Monday, August 30, 2021

Military Out


Military Out

 After Joe Biden’s and his handler’s disastrous, wrong sequence withdrawal from the country, our military is once again out of Afghanistan after being redeployed at Kabul airport to get as many Americans and Afghan allies out of Afghanistan, as possible.  They lost 13 soldiers and marines and hundreds of civilians to an ISIS-K suicide bomber, but, according to Centcom Commanding General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., they evacuated some 122,000 people, including 5,400 Americans since August 14.  There are hundreds of Americans, and thousands of SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) Afghans, who are stranded in Afghanistan, in spite of Jen Psaki’s dislike of the word “stranded”.

 Our military performed professionally and flawlessly, as is normal for the 82nd Airborne and affiliates.  They got a particularly tough and dangerous job done within the arbitrary time limits acceded to by the politicians in Washington. 

 General McKenzie advised that the military mission to evacuate our people is over, but “diplomatic efforts” by the State Department will continue.  What are the chances that our “rock ‘n roll” Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, will be successful?  Let’s remember, that this is the same State Department that brought us the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, where 52 Americans were held hostage for more than a year, and which has almost as bad a record of fouling things up for expatriate Americans as Joe Biden has as president.

 The fate of the Americans left in Afghanistan is dire.  Another hostage crisis looms.  Even worse is the lot of the Afghan friends that helped us in the war against the Taliban.

 And let’s not forget, that we are back to Afghanistan under the 7th century, Sharia law, Taliban, as a safe haven for every America-hating Islamic terrorist in the world, just like it was 20 years ago. when Bin Laden and Al Qaeda knocked down the twin towers.  Except now, the Taliban have some $80 billion worth of modern armaments and equipment that kindly “Grandpa Joe” left them.

 Nice going, Joe Biden.  You are beyond mediocrity.  You are incompetent, stupid opinionated (the wrong way), and arrogant.  You are ruining our country, just like you pretty much ruined everything you touched during your whole career.  If it were only senility, it might elicit some sympathy.  But, it’s an overarching ego and stubbornness and resistance to “your way”, that causes disasters like this botched Afghanistan pull-out, and the piles of “executive orders” that are destroying the country.  

 Ray Gruszecki
August 30, 2021

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