Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hidin’ Biden


Hidin’ Biden

 Even among his own democrat colleagues, Joe Biden has been known as a low intellect, mostly wrong action, political hack.  Biden successfully pretty much hid in the Senate for 36 years, and as Obama’s vice president, for 8 years.  When not hiding, he became known for his bad decisions and gaffes.

 He continued to hide in his Delaware basement during the 2020 presidential campaign, while half the country, alive and dead, and cyber, voted against President Trump’s personality and tweets, and not his accomplishments.  Biden continued to hide behind a fawning, biased media for seven months, while the country crumbles around him.

 Finally, the magnitude of his incompetence, and that of his almost as incompetent advisors, could no longer be hidden or ignored.  These unmitigated idiots precipitously withdrew all of our military out of Afghanistan, while leaving 10-12,000 Americans, upwards of 80-100,000 Afghani allies, and somewhere around $80 billion of military equipment behind.

 Then they had to put 5000+ troops back into Kabul, and a virtually indefensible, one-runway airport, to evacuate our people, asking the Taliban’s acquiescence and permission to do this.

 Unbelievably, in this digital age, with encrypted cloud database capability and all the technological trappings, our State Department and military do not know how many people or how much equipment they left behind.

 I personally have seen our State Department do incredibly stupid things, to the point that if you need help overseas, avoid the U.S. embassy and consulates.  See the Canadians, or Aussies or Brits.  I have many examples.

 So, what we have here is our vaunted State Department, as above, negotiating with the barbaric 6th century Taliban, about the evacuation of nearly 100,000 people, and with a Biden defined, and Taliban upheld, cut-off date of August 31.  What could go wrong?  Anybody see a problem here?  Biden and his handlers opine that all is fine.

 In this worst foreign policy disaster, ever, for the U.S., we could end up with thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies killed or held as hostage.  This makes the Iranian hostage crisis and the Bay of Pigs look like afternoon tea parties.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 24, 2021

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