Sunday, August 15, 2021

Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster


Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster

 It is difficult to describe the ineptness of Joe Biden and his amateurish socialist administration without cursing and use of profanity.  The latest Biden sponsored disaster is the precipitous and ill-conceived surrender of Afghanistan to the savage, sixth century, Taliban.

 This is a look at the loss of lives and costs of the Afghan war.  Not included is the takeover of modern military weaponry by the Taliban.

 This is just the latest and most egregious bad decision by the senile Biden (actually by his handlers).  Simply put, everything these incompetent clowns touch turns to crap, and the acquiescing media pats grandpa Joe on the head, with glowing accolades to his ineptitude.

 Biden will go down in history as absolutely the worst president ever, at least in modern times.  Jimmy Carter came close, but Jimmy Carter was not a politician.  Carter was a nice guy, a nuclear engineer and a peanut farmer.  Jimmy just could not translate his innate altruism into an effective presidency.  Biden has nearly 50 years in national politics, and he is not a docile old grandpa, as the dems would have us believe.  Biden is an arrogant old blowhard, and always has been.  Now, senility makes him even more cranky and belligerent (and stupid).

 Ray Gruszecki
August 15, 2021

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