Monday, August 30, 2021

Swinging Way Left with Biden


Swinging Way Left with Biden

 Well, you Biden voters, you voted out President Trump’s patriotism, no-nonsense personality and pithy tweets.  What you got in return is a patently incompetent Joe Biden, who can’t hide in the senate anymore, as he did for 36 years, or behind Obama, as he did for 8 years, or eating ice cream behind a biased, fawning media as he did for the first seven months of his “presidency”.

 Biden’s stupidity, incompetence, stubbornness and arrogance concerning the Afghan withdrawal is in the open for all to see.  The left-wing media would dearly love to paper it over, as they have Biden’s southern border crisis, Biden’s crime crisis, Biden’s inflation crisis, and myriad other crises that Biden has f----ed up, in the once uttered words of the saintly Obama.  The Afghanistan crisis, with hundreds of Americans, thousands of Afghan allies, and upwards of $80 billion of modern arms left to the Taliban, cannot so easily be dismissed.

 Closer to home, has anyone shopped for groceries or bought gas recently?  Anecdotally, 100 Biden dollars worth of groceries now, seven months ago, cost about 75 Trump dollars.  Gasoline? 30 Biden dollars was worth about 20 Trump dollars last year.  Similar across our economy.  And these mavens of the economy want to spend another $3.5 trillion that they don’t have?

 In case no one has noticed it, our country is crumbling around these democrat-socialist’s ears.  Our society and culture are being rotted away by Marxist infusions such as Critical Race Theory, the 1619 project, Black Lives Matter, intersectionality, “wokeness”, cancel culture, and other “social justice” sounding tenets steeped in Marxism, which are, in fact, “hate America”, and dissolve its founding principles, then rebuild it as defined by Marx, Engels, Dewey, Marcuse and others.  

 Our schools and universities have become indoctrination centers for Marxist curricula even more extant than this trend in the past. Lenin and Trotsky could not have orchestrated it better.

 Our national identity and integrity are impossible with virtually no southern border, and “come-one, come-all” immigration policy, with no vetting, and regardless of anti-American ideology.

 Crime is rampant in our citis because many democrat-run cities have defunded their police departments.  Nancy Pelosi guides our congress to chase after January 6 “insurrectionists”, while ignoring continuous BLM and Antifa predations during the long summer of 2020.

 An atheistic secularity is replacing religious beliefs concomitant with the Marxist style socialism being taught in our schools.  We are fast becoming a country of non-believers, rather than “one nation under God”.

 We can hope that these effects are the result of a swing of the pendulum to the left, and that it will swing back, as it has many times before.  To that end, we really need to ensure that the current Marxist movement does not irreversibly turn our country into a one-party, totalitarian dictatorship, by weakening or destroying our constitution, bill of rights and other hallowed traditions.  For example, eliminating the current senate filibuster rule where 60 votes are required for major legislation, would allow the 50/50 senate democrats to run rampant with majority only, 51-50 votes, to pass all manner of debilitating rules and laws.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 30, 2021

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