Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Covid Variants and Control


Covid Variants and Control

 Vaccination against Covid has been consistently recommended across the medical, scientific and political spectrum as soon as vaccines were available, except that left-wing politicians disparaged the Trump inspired and developed vaccines, early on, thereby casting public doubt on the efficacy of the vaccines.  In spite of the mixed signals, upwards of 70% of Americans have now had at least one vaccination against Covid.

 Wearing masks to protect other than the wearer from the Covid virus was only reluctantly accepted by many people on the right of politics, particularly in rural areas, but almost religiously adopted by Biden and his leftist backers to the point of virtue signaling ridicule.

 Then, the country was told with typical Biden arrogance, that the democrats defeated Covid, and the country could remove their masks.  No laws had been passed about mandating masks. The rule was just one of the mountain of “executive orders” prepared by his minions, and signed by Joe Biden.

 So, most of us got vaccinated, scrapped the masks, and were getting on with our lives.  But wait!  Here comes the “delta variant” or “zeta variant”, or “whatever” variant, and another chance for our sheepherding fascio-socialistic “leaders” to exert their control over the ovine masses by ordering that they again wear masks, vaccinated, or not.

 People are just weary.  Weary of poor old, stumbling, fumbling Joe Biden, Weary of Biden’s socialist handlers, weary of Covid, Weary of Dr. Fauci, weary of Nancy Pelosi, weary of masks, weary of the fascist heavy-handed democrat socialists that are abrogating our freedoms.

 The republicans say “wait until the mid-terms”.  But they should not forget, that very shrewd and ruthless left-wing operatives like Stacy Abrams, managed to flip two Georgia senate seats, and turn the state blue.  Other swing states were similarly tweaked.  It’s not “cool” to discuss how the democrats and their media and big tech accomplices colluded to literally steal the last election from President Trump and the republicans by leveraging Covid intra-state aberrations, and then make it censored “disinformation” to even discuss the subject. 

 The democrats and their minions are literally Machiavellian, scheming and dishonest.  They seem hell-bent on achieving a one-party, totalitarian socialist system.  Republicans need to be prepared, and stop always being the honest nice guys and suckers for left-wing socialist operatives.  If republicans don’t get their act together, we’ll be calling each other “comrade”, and every aspect of our lives will be controlled by a socialist/communist totalitarian government like that of China.

Ray Gruszecki
August 3, 2021

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