 years

 And, we have no effective governing body to stop or curtail any and all manner of egregious violent divisive infractions.  If we don’t shape up and restore some of our founding principles, we will not have much of a country left!

 Joe Biden was elected from his basement in Delaware, as the “elder statesman”, or “voice of reason”, after the controversial, in-your-face, tweeting, Trump.  Biden’s pitch was “a return to reason”, and rational government, after his nearly 50 years in Washington.  Forgotten, or swept under the rug, were the gaffes, lies, plagiarisms and rank incompetence of this man through the years.  The democrats elected Biden and an equally inept Kamala Harris, in a Covid and electoral rules tainted election.

 Some have said that what Biden and his administration have done is aimed at wrecking our country, doing away with long-standing constitutional principles, and instituting democrat party hegemony forever.  At first, this seemed incongruous and far-out.  But as this Biden government progressed, it became apparent that this is exactly what they were doing, abrogating the constitution and our two-party system for political power.

 Well, it did not take long for Biden’s true colors as a “Bernie Sanders style” socialist puppet to emerge.  We had some inkling during Biden’s first days in office when he vindictively piled on 30 plus executive orders undoing every positive thing that Trump ever accomplished, and replacing these with socialist order after socialist order.

 And that was just the start!  What are more of Joe Biden’s and his sophomoric handlers’ doings?

 We have Soros-funded, ineffective, democrat-run, city governments and defunded police that show more concern for criminals than their victims, and practice “catch and release”, even for repeat offenders.  Recidivism is rampant.

 We have massive illegal migration across our southern border.

Recent numbers of undocumented immigrants entering the U.S. are as high as 11,000 per day, or 304,000 per month. There are currently 16.8 million illegals in the country, up 2.3 million since Joe Biden took office.  And; where are the media reports on this untenable migrant situation along the southern border? Were it not for Fox News and a few other news outlets, the country would have no idea what’s happening there.

Everything costs more, and inflation runs rampant.  The numbers say that inflation is abating, but we don’t see it in grocery or gas prices.  $100 of groceries, pre-Biden, now costs $120-130.  Gasoline was $1.80/gal, now is $3.80/gal.

 Biden and his minions have decimated our energy industry in their misguided, sophomoric rush to replace effective fossil fuels with unproven and ill-conceived replaceables and electric power that they think just magically appears at plug-ins across the country. 

 There is nothing wrong with using wind, hydro and other replaceable sources for part of our energy requirements, and electrical plug-ins for limited local automotive use, but relying on EV’s as primary transportation across our vast country is ludicrous, and indeed, sophomoric.  Where are the adults in this government?

 Biden’s administration has continued the racist policies started under the Obama administration that posits that racial discrimination is our greatest societal issue.  This is in spite of the substantial gains toward racial integration of our 12-13% black Americans begun in the 1960’s by Dr. Martin Luther King, and continuing for over 60 years.  This acceptance and inclusion of black Americans as a full and equal part of our society is being undone by seizing on and magnifying the tragic but anecdotal deaths of several black Americans.  This return to active racism has resulted in riots, deaths and physical destruction of our cities, to the defunding our police, and the resultant additional lawlessness as a result of this defunding.

 We have LGBTQ+++++ aberrations thrust into our faces continuously as paragons, rather than outliers of human behavior.  Equal rights for those of all sexual preference should de extant, but not the continued elevation of certain sexual proclivities to honored positions in society.

 But what has happened over roughly the last seventy years, primarily by actions of the political left,  and now most recently exacerbated by Joe Biden and his handlers and minions, is that nearly every human aberration that once was considered unlawful, illegal, out of bounds or “sinful”, has been liberalized, and not only made part of mainstream life, but elevated to the status of exemplary, behavior.  Society is inundated and bombarded with all manner of deviancy, whether the ever-expanding LGBTQ++++ cliques demanding special privileges, legalization of all manner of historically illicit drugs and other substances, catch and release of criminals in our courts, enfranchisement of people that are in the country illegally, or a myriad of other abuses that are being flaunted and thrown in law-abiding faces every day by the “politically correct”, “woke” liberal mob.

 The mainstream media is a propaganda arm of the Biden government who cover up these abuses in their blind obeisance to the left wing.  Some outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, National Review, Wall Street Journal, NY Post and a few others report the real news.  Most of the rest of the media seem to be reading from a script prepared for them by the Biden press office.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 25, 2023

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Origins and Politics

 Origins and Politics

 My mother was born in Poland early in the 20th century, and legally immigrated to Chicago to join her sister.  She travelled to the U.S.  in steerage of the ocean liner Rijndam, along with myriad other immigrants from Europe.  She became an American citizen in the 1930’s.  She had the equivalent of an eighth-grade education in Europe.  She was a Roman Catholic and a Roosevelt democrat. 

 My father came from a hard-scrabble New England farm family whose parents also originally emigrated from Poland.  He was one of five living siblings.  One other died.  He had an eighth-grade education before he went to work to help support his family.  To the best of my knowledge, my father was areligious and apolitical, and relied on himself in life.  He would quip that the WPA of Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration actually stood for “We Poke Around”.

 I started doing odd jobs and farm work at age twelve, and had a full-time, eight hours a day, forty hours a week, full time job in a cotton mill while enrolled in the scientific course in high school.  In addition to work and school, I embarked on a search for the meaning of life by reading everything that I could find on theology, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and on and on.

 I was raised as a working class Catholic, and was immersed in this life.  In the meantime, I was observing some of the hypocrisy of the conservative Polish Catholic church that my family attended, while learning about other belief systems, and in fact about the lack of a personal belief system.  I also was part of the blue-collar working world, and gained an appreciation of the working man’s view of life.

 From all of this I concluded that I personally was not able to sustain any particular belief system or religion, so I became agnostic.  As far as the working class was concerned, I appreciated and sympathized with some views, but I personally, did not want to continue as a blue-collar worker for the rest of my life.  There were two avenues out of this.  The military and college.  Since I finished third in my high school class of one hundred plus, I was directed toward college and engineering by the principle of my high school.

 Politically, early on, I was independent and self-reliant, so I trended away from the socialist camp and more toward the libertarian and conservative, where I pretty much still sit some eighty years later.

 I eventually returned to Christianity, not as a Catholic, but as a practicing Methodist.

 So, I consider myself an intellectual and an open-minded person who tries to cut through the bullshit of modern life, both right and left.  Finding more bullshit and nonsense to the left of politics, I normally find more reality to the right.

 Ray Gruszecki
September, 2023