Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Further on Afghanistan


Further on Afghanistan

 How do you sheep that followed the libeal herd against those biting Trump tweets like to see our country humiliated again by incompetent idiots? Was it worth believing all the leftist lies and propaganda against a controversial, but patriotic and pragmatic businessman, president, and electing an inept empty shell ?

 Well, now we understand Obama’s dismissiveness and comments about Biden “f---ing things up. And also, Biden’s reluctance to come out of his basement during the campaign.  The man is incompetent, has always been incompetent, and now is senile, cranky, and even more arrogant than in his long and undistinguished career as a political hack.  Pity our poor country under this idiot, our giggling VP, our “rock ‘n roll” secretary of state, and all the other Marxist and flower child retreads of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s.

 Maybe we should send some of our newly minted “woke” or “gender aware” types to negotiate the release of the reported upwards of 10,000 Americans out of Afghanistan.  Perhaps they can instruct our Taliban adversaries in the fine points of “equity” and “critical race theory” when dealing with their American and Afghani hostages.

 It is so sad, that it is even beyond satire and irony.  A saving grace is that the 82nd Airborne is evacuating people out of Kabul.  Their presence and activities there are encouraging, if Biden and the top brass allow them to do the job without political interference.  We can only hope for the best, but we have to realize that the Taliban are in a brutal world of their own, and will only co-operate if they see a twisted advantage, which they may, in fact, infer from holding or killing hostages.  

 Ray Gruszecki
August 18, 2021

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