Thursday, August 26, 2021

Afghanistan Terrorist Attack


Afghanistan Terrorist Attack

 Upwards of 100 people, including 13 American marines and soldiers were killed by a complex terrorist suicide attack this morning at the HKIA in Kabul, Afghanistan.

 As with many issues with respect to Afghanistan, this tragedy was met with many hours of silence from Joe Biden, followed by a press conference read from teleprompters by a pathetic, bumbling, senile old man, struggling to maintain continuity from the material prepared for him.

 In the Q & A following, also prepared for him, old Joe again elicited sympathy for his son Beau, and stubbornly and antagonistically defended his administration’s botched pullout of U.S. forces in completely the wrong order.  He also defended acceding to the terrorist Taliban as partners in Afghanistan.

This is what we get, as president, when people vote against the incumbent’s abrasive personality and too true tweets, rather than his patriotism and love of our country, and his actual accomplishments, and not his sometimes blunt, rhetoric.  We get a pathetic, inept old man who never showed a modicum of competence in his nearly 50 years in government, and who has historically and consistently been on the wrong side of major issues.

 Joe Biden has continuously hidden his glaring incompetence.  First, in the senate; then behind Obama; later, in his basement. Even as “president”, behind the biased, fawning media, and behind his stubbornness and arrogance and “grandpa Joe” b.s.  Well, he can’t hide from 13 dead soldiers and marines, and countless other dead and wounded because of his stupid, precipitous pull-out from Afghanistan, and his ill-conceived reliance on the terrorist Taliban for security.

  Not much we can do about such rank incompetence, even if American blood is spilled.  Invoke the 25th and remove Joe for inability to perform the duties of the President?  Yeah, but do we really want “giggling Gertie” as President?  She seems even more incompetent than old Joe.

 We are in a quandary.  All we can hope to do is prevent the miniscule democrat-socialist majority from ruining our senate filibuster and other traditions for another year or so, then voting these socialist idiots out and using the new congressional majority to curtail Biden’s attempted power grab.

 Just for grins, this clip is how a real president responds to something like the above terrorist attack. 

 Ray Gruszecki
August 26, 2021

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