Saturday, August 21, 2021

Continuing Disaster in Afghanistan


Continuing Disaster in Afghanistan

 Your Executive and State Department in action.

 I wonder if they affixed U.S. flag notices on property of Americans to ward off looting, like they did in Beirut after the Six Day War.  Or tried to confiscate U.S. passports, as in Beirut?

 I’ll reiterate my thoughts as an experienced expatriate who lived extensively overseas in my younger life.  If you need help as an American national overseas, avoid the U.S. Embassy or consulates, if possible.  They will inevitably make the situation worse.  Try other English speakers, like the Canadians or Australians or British or Irish first.

 Don’t believe me?  Who was responsible for 52 American hostages being held by the Iranian mullahs for over a year? – The American embassy in Tehran.  Also, a little-known fact by the sheep that follow our biased news, - who managed to get six Americans out of Iran during that crisis? – The Canadians, not our diplomatic corps.  If we recall, our military tried to free the 52 hostages, was micro-managed by a well-meaning, but inexperienced Jimmy Carter, and failed spectacularly.

 What an unmitigated disaster for our country!  Not only the monumental, egotistical stupidity of withdrawing our military first and leaving our citizens and allies and billions of dollars of up-to-date military equipment behind, but practically begging the Taliban savages to go back in and evacuate our people, and then confining our troops to the airport (wrong one), while the Taliban play their barbarous games with our people trying to get into the airport.

 I have very little hope of getting 10-12,000 Americans, and upwards of 80,000 Afghani allies out of Afghanistan through the barbaric 6th century savage Taliban lines, if people like vacuous Joe, rock ‘n roll Blinken and “woke” Milley are calling the shots.  We may stand some chance of getting some of them out if we let the 82nd Airborne “screaming eagles” do their jobs unhampered by the clowns in Washington.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 21, 2021

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